I’ve seen some strange and paranoid comments on Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men, but this recent comment may be the strangest and paranoidest I’ve ever seen. In the comments to a post outing one of the protesters at the Warren Farrell talk at the University of Toronto, a commenter called Redfield is worried that Canada has now become some sort of death trap for men. Because of all the feminism.
That’s right: Because a couple of feminist college students in Toronto made jokey remarks on Twitter about killing all men, this man is afraid that his 18-year-old son will be in actual physical danger from evil feminists if he sets foot in Canada.
In a later comment, he reports that he and his sons will be going to Canada after all:
But he wonders if there are any “travel advisories” that can, I guess, warn him where feminists tend to congregate:
In the comments here at Man Boobz, Cloudiah imagines how his conversation with the consulate staffer might have gone:
Mid-day at the Consulate General of Canada in Sydney.
Pierre: Hello, you’ve reached the Consulate General of Canada. My name is Pierre. How may I help you?
MRA: I am planning a trip to Canada with my sons next year, and I wanted to know what the feminist threat level will be?
Pierre: Excuse me?
MRA: Yellow? Orange? RED???
Pierre: I’m sorry, I don’t understand.
MRA: I need to know what steps I need to take to protect myself and my boys from being killed by feminists. Do we need to get any shots?
Pierre: Did you say ‘feminists?’
MRA: How many men would you estimate are killed by feminists in Canada in January? February? Or do feminists only thaw out in the Spring?
Pierre: You think we freeze feminists?
MRA: I need to make travel plans!
Pierre: Sir, I think you might have been misinformed.
MRA: I assure you that my information is accurate. It cannot be denied that feminists have been engaged in a campaign to kill all men in Canada.
Pierre: Sir, I believe I would have heard about that.
MRA: I SAW A VIDEO! A pack of rabid feminists tore Warren Farrell apart, limb from limb, and feasted on his spleen!
Pierre: Warren who?
MRA: Then an angry mob of feminist zombies attacked John the Otter with flamethrowers. Or maybe one of them had a cigarette lighter, but it was definitely menacing.
Pierre: John the what?
MRA: They might have accidentally singed his sleeve! Or murdered him with fire!
Pierre: Sir, I’m not sure how to say this but… It might be best if you stayed home.
MRA: It’s because they’re SPERMJACKING us now, right? You’re saying that for my own protection. I get you.
Pierre: Um, sure. Right. Please do not come to Canada. Ever.
Pierre: [Holds phone in front of his face for a moment. Slowly places it back in the cradle.]
MRA: [Hears dial tone.] Oh my god, they’ve killed him. I must alert A Voice for Men!
I think this is literally how these guys see the world.
This may be why Men’s Rights movement is so much less popular these days (as a search term at least) than one up-and-coming rival for the world’s attention: Smelly discharge. Google Trends doesn’t lie!
Thanks to Cloudiah for coming up with this as well. She is winning so many internets she may need to move into a bigger place.
To see more things the Men’s Rights movement is less popular than, click here.
NOTE: I am aware that “paranoidest” is not a real word. The correct term is “paranoidallyest.”
Myoo, it is indeed a crossed-out cupcake, from the Princess Cupcake poster.
Justunderpants: Yes stupid women you are a witness of the collapse right at this moment, you are witnessing Rome burn just before the dark ages. Except Rome didn’t collapse like that and, “the dark ages” are a myth.
Glad I could clear that up.
Awesome, Katz! You should always do cartoons (please). You are spreading much-needed mirth amongst the sick (I am nursing a cold too,ugh)
Justin Underpants revealed:
I thereby declare that Underpants’ entire source of angst is that at least one girl made fun of him at one time, and so all women/girls are teh eebul. And the world is Rome and feminists are Visigoths or summin’.
Justin Underpants, any survival tips for the impending Dark Ages? What are your survival plans? For example, do you have a go bag and, if so, what’s in it?
I guess underpants is going to squatter in abandoned baths or something?
I wonder which feminist is supposed to be Odoacer.
Hella late to the party, but this exchange:
inurashii: nat you did all the misandries
Nat: *proud face*
inurashii: *registers u*
is what the word awesome was made for!! Still chortlng!
Tracy, welcome to the snot club.
The dark ages? You mean when the Hagia Sophia was built (gods, to have the money to go there) — only Europe had anything like the dark ages, the rest of the world went right on doing just fine, or flourished.
But hey, keep thinking that Europe is all that exists, that doesn’t surprise me any.
FTR, that’s directed at underpants, not pecunium (just in case that wasn’t clear through your cold // cold medicine)
Yep, when poor old Europe was in such a dark age that Beowulf was written, the Book of Kells & the Lindisfarne Gospels produced and Alfred called for the gospels to be translated into English so that everyone in his kingdom could understand them. When the treasures of Sutton Hoo and the Staffordshire hoards were created, using garnets from India/Afghanistan sliced so thinly that we still don’t know how they did it . When the Anglo-Saxons were producing pattern-welded swords which where better and stronger than toledo steel and have only ever been rivaled by samurai swords. And that’s just in the islands in the North Sea, off the coast of Europe.
*wanders off muttering about bloody Norman propaganda*
I was more thinking about the famines and plague bits, but valid points all the same. Sorry for the implications of what I said — I was more trying to say that there’s absolutely no reason to think anything like the dark ages occurred outside Europe…failed to say that even in Europe culture did surprisingly well for all the plague. (And my plague history is much better than my pre-1500~ history)
No need to apologise, I trying to aim at Underpants and trying to reinforce your comments about his ignorance around the “dark ages” that followed the “fall” of Rome. Sorry that wasn’t clearer.
That’s the silly thing about the term “dark ages” itself – it seems rather flexible depending on when the writer has in mind.
Speaking of armour … I found this while Googling.
“Speaking of armour … I found this while Googling.”
I don’t know if that’s a great honor, or entirely undignified… (for the wearer of the armour)
titianblue — Whoops! In any case, I did ignore that Europe produced some great works despite the plague (or, in a few cases, because of it).
That’s the second suit of cat armour I’ve seen!
The period commonly called the “dark ages” (~7th-13th centuries) was actually pretty boss for Europe in a lot of ways, too, before the whole plague part: Illuminated manuscripts, maritime republics, Romanesque architecture…
Meanwhile in Africa, Great Zimbabwe, a city so awesome that European archaeologists refused to believe it was built by black people.
If there is a moral, it’s just that there has probably never been a period of history where something awesome wasn’t happening somewhere in the world.
That’s what I mean about the flexible dates – I hadn’t seen it pushed to as late as the 13th century. I mean, trying to say the short-lived Angevin Empire was part of the Dark Ages? The culture of southern France that produced the trouveres, the sort of courts that Eleanor of Aquitaine and others presided over? Or the Norman courts in Sicily – Roger II as part of the Dark Ages? GIMME A BREAK
Argenti, if you google cat armour you’ll see more pretty cool examples. I hope no kitteh’s ever had to wear them – I suspect not.
Well, except for Riley ….
Ha, just stole those dates of the Wiki. (But yeah, it is a little late for an end date, isn’t it?)
Chain mail kitteh! Cool!
Hey, while we’re talking history, does anyone have favourite times/ places?
Most of the stuff I’m into never happened. 😛
Victorian London here, which comes in handy when trolls say stupid things about corsets (or hysteria XD )
I know pecunium’s a history buff, but he’s among the ranks of the sick currently. *shakes fist* Get back here and give us a history lesson!
And on a totally unrelated note, I think the webcomic I’m archive-binging just performed the maneuovre known as a Sick Burn on what I believe is at least one troll’s favourite literature…
(Contains illustrated boobs.)
A different kind of cat armor.