a voice for men antifeminism bears evil women MRA oppressed men paranoia parody playing the victim spermjacking

Canada: Land of Danger for Men and Boys?

Canadian feminist trying to eat a man’s butt

I’ve seen some strange and paranoid comments on Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men, but this recent comment may be the strangest and paranoidest I’ve ever seen. In the comments to a post outing one of the protesters at the Warren Farrell talk at the University of Toronto, a commenter called Redfield is worried that Canada has now become some sort of death trap for men. Because of all the feminism.


That’s right: Because a couple of feminist college students in Toronto made jokey remarks on Twitter about killing all men, this man is afraid that his 18-year-old son will be in actual physical danger from evil feminists if he sets foot in Canada.

In a later comment, he reports that he and his sons will be going to Canada after all:


But he wonders if there are any “travel advisories” that can, I guess, warn him where feminists tend to congregate:


In the comments here at Man Boobz, Cloudiah imagines how his conversation with the consulate staffer might have gone:

Mid-day at the Consulate General of Canada in Sydney.


Pierre: Hello, you’ve reached the Consulate General of Canada. My name is Pierre. How may I help you?

MRA: I am planning a trip to Canada with my sons next year, and I wanted to know what the feminist threat level will be?

Pierre: Excuse me?

MRA: Yellow? Orange? RED???

Pierre: I’m sorry, I don’t understand.

MRA: I need to know what steps I need to take to protect myself and my boys from being killed by feminists. Do we need to get any shots?

Pierre: Did you say ‘feminists?’

MRA: How many men would you estimate are killed by feminists in Canada in January? February? Or do feminists only thaw out in the Spring?

Pierre: You think we freeze feminists?

MRA: I need to make travel plans!

Pierre: Sir, I think you might have been misinformed.

MRA: I assure you that my information is accurate. It cannot be denied that feminists have been engaged in a campaign to kill all men in Canada.

Pierre: Sir, I believe I would have heard about that.

MRA: I SAW A VIDEO! A pack of rabid feminists tore Warren Farrell apart, limb from limb, and feasted on his spleen!

Pierre: Warren who?

MRA: Then an angry mob of feminist zombies attacked John the Otter with flamethrowers. Or maybe one of them had a cigarette lighter, but it was definitely menacing.

Pierre: John the what?

MRA: They might have accidentally singed his sleeve! Or murdered him with fire!

Pierre: Sir, I’m not sure how to say this but… It might be best if you stayed home.

MRA: It’s because they’re SPERMJACKING us now, right? You’re saying that for my own protection. I get you.

Pierre: Um, sure. Right. Please do not come to Canada. Ever.


Pierre: [Holds phone in front of his face for a moment. Slowly places it back in the cradle.]

MRA: [Hears dial tone.] Oh my god, they’ve killed him. I must alert A Voice for Men!

I think this is literally how these guys see the world.

This may be why Men’s Rights movement is so much less popular these days (as a search term at least) than one up-and-coming rival for the world’s attention: Smelly discharge. Google Trends doesn’t lie!


Thanks to Cloudiah for coming up with this as well. She is winning so many internets she may need to move into a bigger place.

To see more things the Men’s Rights movement is less popular than, click here.

NOTE: I am aware that “paranoidest” is not a real word. The correct term is “paranoidallyest.”

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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

If the letter isn’t a Poe, that could well be the case, Rakali!

Let’s just hope son doesn’t end up at somewhere like St John’s or the other colleges in Sydney Uni that have such a disgusting, and deserved, reputation for misogyny and harassment of all sorts. Daddy would probably think they’re perfect.

12 years ago


I go to Sydney Uni. College kids are not fun, and are instantly recognisable. :

12 years ago

Oh Jonno, you are a sad little man. I would conclude that a man who doesn’t hate women is having much better sex, due to the lack of cognitive dissonance. (That is, if he’one of them strange hetero folk.)

12 years ago

Men like that don’t derive much physical pleasure from sex, I don’t think, it mostly seems to be about feeling like if they somehow trick a woman into having sex with them it means they’ve beaten her (in a game that only they are playing).

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Cassandra – yeah, it’s like that post Dave had a while back about Roosh (I think it was him) saying he can’t orgasm and doesn’t even care that much, because he can use that to make the woman feel bad.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

That was Roosh (I am, if nothing else, a keeper of useless facts).

Whether these men want to enjoy sex or not is kind of moot to the point that men who do not hate women enjoy sex more. I don’t want to “enjoy” mayo, ths I’m sure that people who do not hate mayo enjoy mayo more (strangely, this analogy kind of works, if you ignore that I just compared women to mayo >.<)

12 years ago

Kitteh’s help:

Yeah, unfortunately that’s likely down here.

12 years ago

Uh, my other name came up. Too many profiles and using different nicks as disinfo. Might have to rethink that.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Heheh I like a useless facts type of memory. Mine’s like that. Important stuff lost by tomorrow, trivia retained for decades.

Hard to articulate but I was thinking along the lines that the sex itself doesn’t even matter so much to Roosh, it’s the idea of hurting, tricking or otherwise “defeating” a woman that he really likes, so how much pleasure he gets from the sex isn’t all that relevant. Not that he’s necessarily representative. He could even be the mirror-image, if these guys are not getting much pleasure from sex and resenting it (and, no doubt, blaming women for it and thus perpetuating the whole cycle).

“Am I making any sense here?” she asked plaintively.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“‘Am I making any sense here?’ she asked plaintively.”

To me at least, yes, but I just watched the Cage version of the wickerman and dear gods that was terrible. So currently, anything would probably make more sense than that.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

BWAHAHAHa I looked at that trailer, minus sound, at work today. Then read the Wiki article about it. Lordy, lordy. I hadn’t known there was a remake until then. The original scared the bejayzuz out of me in my teens, I can’t quite imagine seeing it transferred to somewhere-off-Canada and played for, um, laughs?

I wonder if watching WM the second would clarify serious nonsense? Would one of Steele’s posts magically turn into English if one watched the film first? It’d be quite the challenge, I know.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Eeeee, time for the last episode of New Tricks!

::scuttles to dvd recorder::

12 years ago

Men are not in danger. Men can cook, sew their clothes, hunt, build things with their hands.
Women are in danger because they are useless and stupid. They have no physical strength to fight nature (wild animal, build wood shelter and so on). Women are really the one in danger as the economical system are collapsing and the government are collapsing and with it the social and monetary support to the people. Men are now free because the can go their own way and don’t have to financially support women. Feminist have removed the constraint for a men to support and help women like is used to be the case in the past.

This will be a great era for men. I hate women, I am for the oppression of women and women you are on your own during this collapse. Don’t worry women you are strong and independent now,

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“They have no physical strength to fight nature (wild animal, build wood shelter and so on).”

Um…the only one in my family who sucks at making fire is my father (fun little argument earlier about the need for kindling actually). And since when can women not sew? I mean sure, men can too, but that was traditionally women’s work, not like women lost that skill overnight. o.O?

Frankly though “[women] are stupid and useless” makes you sound 12 — might as well just say girls have cooties.

12 years ago

I hate women, I am for the oppression of women…

Hm. Didn’t this idiot describe himself as part of the MGTOW? Aren’t people from that group always showing up here to tell us how it’s not about hating and/or oppressing women?

12 years ago

It’s dudes like Justin Underpants, or however you pronounce his name, that make me want to start ironically calling for the death of all men.

Y’know, just cause.

I mean, if he can claim that women are no good at, say, fighting, despite the record we have of women serving as soldiers even in places where they were forbidden to serve as soldiers, then I can claim men are no good as soldiers, and from now on we shouldn’t allow them to be soldiers.

And they’re obviously too confrontational to be good politicians. All they’re good for, really, is sperm production. Get them back in the kitchen where they belong.

I think I can make a pretty good case for it–certainly a better one than Justin Underpants makes.

But then that just makes me a dangerous psycho killer who needs doxxing badly.

…no, wait, I’m a man, so they probably don’t care. What they really hate is women, as Justin Underpants just admitted.

Is it okay that I can’t stop saying Justin Underpants?

12 years ago

1. New troll, old troll, whichever you are – you’re a dumbass. Also, your handle should say “Seulementunperdant”, and I’m not even sure “perdant” is the word you want. (It’s been a few years since I’ve studied French.) “Juste” means just as in justice. If you want ‘just’ as in ‘only’, you need ‘seulement’.

GTFO and don’t come back until you learn to use linguistics.

2. Spiders – I think Tolkein spent some time as a child living in Africa, and so had an encounter with a massive tarantula. I’ll have to look again, though.

3. Australia – Seems like a good place to drop this.

4. Screw html, just in case.

2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago

Cloudiah’s phone conversation is totally inaccurate: the greeting given by the Canadian consulate would be in both French and English, and no one has a phone cradle anymore.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago


I like this.

12 years ago

Mr. Underpants seems to be telling us the end of the world is nigh – the end of civilisation etc. Yeah dude, you’re really someone whose opinion should be taken seriously.

I’m assuming that you have a bomb shelter somewhere crammed with tinned peaches – so I suggest you retreat there and wait for the apocalypse, while the rest of us get on with our lives.

12 years ago

“super secret Canadian Man Murder Brigade”

Sounds like an awesome band.

I think it sounds like something from The Venture Bros, myself.

Tracy Bradley
Tracy Bradley
12 years ago

women you are on your own during this collapse.

Silly Justin Underpants! My fella and I have an AWESOME zomb-pocalypse plan, and a pretty good team lined up. We will prevail o’er the zombies, mon petit crotte en sucre. (You are talking about the zomb-pocalypse, right? Because that’s totally coming.)

12 years ago

Men are not in danger. Men can cook, sew their clothes, hunt, build things with their hands.
Women are in danger because they are useless and stupid. They have no physical strength to fight nature (wild animal, build wood shelter and so on). Women are really the one in danger as the economical system are collapsing and the government are collapsing and with it the social and monetary support to the people. Men are now free because the can go their own way and don’t have to financially support women. Feminist have removed the constraint for a men to support and help women like is used to be the case in the past.

Wow, I’m constantly surprised at how much stupid the trolls here can cram into their comments. If feminists have removed the incentive for men to take care of women it’s because women can take care of themselves perfectly fine (of course feminists have also given men the incentive to be partners with women). I don’t need or want a man to take care of me, in fact wanting to take care of me is a deal breaker when it comes to relationships because it would show a very different outlook on roles that I’m not interested in.

Even if your paranoid fantasy were to come true women would do what they’ve done all through history: a lot of hard work. Do you have any idea how hard working a farm was for women back before industrial farming? Or being a weaver? Or any of the other jobs that (mostly poor) women held?

12 years ago


I’m amused by the idea that a woman of my acquaintance who, while a teenager, showed up an ex-Forces chap on a survival course is *less* well-equipped to survive the breakdown of society than my lazy impractical male self.

12 years ago

(That is, I am lazy, impractical and male. Not correlating the three, they’re just all the case where I’m concerned.)

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