Here at Man Boobz, I’ve set it so first-time commenters have their comments sent to moderation so I can decide if they’re sort of people I want to have commenting here on a regular basis. Given the obnoxiousness of some of the people I let through, I imagine some of you might wonder just what it takes to get censored around here. So here, as a public service of sorts, is one recent comment from a first-timer that I didn’t let through.
It’s from someone claiming to be Chris Key, the Australian dude who runs Men’s Rights Online, offering his thoughts on Paul Elam’s recent hate campaign. (I’m pretty sure it really is him.) As you read, you might want to consider the irony of his complaints about the “foul, aggressive language” of the protestors.
Speaking of which TRIGGER WARNING for abusive language.
Is manboobz.com a playground for patients from North America’s most notorious psychiatric ward?
Seriously, the amount of insane drivel on here has the potential to cause any sane person to ask the aforementioned question. The fact that you fuckwits are trying to portray this goofy, hatemongering feminazi as as a “victim” is beyond insane.
The hatemongering feminazis who protested against Farrell were shouting vulgarities and physically blocking all entrances to the building. That’s intimidation and a suppression of free speech, which is a form of violence. Go watch the videos on YouTube if you don’t believe me, and you’ll see that these feminazi dykes and cunts — as well as the mangina losers who were sniffing around for a sympathy fuck — used foul, aggressive language while barricading the entrances so that the men who wanted to attend the meeting could not get inside.
If a bunch of men did that at a women’s conference then you loopy cunts would claim it’s “proof” that MRAs are uncivilised and violent. Anyone who has a shred of credibility and objectivity can see that the purpose behind these cunts’ actions was to intimidate and suppress the voices of people they do not agree with. If you dopey cunts think that’s okay then it proves that you’re nothing but a bunch of hatemongering fascists who need to spend a night in a watchhouse, as it’s patently obvious that you’re too deluded, stupid and hateful to learn the art of acting decency any other way.
I find it ironic that you losers claim that MRAs are violent. Do I need to remind you spasticated cunts that feminists are violent murderers who intimidate anyone who doesn’t bow down to them?
Take the case of Erin Pizzey as a prime example of what I’m talking about. The feminazis in England murdered her dog and sent numerous death threats to her family, for no other reason than she publicly stated that the women who came to her women’s shelter — Pizzey set up the first women’s shelter in England — were every bit as violent as the men they accused of attacking them. Poor Erin was exposed to so many threats a well organised group of feminazis that she had to flee the country and resettle in the USA.
Don’t take my word for it, see for yourselves:
Pizzey isn’t the first person to experience violence at the hands of feminists. Researchers from the USA experienced something similiar. I think Strauss was one of the victims. Another one was a woman, but I cannot remember her name.
I suppose I’m going to be banned now for speaking the truth, just like you cunts did to gateman. On manboobz.com, only feminist lies and libel directed at MRAS is tolerated by its fat, goofy, unloved owner and its filthy, insane, deceitful, hateful community.
So, there’s that. And there are, alas, many more where that came from.
Also, as far as I can tell, there’s no proof that feminists — or feminazis — killed Pizzey’s dog. This is often asserted as fact, but in the only direct statement from Pizzey on the subject that I’ve been able to find she only says that “one of my dogs was shot on Christmas day on my property.” She insinuates that it was the work of feminists, but does not say so outright, presumably because she does not know for sure. If anyone has any more evidence on the subject I would like to see it.
It goes without saying that whoever did kill Pizzey’s dog, assuming the incident did happen, was and is terrible and wrong. But I’m still not quite sure how this decades-old alleged incident gives MRAs today the license to harass feminists who weren’t even born when it allegedly happened.
@hellkell Feeling a bit better, still got a bit of a wheeze going tho 🙁
You might want to avoid the other thread then, since a major giggle fit might lead to more wheezing.
How do they fit into their little heads both lionising and martyrising murderers like Thomas Ball and others, and condemning feminists for “supporting” nonexistent “lady terrorists” supposedly killing people with boxcutters in the name of feminism?
@Eline: Because their little heads are full up to the top (*and bulging out the ears*) with:
WeeBoy: hope that clears up.
Giggling=wheezing. But still, it’s kind of worth it.
He’s wrong about Erin Pizzey saying that the woman were as bad as the men; she says in her book that *some* of them were. (And her book, “Prone To Violence” is very worth reading, for anyone who wants to understand the cycle of domestic violence & abuse.)
Well, I love you David. And I love the commentariat here.
You keep asking about my personal life. I was pretty anonymous up to a few weeks ago.
pecinum, I was wondering why Paine was on that list. But good people disobey bad laws.
Ah I’m so late to the thread! Nepenthe- Yay fellow math woman! okay, technically I’m a physics lady-type, and physics is like math-lite. But…
*fist bump*
Where did anyone ask you about your personal life?
No one cares.
Nepenthe my sister is an electrical engineer. She put a helluva lot of work into her degree too. But unlike you, she never moped about “women in engineering.”
She seems to be doing fine. No anger. No resentment.
You obsess over me. I wish you would stop.
You flatter yourself. You’re my chew toy.
Diogenes: pecinum, I was wondering why Paine was on that list. But good people disobey bad laws.
Which is why you are not a philosopher. Paine is on that list because he had to leave the US. Why? Because he exercised his, Natural Right, and wrote things his fellow citizens didn’t like.
He was imprisoned in France, because he’d written things which pleased the Girondists, and irked the Jacobins. He spent most of the rest of his days in England; which forgave him is writing of, Common Sense, and tolerated (better than the US), “The Age of Reason”. His funeral was spare (six people), because of the reaction of others to his words.
Again, if you really think people’s “right” to speak is inviolable, then you can’t have any moral complaint with those who speak, and protest against Farrell, or anything else.
Fat, yes. Goofy, yes. But unloved? I say thee NAY!
In other news, it’s kind of cute how MRAs think the classic “I’m rubber and you’re glue” gambit works on things like being identified as a hate movement.
Nepenthe –
So, what is North America’s most notorious psych ward?
I’d argue Bellevue Hospital (NYC)’s emergency psych ward, since it’s been referenced in a lot of TV cop shows. That factoid, somehow, doesn’t make the rant David referenced any funnier or less moronic.
Now I fell objectified.
I thought people didn’t go to his funeral because of his atheism.
My views on natural rights are pretty cookie cutter for the enlightenment era.
I don’t doubt yours are too.
Also, the word of the day is “referenced.” Reference it.
*petpet diogenes* Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll get over it
So you’re saying someone who’s rightly afraid of being imprisoned, tortured, murdered, and therefore doesn’t break bad laws, isn’t a good person? You’ve no idea what you’re talking about, you smug little shite.
Aw, the new troll took attention away from our latest titty baby. Weaksauce.
Go fuck yourself like, six more times. Like, seriously, until it falls off.
“Hey Nepenthe, I’m a lady in math, and I don’t mind working twice as hard for half the credit. Stop being so bitter.”
“Hey Nepenthe, my sister’s physics teacher never learned her name, even though she aced the class and he was her favorite teacher. Stop being so bitter.”
“Hey Nepenthe, my friend’s disabled, but she worked hard and she’s so over it. Stop being so bitter.”
“Hey Nepenthe, my brother had a mental illness, then he got a book on positive thinking and is all better. Stop being so bitter.”
“Hey Nepenthe, my friend was raped and she didn’t mope around about it. Stop being so bitter.”
I hope you get a severe whipworm infection and that your rectum falls out of your ass.