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Newtown shooting discussion thread: No flames, no trolls, no MRAs

Because the post I just put up on the Newtown shooting is so troubling and disturbing, I am setting up this separate thread so people can discuss the shooting without having to deal with or think about MRAs.

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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

LOL lowquacks, have you never had to do that as a kid? Vick’s Vaporub in a bowl, pour boiling water over it, breathe in the steam (preferably with a towel over your head). It’s supposed to help clear a really blocked nose. Can’t say it’s ever helped me that much but boy was it effective on Magnus …

12 years ago

Thanks for the tea. Can someone please go over to the Kate Harding thread and whack that troll? I’m going back to sleep.

12 years ago

Greetings, sisters in snot production. I’m starting to feel guilty about the environmental consequences of all the tissues I’m using.

12 years ago

One of the things I keep thinking about is the demonetization that teachers have been getting for the past oh forever. And yet, these teachers did everything they could to protect the innocents in their care to the point of even shielding them with their bodies.

And I know that most of the teachers I had when I was a kid would have done the same without even thinking of the possible consequences to themselves.

How can we demand everything from someone willing to do that and not respect it by making sure they can feed their own families?

12 years ago

You know that urine-powered generator those girls in Afghanistan (IIRC) created? I wonder if you can power it with snot.

12 years ago

Princess bonbon, I couldn’t agree more. I know there are probably a million issues that will come before the one you raised, but I hope people remember those brave adults next time they call them selfish for wanting a raise for their largely-unpaid after school labor. (I am not a teacher nor do I have any in my family– but I had teachers who bought all their students’ books and play costumes with their own money).

And I won’t even pretend this can be used as an example to counteract MRAs’ stereotypes about male bravery.

12 years ago

These hero teachers are the same people demonized for joining unions and wanting rights. I am so proud of the bravery shown by the (female, gasp!) principal of that school. It helps a little to know that people can and are often very very good. Hugs to all boobians.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Can someone please go over to the Kate Harding thread and whack that troll?”

I’m (obviously) multi tasking, but I’ll go play a round of whack-a-troll or two (I still think pecunium’s version is better, but he’s among the ranks of the sick still I think)

12 years ago

Can’t sleep. Sinuses may explode. I feel like I’m wearing a lead mask with spikes facing in. I’ve been batting off trolls all day – I was accidentally the start of a tweetstorm which exposed a far-right group being thoroughly disgusting about this shooting, so I’ve had to deal with asshole racists from the group attacking me all day. Some of them were funny but not when I’m ill and tired. Having said that I will go look at the Kate Harding troll now and see if I can contribute.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Unless one had a transporter beam and could send one’s exploding sinuses into the right-wingers’ heads …

12 years ago

I contributed mainly in ALL CAPS. I am not at my most patient today. Also I just finished watching the latest series of Futurama through what can only be described as boredom-prompted masochism, and my head is still reeling from watching all the shark jumping.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Lol, that’s right! I finally updated to OSX 10.6, I can use firefox extensions again! Thank you for that reminder, as tangential as it may be.

As for the ads in general, either the targeting is weird, or they’re doing it by general IP, because I’ve gotten a couple for gun stores (before this thread though I think) — those would make sense for the rest of my family though, so I’m guessing it’s by IP.

*hands nat some tea* That’s a nice black tea and orange blend btw, very tasty (and it goes good with Irish whiskey)

12 years ago

Hehe, I’m already drinking tea with rum in it.

Purely medicinal, you understand 😉 By the way, I meant to sympathise on the shitty families thing with you earlier – some of my family are members of the the far right racists I was being badgered by all day. I’m not close to them by any stretch of the imagination (purely because of this) so I can’t imagine how shit it would be to have to live with them >:(

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Purely medicinal, you understand 😉 ” — Completely understand 🙂

“By the way, I meant to sympathise …” — Thank you, for all the trolls here, part of why I’m back is because y’all remind me that there are good people out there. And I’m sorry you have racist assholes harassing you.

12 years ago

@Katz, thanks.
I actually have minimal mental health stuff per se (really mild dysthymic depression), but there’s been a lot coming out about how the killer might have been autistic, including allegedly something his own brother said, and I am on the spectrum. So even though MOST PEOPLE know that autism doesn’t make you kill people, there’s still the old “they have no empathy” tropes getting brought out yet again, and that’s hard to take.

The worst thing about talking about this stuff is you feel like you’re taking attention away from the actual victims and just complaining about how this tragedy affects you personally. But then, the people who STARTED the whole discussion of the killer’s ability status are the people who switched the spotlight over from the victims, where it should be, not autistics and people with mental health issues trying to defend themselves.

12 years ago

Better that than racist sinuses and exploding right wingers… Hey I’m awake and the cold meds made me dream I was in a hospital and all the nurses were ring-tailed lemurs. Best hospital ever.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Way cool hospital, cloudiah!

I saw a kids’ book (I think – coulda been a dvd) today about Ninja Meerkats. Too funny.

12 years ago

Um, the first part of that comment was aimed at David’s response to Nat, in case that wasn’t clear. Did I mention cold meds? OTC, but those plus about 14 hours of sleep make my brain a little funny.

12 years ago

Isn’t it weird how you feel less rather than more coherent when you oversleep?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Oversleeping does that to me, too. The worst is waking up during a dream, though. I might be really near waking, but if I’m in that phase when the alarm goes off, I’m groggy for hours.

12 years ago

When that happens hilarious things follow, like me turning to the person next to me and going “hurry up, we have to rescue the squirrels!”. Or the time that I was having a nightmare about being surrounded by sharks in the open water and when I woke up I wouldn’t let my boyfriend go pee (because the sharks would get him if he stepped out of the bed/boat, you see).

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

LOL if you have too many dreams like that, you might have to get a gazunda for any bed-guests!

(Gazunda = chamber pot. It gazunda the bed.)

12 years ago

In related news, my cat blew a snot bubble. I think she’s sick too 🙁