a voice for men antifeminism bears evil women MRA oppressed men paranoia parody playing the victim spermjacking

Canada: Land of Danger for Men and Boys?

Canadian feminist trying to eat a man’s butt

I’ve seen some strange and paranoid comments on Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men, but this recent comment may be the strangest and paranoidest I’ve ever seen. In the comments to a post outing one of the protesters at the Warren Farrell talk at the University of Toronto, a commenter called Redfield is worried that Canada has now become some sort of death trap for men. Because of all the feminism.


That’s right: Because a couple of feminist college students in Toronto made jokey remarks on Twitter about killing all men, this man is afraid that his 18-year-old son will be in actual physical danger from evil feminists if he sets foot in Canada.

In a later comment, he reports that he and his sons will be going to Canada after all:


But he wonders if there are any “travel advisories” that can, I guess, warn him where feminists tend to congregate:


In the comments here at Man Boobz, Cloudiah imagines how his conversation with the consulate staffer might have gone:

Mid-day at the Consulate General of Canada in Sydney.


Pierre: Hello, you’ve reached the Consulate General of Canada. My name is Pierre. How may I help you?

MRA: I am planning a trip to Canada with my sons next year, and I wanted to know what the feminist threat level will be?

Pierre: Excuse me?

MRA: Yellow? Orange? RED???

Pierre: I’m sorry, I don’t understand.

MRA: I need to know what steps I need to take to protect myself and my boys from being killed by feminists. Do we need to get any shots?

Pierre: Did you say ‘feminists?’

MRA: How many men would you estimate are killed by feminists in Canada in January? February? Or do feminists only thaw out in the Spring?

Pierre: You think we freeze feminists?

MRA: I need to make travel plans!

Pierre: Sir, I think you might have been misinformed.

MRA: I assure you that my information is accurate. It cannot be denied that feminists have been engaged in a campaign to kill all men in Canada.

Pierre: Sir, I believe I would have heard about that.

MRA: I SAW A VIDEO! A pack of rabid feminists tore Warren Farrell apart, limb from limb, and feasted on his spleen!

Pierre: Warren who?

MRA: Then an angry mob of feminist zombies attacked John the Otter with flamethrowers. Or maybe one of them had a cigarette lighter, but it was definitely menacing.

Pierre: John the what?

MRA: They might have accidentally singed his sleeve! Or murdered him with fire!

Pierre: Sir, I’m not sure how to say this but… It might be best if you stayed home.

MRA: It’s because they’re SPERMJACKING us now, right? You’re saying that for my own protection. I get you.

Pierre: Um, sure. Right. Please do not come to Canada. Ever.


Pierre: [Holds phone in front of his face for a moment. Slowly places it back in the cradle.]

MRA: [Hears dial tone.] Oh my god, they’ve killed him. I must alert A Voice for Men!

I think this is literally how these guys see the world.

This may be why Men’s Rights movement is so much less popular these days (as a search term at least) than one up-and-coming rival for the world’s attention: Smelly discharge. Google Trends doesn’t lie!


Thanks to Cloudiah for coming up with this as well. She is winning so many internets she may need to move into a bigger place.

To see more things the Men’s Rights movement is less popular than, click here.

NOTE: I am aware that “paranoidest” is not a real word. The correct term is “paranoidallyest.”

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12 years ago

Internet hugs if you want them frietag.

It makes me nauseus just thinking of that situation. How can an adult walk into a school and open fire on young children?! What’s more, a parent?

I used to think an understanding of psychology would explain things, but no, there can be no explanation for why children have to die like this.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

The murderer was 20, so he wasn’t a parent. His mother worked at the school and he murdered her – he’d already murdered his father at home.

12 years ago

Ah, see the report I heard was it was a childs parent.

12 years ago

This shit is beyond cowardly:

“I would disagree wholeheartedly. Too bad you can’t ask the 158 Canadian men (compared to 3 women) who died in Afghanistan.”

Hey mark, when you get into a fight with one of us about whatever, don’t drag military people who gave their lives in service to their country into your petty-ass arguements. You don’t get to claim them for the soul purpose of trying to best someone in a disagreement. It’s fucking insensitive and emotionally/intellectually dishonest for so many reasons. Jesus, show some frakking respect for people. There’s no draft in the U.S. and Canada, so these people chose, with their own free will, to serve. All of them, men and women, every day, in both countries. And if referring to history, stop acting like women invented the draft, or for that matter — as if women or men in the past, who were not lawmakers, had any say in the matter. You haven’t mentioned anything about being enlisted in the armed forces, so stop trying to co-opt the sacrifices of people who are. You have no idea how any of them felt about serving or why they did so. Christ.

Happy Holidays, god damn it.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

And of course fuckwits like Mark don’t take any notice of the women who have served as soldiers throughout history even when that meant disguising themselves as men their whole lives.

12 years ago

This is what a societal collapse look like stupid women. Same thing in china. When people are left in poverty and have nothing to lose violence become for them a from of protest. On top of that,. we don’t have the money nor the social structure to take of the mentally ill.

Look at what happen to china: Knife-wielding man injures 22 children in China,0,5592318.story

From the link above: There have been a series of attacks on schools and schoolchildren around China in recent years, some by people who have lost their jobs or felt left out of the country’s economic boom.

Yes stupid women you are a witness of the collapse right at this moment, you are witnessing Rome burn just before the dark ages. Except Rome is the whole planet earth and people living on it. Go girl make fun of my like you did, remember that you are on your own and you are strong and independent. I would never dare to help a strong and independent women nor I would dare to love and care for a women, it could be seen as sexist. Next thing coming down the line is a reduction of welfare benefit by 50 %.

Come on surprise my with you stupid comments.

12 years ago

When people are left in poverty and have nothing to lose violence become for them a from of protest.

And what, precisely, was being protested? What is your evidence that this shooter was in poverty? (From what I know of the cost of guns, he had at least some significant cash floating around.)

I would never dare to help a strong and independent women nor I would dare to love and care for a women

On behalf of all womanity, thank you. Thank you so much. We would like you as far away from us as possible.

Next thing coming down the line is a reduction of welfare benefit by 50 %.

What? You know this how? Or is this just something you read recently appearing in your verbal diarrhea like last night’s corn niblets?

Oh, and before I forget, go fuck yourself.

12 years ago

No more bullshit in this thread! This thread is for awesomeness only.

Cloudiah, here is a present (and also proof that I should never draw cartoons, ever).

12 years ago

So is China supposed to be Rome now? Or is it the states. Also, why is the crazy ‘the end is nigh’ dude here? He hasn’t even linked knife wielding bastard in China to feminism yet. Or does he imagine feminism is going to bring about the seven plagues or something (or was it nine plagues? Five? Meh, whatever)?

12 years ago

Oh wait, maybe Canada is Rome? Should I be wearing a toga?

12 years ago

Katz, that’s brilliant!

12 years ago

China – hotbed of radical feminism.

12 years ago

Come on surprise my with you stupid comments.

I dunno, dude, you’re kind of a hard act to follow.

12 years ago

…Aaand I messed up my link.

12 years ago

2 katz- bahahaha!!

12 years ago

underpants guy, I can’t respond to your post…it doesn’t make any sense.

I mean, this:

“This is what a societal collapse look like stupid women. Same thing in china. When people are left in poverty and have nothing to lose violence become for them a from of protest. On top of that,. we don’t have the money nor the social structure to take of the mentally ill.”

I dunno, I got nothing. These violent acts are part of a revolution? What? Huh?

And here:

“Yes stupid women you are a witness of the collapse right at this moment, you are witnessing Rome burn just before the dark ages.”

Like everyone else, I’m confused by this. Who is Rome in your weird analogy? USA? Canada? China?

“Except Rome is the whole planet earth and people living on it.”

Do we have to imagine Earth as Rome to picture people living on it?

“Go girl make fun of my like you did, remember that you are on your own and you are strong and independent. I would never dare to help a strong and independent women nor I would dare to love and care for a women, it could be seen as sexist.”

This is a scary threat? It doesn’t work.

12 years ago

I fully support the underpants gnome in his vow not to have anything to do with women. Really, it’s better for everyone that way.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

“Can’t draw cartoons” BWAHAHAHA!

Katz, you win all teh internets. That cartoon is brilliant. (Hey, I saw Panicked MRA Dad’s FTSU mug, too.)

And Pierre is cute. I knew he’d have to be cute! 😀

12 years ago

Oh? Underpants gnome has vowed to have nothing to do with women? Considering how many women posters there are here, he is really doing a bad job of it. I guess he means he’s decided not to have sex with women anymore (probably a pretty easy decision to make when no women will have sex with you either).

12 years ago

Glad you noticed the mug. The resolution is low enough that it’s nigh-illegible. The note on the fridge is supposed to say “Male and Proud.”

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

The resolution wasn’t bad on my screen. I used the magnifying thingy to blow it right up, so I was only seeing one line (that is, two panels) at a time. Must go back and look at the fridge … 😉

12 years ago

That cartoon was great, katz. Is that a crossed-out cupcake on the MRA’s shirt or is it just me?

12 years ago

I’m home fighting off a cold, so THANKS KATZ, I NEEDED THAT.


12 years ago

Sorry you are feeling poorly, it’s that time of year. But glad you liked it!