advocacy of violence antifeminism demonspawn men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA playing the victim reddit

Men’s Rights Redditor Advocates Violence Against Cops — Again

Advocating violence is allegedly against the rules in the Men’s Rights subreddit. Just don’t tell it to these guys! (Or the people upvoting them.)


As I’ve noted before, Demonspawn is fairly regular violator of this particular rule — as evidenced here, here, and, oh yeah, here. (And check the archives for even more Demonspawn terribleness that stops short of advocacy of murder.)

When I asked the r/mensrights mods some months back why they didn’t just ban him for his repeated violations, you may recall, this happened:


Hey, Mens Rightsers, if you don’t want to be associated with violence, perhaps you should, you know, disassociate yourself from those who advocate violence — seriously, repeatedly, and definitely not as a joke.

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12 years ago

Because selectively enforcing your rules just to spite one of your critics demonstrates you’re a mature and serious rights movement.

12 years ago

But it’s not violence, they were threatened! It’s self-defence, since they found a lady tweeting “kill all the menz” and an angry mob threatened JtO (anonymous for his protection) to decapitate him with exacto knives!
It’s unfortunate, custody laws are actually archaic (still assuming the mother is the stay-at-home caregiver), and I think reform is necessary to accommodate with a changing world. Those guys just end up being so repulsive, that any good point they may have just gets lost in a hyperbolic puddle of b.s.

12 years ago

“Indentured servitude”? What?? Helping clothe and feed the children YOU helped to make is your duty as a decent human being.

12 years ago

ETA Involuntary, not indentured. Still not an argument. Poor kids.

12 years ago

Parents are financially responsible for the children they create. I don’t know why this is some controversial statement to certain people. My brother’s wife abandoned him and their children and doesn’t pay a cent in support — and guess what? Our state department of family services has allowed him to file for wage garnishments against her….that’s right, MRA morons, women get their wages garnished when they don’t do right by their kids, just like men do.

12 years ago

When unlawfully violating a man’s Constitutional rights means a real risk of life or limb, very few will be willing to do the job.

“What? What the fuck, man? Why’d you hit me? Shit, is that a knife? Oh shit! Back it up, Larry, hes got a knife! No no no, sir, I’m, uh, I’m really sorry about that, see – no, look, I’m putting the handcuffs away! I’m sorry for the misunderstanding, see. No need for anyone to get hurt here. We’re just gonna get in our police car now and drive away. You’re absolutely right sir, we shouldn’t have tried to fuck with you. Yes, sir, that is your Constitutional right to fuck our shit up. Yes, sir. Terribly sorry, you see we weren’t expecting you to fight back. Yes. We’ll just be on our way now.”

-Said absolutely no cop, ever in the history of cops.

Fucking numpty.

12 years ago

And he imagines an army of caring dads are going to rally behind him to help him dodge his payments. With weapons.

Leeloo Dallas Multipass

And this will be their anthem!

12 years ago

Now you’re a man.

12 years ago

Yep cos nothing says caring like leaving your kids in poverty.

12 years ago

Our state department of family services has allowed him to file for wage garnishments against her….that’s right, MRA morons, women get their wages garnished when they don’t do right by their kids, just like men do.

Ya, my cousin is also a single FATHER. His ex-wife pays child support for her son because that is the law.
It is kinda like the whole draft argument. Feminists have moved against it on the ground of gender discrimination, but I haven’t seen any MRM groups go through any legal steps to change it for all they whine. Apparently, whining changes things now. No effort require, but to blame everyone (everyone=women) for everything wrong in your life.

12 years ago

It’s unfortunate, custody laws are actually archaic (still assuming the mother is the stay-at-home caregiver), and I think reform is necessary to accommodate with a changing world.

Largely this isn’t true anymore in the U.S. Most states have laws that authorize a presumption of joint custody. Judges are given some leeway to act in the best interests of the child and consider factors like if the parents live in different states, but that’s on-a-case-by-case basis and (imo) best interests of the child is a pretty good standard to use.

12 years ago

Ah. In an uncertain world, full of twists and turns, disappointments and heartbreak, the MRM is steadfast, never failing to deliver exactly what it always does. It does my heart good to know that there’s such an anchor in this chaotic universe.

/sarcasm, but only mild

12 years ago

I’ve watched the MRM since the early days of usenet. Individuals come and go, but they’re all much of a muchness. Whine, complain, bitch about women, lather, rinse, repeat.

This is why they go nowhere. They talk big on the internet, convince themselves that they’re Teh Next Big Thing and that soon they will overthrow the matriarchy. Then they drift off, or find a new outlet. And it does absolutely no good to point out things like women paying child support; they deny it, or claim it’s a rare exception that means nothing in Teh Big Pichure of male oppression and victimhood.

Still, I miss the one guy who had a rather convoluted explanation of why men being willing to pay for sex was proof positive of male superiority. I never could make sense of it, but he trotted it out at least once a week.

12 years ago

…Involuntary servitude of child support? What?
I checked the text of the 14th Amendment, and it reads, “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.” (Emphasis mine.)

What I can tell from there is that there are mental gymnastics to equate being ordered by a judge to pay child support to being ordered into involuntary servitude. The equivalence between paying alimony/child support and slavery is weak in my opinion; you can still go about your daily life and your job, but with the requirement that you must pay for child support. To these MRMs, living on the opposite side of the state from an ex while paying child support is still being under the thrall of vyle feminists and being a victim of hypergamy or the alpha cock carousel, I suppose.

Gee whiz…Thinking like they do is like paying for a first-class ticket for a long ride on the Crazy Train.

12 years ago

Have they ever been arrested for failure to pay child support? No they have not. They are arrested for failure to comply with a court order.
They don’t think the courts should be empowered to issue a warrant to compel their presence, so they are going to violently resist any LEO who tries to arrest them? Sure they are.

12 years ago

They will violently resist, other men will rise up and join their crusade, and feminism will magically disappear.

Just like that.

Because the cops won’t even *think* of calling for backup and taking him in for assaulting a police officer. Nope. Won’t happen.

12 years ago

“Our state department of family services has allowed him to file for wage garnishments against her….that’s right, MRA morons, women get their wages garnished when they don’t do right by their kids,”

Wage garnishments sounds like a much better idea to handle deadbeat parents than arrests for contempt.

12 years ago

Talacaris, the arrests for contempt are when parents deliberately stop the garnishments. You can’t arrest someone for contempt of court until they do something contemptuous.

12 years ago

How can the parents stop that? Isn’t it the employer that sends the money directly to the person it is owed, with no ability of the deadbeat parent to stop that?

12 years ago

I want my wages garnished with cilantro.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Just think, one little snip and none of these morons would ever be in danger of fathering children at all. Just shows how fake their screams about not having custody are; they don’t give a damn about the kids involved, it’s all about property and punishing women. If we’re talking about not having involuntary servitude, perhaps someone could explain to the MRM that it includes the idea that “women and children are not men’s property”.

May they walk in dog shit and land on a Lego underneath.

Erica McArthur (@elmcarthur)


Just from my small amount of experience in family law, you will not believe the lengths some people go to so that they can avoid paying child support.

It is not unusual at all for people to literally quit their jobs so they can avoid garnishment. They quit, the garnishment stops, and they get a new job. Then the custodial parent has to drag them to court again because they have to set up new garnishment conditions. Months can go by without payments.

Then you have the gems who quit and then pretend not to be working while they are being paid under the table. All so they can avoid paying for new shoes for little Susie and Timmy.

Little Mousling (@LittleMousling)

Talacaris: usually, it’s self-employed people, or occasionally people who intentionally quit their jobs or are underemployed as a means of trying to get around child support. But self-employed people are the toughest, because there’s no way to garnish their wages. Having worked for an agency that enforces child support, IME, a self-employed parent who really, really doesn’t want to pay can avoid it almost entirely (they can’t stop some things, like scooping of their tax rebates)–but they’ll be living a pretty uncomfortable life, given the pre-jail steps many jurisdictions take, like suspending licenses and passports, reporting to credit bureaus, etc.

I’d definitely like to see statistics on how well jailing non-payors actually works to compel payment, but the anecdata around my office was that a LOT of people magically find the money rather than be thrown in jail.

(Also, lest there be confusion: in my jurisdiction, non-payors have at least three separate court proceedings to prove they legitimately don’t have the money. Family court judges HATE jailing people–they’ll give a lot of chances within those proceedings, such that the person could be in a courtroom ten or twenty or thirty times before it’s finally concluded that yup, he or she has the money or should have had the money*)

*If you spent the $300/m you were supposed to be paying in child support for the last ten years … that’s on you.

12 years ago

I had a jerk workmate who was stopped trying to get on a plane to Bali for a holiday because he refused to pay child support. I think the MRA guys would call that jailing him, because obviously not being abl e to spend all your income on partying and holidays instead of feeding your kids is a terrible infringement of your manly rights. M’kay?

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