advocacy of violence antifeminism demonspawn men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA playing the victim reddit

Men’s Rights Redditor Advocates Violence Against Cops — Again

Advocating violence is allegedly against the rules in the Men’s Rights subreddit. Just don’t tell it to these guys! (Or the people upvoting them.)


As I’ve noted before, Demonspawn is fairly regular violator of this particular rule — as evidenced here, here, and, oh yeah, here. (And check the archives for even more Demonspawn terribleness that stops short of advocacy of murder.)

When I asked the r/mensrights mods some months back why they didn’t just ban him for his repeated violations, you may recall, this happened:


Hey, Mens Rightsers, if you don’t want to be associated with violence, perhaps you should, you know, disassociate yourself from those who advocate violence — seriously, repeatedly, and definitely not as a joke.

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12 years ago

How can the parents stop that? Isn’t it the employer that sends the money directly to the person it is owed, with no ability of the deadbeat parent to stop that?

They hide their money and use trickery to under-report their earnings, to spite their ex. I personally know two men who have done this. One of them funneled money into a separate bank account that he kept in another state. He did contract work and was also not declaring his full pay to the IRS. Never got caught, never got in trouble for it. I guarantee you that for every deadbeat who ends up in prison, there are many more deadbeats who never get caught and never give their kids a dime.

12 years ago

“May they walk in dog shit and land on a Lego underneath.”

May I never have Kitteh mad at me!

12 years ago

When my aunt got divorced, her husband transferred all of his assets to his parents’ names and had his boss pay him under the table. Aunt works three jobs and has to sell plasma to pay rent, but if she took him to court for child support all anyone would see si that on paper he has nothing. She’d have to pay him.

All because he’s a shitty father. Go figure.

(For the record, I know single dads and dads who are GREAT with their kids.)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

LOL freitag, I think the chances are infinitesimally small!

12 years ago

@ whataboutthemoonz

And how shameful that his boss not only condoned that move but assisted him.

But what am i saying, society and all employers are totally in the pocket of feminists, guys!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help


redundant words, I haz them

12 years ago

@ Bee
I am not familiar with US law, I should have specified that I was thinking about Canadian law. It’s hard for a lot of good divorced fathers to get to see their kids here, and I believe it comes from a time when women were necessarily the care giver. But it may be different in the US.

12 years ago

Oh man, if there is one thing the courts love, it’s the legal theories of conspiracy nutjobs. Personally, I’d start with “No, no, you see, this summons is addressed to DEADBEAT Q. PAYMENTDODGER and I am clearly Deadbeat Q. Paymentdodger.” Then possibly a round of making token payments in increasingly bizarre methods, like in gold dust or goats or something, THEN you assault an officer and represent yourself in court. Once in court, you keep on screaming about the Constitution no matter how many times the judge tells you he is not going to be making any rulings on Constitutional matters, and don’t forget to call the cops mobsters right to the judge’s face.

You don’t always get internet in jail, so have the other MRAs send you money for paper and stamps. Your manifesto must reach the masses!

12 years ago

There’s a rather odious character I know who didn’t pay a single cent in child support or even so much as attempt to stay in his son’s life because his ex-wife stipulated that he had to be sober when visiting with his son. This jackass felt it was such a terrible thing to not smoke his dope for *gasp* an entire weekend *gasp* so. He could spend time with his own child. Flash forward to 15 years later and he’s not only an embittered MRA type, he has also tried (unsuccsessfully) to convince his son that the inheritance the kid received from his grandfather was rilly,rilly, truly from *him*… but that his ex-wife and her mother faked the whole thing so the kid wouldn’t know. His son, I’m happy to say, doesn’t want much to do with his idiot father.

These guys and their selfish egos… It’s never that they’re just irresponsible assholes, is it? Nope. It’s a feminist wimminz CONSPIRACY1!!1!!!!1

12 years ago

I have a hard time with MRAs yammering about divorce laws because in so many states it’s not the fifties any more. In my state, the presumption is, you start with full joint custody and umlimited visitation. One side has to screw up or not pass a sniff test for that to change. The only alimony that is SOMETIMES awarded is temporary alimony – while one party, say, finishes a job training program or gets over a temporary situation. Long term alimony? Close to never. There are still games that can be played. My ex’s lawyer got a real estate friend to give an inflated estimate of the value of our home. I got a local agent to give a more realistic estimate, but my attorney said that the judge in these cases usually shrugs and splits the difference, and advised me to let the home go and be sold. Otherwise I would have ended up with a massive part of my property division in imaginary home equity and would have lost the house anyway while the kids were still young. There is also the support issue. My temporary alimony was never paid, and the only enforcement was to figure that amount into the final property settlement – over a year after it had gone unpaid. There is also an automatic court order against transfer or hiding of assets that goes into effect upon filing in my state. The trick here is that the injured spouse has to be able to show or point to the assets. Then, the only enforcement would be, contempt of court and adding the transferred figures to the final settlement. Some MRA lawyers advise discontented hubbies to start hiding money as soon as they realize they want out, long before filing. My ex cut off money for groceries and utility bills, forced me out of our home, and lowered our standard of living like a dropped knife during the years of our litigation. Then he kept insisting that our kids should be handed over to his sole custody because he lived in a nicer house (his girlfriend’s) and had more money to spend on them. On visitation, he would say and do things that scared them and even sometimes hit one of them. He began bringing them back early without warning me, dumping them on the lawn in all sorts of weather, without calling ahead. His lawyer found a custody evaluator to favor him, but then the kids unanimously chose to stay with me and he gave up at the eleventh hour – and fled the state. He didn’t pay child support for many years, and that’s how long it took our state’s child enforcement division to catch up with him. I’ll bet he’s neglected to mention his kids in his will, too. To this day he insists, to the few of our kids who still speak to him, that it was I who threw him out, that I took him to the cleaners, and that he was sending thousands of dollars all along to them but that I just spent it on myself. Sound familiar? Problem: some our children were old enough at the time to remember what he was really like to live with.

12 years ago

Problem: some our children were old enough at the time to remember what he was really like to live with.


12 years ago

We are now hearing reports that the Principle of the Newtown school confronted the gunman to try and stop the attack. Can’t wait to hear how the MRAers spin that one.

12 years ago

Speaking of the shooting, here is the greatest American death toll attack on an elementary school that I know about. I’m sure the MRAs would re-write that story if they knew about it.

12 years ago

Yes, the principle was a true hero. She sacrificed her own life to buy more time for everyone else in the school to try and find hiding places. She loved the students like a parent loves their children.

12 years ago

In ontario at least, the presumption is joint custody. All either side has to do is state that they want joint custody. Now, some weight is given to how old the child is and who wan the primary caretaker of the child. Which means that if you were an involved father in your childs life and can show that you did things like take time off when they were ill, get them to doctors appointments, attend parent teacher meetings help with homework and daily care then the courts have little reason to break the family or deny equal custody. The courts do step in when the parents cannot agree to split the custody and both are fit in order to ensure that the kids get equal time with both parents with a minimum of peturbance to the plans and needs of the parents.

If anything, class is a BIG factor to how custody is split. Middleclass families are very frequently joint custody, lower class families tend to have it in favor of one parent and visitation to the other. Why? Because social supports like childcare or afterschool programs or help with groceries are so damn inflexible. Thy do not meet the needs of working parents who are striving to support their children.

I think that most parents see the value in having their former partner involved in the kids life very quickly. For the times the children are not in your care you have the flexibility to focus your resources on what needs done. Like putting in more hours at work to pay bills, or taking a retraining course or getting house chores out of the way so you can really focus on the kids or you know decompressing for a few hours so you have the clarity of mind and the emotional resources to be a good parent.

My ex and I may not like each other much, but I’m damn thankful he chooses to be part of our daughters life and support her. The first year was one hell of a struggle while he got his life together and we worked towards some semblance of civility.

In short, ask for joint custody, work to find a compromise that meets the other parents needs, be flexible when things change and minimize conflict wherever possible and be prepared to sacrifice earnings or promotions in favor of meeting the kids needs. I think the last one is a real sticking point. Society still punishes men with denied promotions and pay raises when men put their families first. Which creates issues when you’re trying to financially and otrwise support your kids. Women tend to expect this result when they have kids, its a rude shock to men when they encounter it.

12 years ago

Here’s an off topic thought that occurred to me while watching the latest eps of Absolutely Fabulous: What do MRA:s think of that show? They keep complaining about shows starring stupid men and clever, responsible women being misandry. Well, AbFab is about two pretty horrible women who are irresponsible, stupid, the one who’s a mother is a horrible one, and they spend their time shopping, partying and doing drugs. Actually, Edina’s first husband is probably the most sensible person in the entire show, while most of the cast is made up of more or less fucked-up women. So… by MRA logic, this show should have a real MRA message, right? Only I somehow suspect they’d somehow argue that AbFab is misandric as well, since, well, everything is according to them.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Just being a show almost entirely about women means it’s misandry. The only show that wouldn’t be would be one starring MRAs – no feMRAs either.

12 years ago

A woman being heroic? Say it aint so! Especially if some men at the school had a few more seconds to get out of the line of fire. That would blow to many MRA minds.

12 years ago

OT: more evil feminist plots against teh menz!

A tumblr dedicated to calling out sexism on facebook!

12 years ago

Hilarious. Paul Elam accuses another writer of having a big ego, demands his Internet monkeys support him in the comments, decides that other writer saying he’s going to look at the MRM is a “threat.” Projection much?

12 years ago

@Kitten: Obviously!

12 years ago

Serious unintentional hilarity from PaulE:

Hamby is a little known, misguided hack with no real audience.

I guess it takes one to know one.

12 years ago

Ab Fab is about mostly older women, who often have a good time, and they’re still interested in sex despite being all old and stuff – misandry! Plus Saffron isn’t conventionally hot despite being young – misandry! And all these women keep talking and talking all the time – misandry!

12 years ago

Also, I’ve said this before but it bears repeating – if there’s a group of people who you really don’t want to pick a fight with, it’s cops. They actually will fuck your shit up if you piss them off, and the thing is that it doesn’t stop at one cop, because they tend to take aggression against any one cop very seriously, so if you do something stupid like hit a cop then you’re going to have all that cop’s buddies to deal with.

I may not like MRAs very much, but seriously guys, for the sake of your own safety, don’t try to pick a fight with the cops.

12 years ago

Violence is wrong any action that could protect the lives of not millions but tens of millions of men in america and around the world i feel would not just be worthy of much praise .

Unfortunaltely the International community is not promoting rights for men like it should and considering men are dying ,being imprisoned and even more homeless than females.
I guess the Mens Rights Actvist on Reddit has witnessed or under gone child support issues that are hurting millions of men . I am so graftful I am not one of those men with kids I have never made a income that can get me into a ghetto while kids pop out babies and get part time jobs get houses and new cars and apartment through section 8 and other programs .

Mens Rights activist should try to never vent their anger like this .Feminist organizations do no support rights for men and it is evident the do not . I have failed to find a feminist organization that is truly for mens rights. While the mens rights movement is growing and has the potential to become a International Movement with international support it is imperative that Mens Rights Activist do not destroy the work being done .

The Mens Rights Movement can potential y gain the support of million in America alone with more funding more programs. The amount of men that are unemployed is truly staggering. I had dreams of Arizona being a coast line before I became a Mens Rights Activist Chinese had already infiltrated our system with a population that far exceeded and with way more superior tecnology men of all races had to kill women for equal right because under the system of communism the male homeless rate was almost 40% because women no longer needed men this led to anarchy for a undermined time it led to mob rule that existed longer than our countries entire history . This is what I saw the coast of Arizona will have a coast line about very similiar to Pensacola beach ,Florida Mens rights Activist that plant seeds now will not be remembered it will be through world of mouth a literature and through historical moments that the media has documented that where done for the rights of men. I pray to buddha these thing do not happen but it seems that other people have seen Arizona become a coast line.