a voice for men antifeminism bears evil women MRA oppressed men paranoia parody playing the victim spermjacking

Canada: Land of Danger for Men and Boys?

Canadian feminist trying to eat a man’s butt

I’ve seen some strange and paranoid comments on Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men, but this recent comment may be the strangest and paranoidest I’ve ever seen. In the comments to a post outing one of the protesters at the Warren Farrell talk at the University of Toronto, a commenter called Redfield is worried that Canada has now become some sort of death trap for men. Because of all the feminism.


That’s right: Because a couple of feminist college students in Toronto made jokey remarks on Twitter about killing all men, this man is afraid that his 18-year-old son will be in actual physical danger from evil feminists if he sets foot in Canada.

In a later comment, he reports that he and his sons will be going to Canada after all:


But he wonders if there are any “travel advisories” that can, I guess, warn him where feminists tend to congregate:


In the comments here at Man Boobz, Cloudiah imagines how his conversation with the consulate staffer might have gone:

Mid-day at the Consulate General of Canada in Sydney.


Pierre: Hello, you’ve reached the Consulate General of Canada. My name is Pierre. How may I help you?

MRA: I am planning a trip to Canada with my sons next year, and I wanted to know what the feminist threat level will be?

Pierre: Excuse me?

MRA: Yellow? Orange? RED???

Pierre: I’m sorry, I don’t understand.

MRA: I need to know what steps I need to take to protect myself and my boys from being killed by feminists. Do we need to get any shots?

Pierre: Did you say ‘feminists?’

MRA: How many men would you estimate are killed by feminists in Canada in January? February? Or do feminists only thaw out in the Spring?

Pierre: You think we freeze feminists?

MRA: I need to make travel plans!

Pierre: Sir, I think you might have been misinformed.

MRA: I assure you that my information is accurate. It cannot be denied that feminists have been engaged in a campaign to kill all men in Canada.

Pierre: Sir, I believe I would have heard about that.

MRA: I SAW A VIDEO! A pack of rabid feminists tore Warren Farrell apart, limb from limb, and feasted on his spleen!

Pierre: Warren who?

MRA: Then an angry mob of feminist zombies attacked John the Otter with flamethrowers. Or maybe one of them had a cigarette lighter, but it was definitely menacing.

Pierre: John the what?

MRA: They might have accidentally singed his sleeve! Or murdered him with fire!

Pierre: Sir, I’m not sure how to say this but… It might be best if you stayed home.

MRA: It’s because they’re SPERMJACKING us now, right? You’re saying that for my own protection. I get you.

Pierre: Um, sure. Right. Please do not come to Canada. Ever.


Pierre: [Holds phone in front of his face for a moment. Slowly places it back in the cradle.]

MRA: [Hears dial tone.] Oh my god, they’ve killed him. I must alert A Voice for Men!

I think this is literally how these guys see the world.

This may be why Men’s Rights movement is so much less popular these days (as a search term at least) than one up-and-coming rival for the world’s attention: Smelly discharge. Google Trends doesn’t lie!


Thanks to Cloudiah for coming up with this as well. She is winning so many internets she may need to move into a bigger place.

To see more things the Men’s Rights movement is less popular than, click here.

NOTE: I am aware that “paranoidest” is not a real word. The correct term is “paranoidallyest.”

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12 years ago

oh fuck they’ve caught on to our super secret Canadian Man Murder Brigade

Jonathan MacGregor
Jonathan MacGregor
12 years ago

Awwww, awaiting moderation. I know what that means so I may as well address you more directly since neither comment will see public eyes.
‘I’m so insecure that every single comment about my articles that gets made must be carefully scrutinized before I allow someone to clutter up my reaffirmation of what I’ve allowed myself to believe.’
You should have more sex.

12 years ago

There are Timmie’s kiosks in Britain, BUT THEY ARE NOT THE SAME! I was holy disappointed. But you can get some French Vanilla or English toffee coffee mix at the Australia/Canada store in Convent Garden in London.

12 years ago

I think it a lovely Poe.

12 years ago

A typical Canadian vacation.

I’m just going to post this in every thread from now on.

12 years ago

“Redfield” may be a Poe, but he has definitely commented at AVfM before.

I think I am afraid to ask what a keeper cup is.

12 years ago

@Shaenon: Reminds me of camping trips in elementary school.

12 years ago

A keeper cup is a reusable cup you can use instead of a tampon, IIRC.

12 years ago

I think I do not want to know how those could be used as a “greeting.”

Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

“super secret Canadian Man Murder Brigade”

Sounds like an awesome band.

12 years ago

It’s really pitiful that MRA’s, like religious fundamentalists, have to invent imaginary monsters to fight against in order to make themselves appear righteous.

As has been pointed out a million times, there are legitimate men’s issues that need addressing. Who is addressing them? Not MRA’s, they would rather play pretend and imagine themselves as heroes fighting against the BIG EVIL FEMINIST DRAGON than do anything remotely useful in the world. You’d think about 5 minutes of actually looking at the facts objectively would reveal this to them, but apparently even that is asking far too much.

Also, long time lurker, first time poster, hello everyone!

12 years ago

thebionicmommy’s posters get their own post.

There are something like 40 more fake MRM posters to go. Blogging about the artistry of feminists is hard work. XD

12 years ago

Hi Zimmer! Did you say BIG EVIL FEMINIST DRAGON?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Cool stuff! And that’s before we even get to … OTTERS!

12 years ago


this must happen

12 years ago

OMG! You guise, psst! They’re on to us!

(It’s kind of old, but it’s still funny)

Little Magpie
Little Magpie
12 years ago

I haven’t even read all the comments. but there is SO MUCH WIN in the comment thread. Also, Arrogant Worms are awesome!

Also, offtopic thread-derailing: Ikea monkey for Mayor! 🙂

12 years ago

How about an oil rig? I hear that you have a few empty in the Gulf of Mexico and its not like there’s many of them. They could get all lubed up and play with each others little soldiers.

12 years ago

Cloudiah, your imagined dialogue was just all manner of perfect and hilarious and stuff. Thoroughly enjoyed it!


Can we send all the MRAs to Alaska, perhaps?

No, I’ve got family up there and don’t want them exposed to the MRA, plus they would likely do something to destroy everything that makes Alaska so gorgeous.

Tracy Bradley
12 years ago

Cloudiah – hilarious!

Because I am so, so proud of my country’s rampant violent misandry, I was moved to make a poster.

Also, offtopic thread-derailing: Ikea monkey for Mayor!

We are crossing our fingers! Snappy dresser, that monkey.

Some Gal Not Bored At All
Some Gal Not Bored At All
12 years ago

Awwww, awaiting moderation. I know what that means

No, you don’t. Why do the trolls always pull this one? It is paranoid, faux-truth-telling, transparent macho bullshit – and I just answered my own question, didn’t I.

I’ve lurked for awhile and am echoing calls for the trolls of old. These guys suck.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Tracy – that poster is brilliant! Love the maple leaf with the I Dream of Jeannie eyes. 😀 😀 😀

12 years ago

If trollboy had bothered to read the comment policy, he’d know that all first comments go into moderation.

Trollboy, your arglebargle saw the light of day, happy now?

12 years ago

I am totally making “moosandry” my word of the month.

12 years ago

Cool strawmen, bro

Trolls are really going downhill around here. This is kind of a hilarious fail — did you post it on the wrong thread?