Here at Man Boobz, I’ve set it so first-time commenters have their comments sent to moderation so I can decide if they’re sort of people I want to have commenting here on a regular basis. Given the obnoxiousness of some of the people I let through, I imagine some of you might wonder just what it takes to get censored around here. So here, as a public service of sorts, is one recent comment from a first-timer that I didn’t let through.
It’s from someone claiming to be Chris Key, the Australian dude who runs Men’s Rights Online, offering his thoughts on Paul Elam’s recent hate campaign. (I’m pretty sure it really is him.) As you read, you might want to consider the irony of his complaints about the “foul, aggressive language” of the protestors.
Speaking of which TRIGGER WARNING for abusive language.
Is manboobz.com a playground for patients from North America’s most notorious psychiatric ward?
Seriously, the amount of insane drivel on here has the potential to cause any sane person to ask the aforementioned question. The fact that you fuckwits are trying to portray this goofy, hatemongering feminazi as as a “victim” is beyond insane.
The hatemongering feminazis who protested against Farrell were shouting vulgarities and physically blocking all entrances to the building. That’s intimidation and a suppression of free speech, which is a form of violence. Go watch the videos on YouTube if you don’t believe me, and you’ll see that these feminazi dykes and cunts — as well as the mangina losers who were sniffing around for a sympathy fuck — used foul, aggressive language while barricading the entrances so that the men who wanted to attend the meeting could not get inside.
If a bunch of men did that at a women’s conference then you loopy cunts would claim it’s “proof” that MRAs are uncivilised and violent. Anyone who has a shred of credibility and objectivity can see that the purpose behind these cunts’ actions was to intimidate and suppress the voices of people they do not agree with. If you dopey cunts think that’s okay then it proves that you’re nothing but a bunch of hatemongering fascists who need to spend a night in a watchhouse, as it’s patently obvious that you’re too deluded, stupid and hateful to learn the art of acting decency any other way.
I find it ironic that you losers claim that MRAs are violent. Do I need to remind you spasticated cunts that feminists are violent murderers who intimidate anyone who doesn’t bow down to them?
Take the case of Erin Pizzey as a prime example of what I’m talking about. The feminazis in England murdered her dog and sent numerous death threats to her family, for no other reason than she publicly stated that the women who came to her women’s shelter — Pizzey set up the first women’s shelter in England — were every bit as violent as the men they accused of attacking them. Poor Erin was exposed to so many threats a well organised group of feminazis that she had to flee the country and resettle in the USA.
Don’t take my word for it, see for yourselves:
Pizzey isn’t the first person to experience violence at the hands of feminists. Researchers from the USA experienced something similiar. I think Strauss was one of the victims. Another one was a woman, but I cannot remember her name.
I suppose I’m going to be banned now for speaking the truth, just like you cunts did to gateman. On manboobz.com, only feminist lies and libel directed at MRAS is tolerated by its fat, goofy, unloved owner and its filthy, insane, deceitful, hateful community.
So, there’s that. And there are, alas, many more where that came from.
Also, as far as I can tell, there’s no proof that feminists — or feminazis — killed Pizzey’s dog. This is often asserted as fact, but in the only direct statement from Pizzey on the subject that I’ve been able to find she only says that “one of my dogs was shot on Christmas day on my property.” She insinuates that it was the work of feminists, but does not say so outright, presumably because she does not know for sure. If anyone has any more evidence on the subject I would like to see it.
It goes without saying that whoever did kill Pizzey’s dog, assuming the incident did happen, was and is terrible and wrong. But I’m still not quite sure how this decades-old alleged incident gives MRAs today the license to harass feminists who weren’t even born when it allegedly happened.
Nepenthe: I can do lots of “Feinman tricks”. This astounds some of my friends, mostly because I tell them I can’t do math. But tips are easy, because it’s simple ratios of .1.
CassandraSays – I now have an image of someone trying to wank and pat themselves on the back at the same time.
Sounds like a description of a politician …
@ kittehs
It would be like the game where you try to pat your head and rub your tummy at the same time, but funnier.
@CassandraSays – LOL yes, or the “can’t walk and chew gum at the same time” line reworked!
My last year at university I took an “experimental” geometry course where the students are given a list of theorems and we had to prove them at the board together. So many lovely constructions. I had thought they were silly up until then… the equilateral triangle gets me every time. *sigh*
I’ve held a Nobel Prize. One of my professors missed getting the Nobel by a few months (published second, sweet old man). You are not a special snowflake.
Well, isn’t he a special little dipshit?
Doesn’t he realize the more often he repeats the shocking language, the less shocking it becomes?
A friend of mine’s mother won a Nobel. You would never know it, to meet her. She has had more effect on more people’s lives than anyone else I’ve met (and I’ve met some pretty, “powerful people”. A couple of different Secretaries of Defense, the Colonel Commander of the Reg’t of Military Intelligence, as well as the Commander of the Territorial Army, etc.).
I’ve helped set international military policies, and prevented international incidents, etc.
And I’m still proud to be able to say I met Dr. Rosalyn Yallow.
I’ll bet she was smarter than Diogenes rebbe.
Heh. I’m not sure I’ve met a Nobel laureate or a Fields medallist, but I’ve seen a household name around my uni maths department. I think he’s famous ’cause he was on the Simpsons once or something? 😉
Nepenthe: What I like about that proof is 1: It’s simple. 2: It’s elegant. 3: Anyone can apprehend it.
Psst! Epic dimwit in the other thread. Let the mocking commence.
There are some fairly nice ones around – I’m not entirely unfond of the way you can draw a couple of squares and demonstrate Pythagoras’ theorem.
There was a wonderful moment in this year’s Graphs lectures when the lecturer passed around a counterexample for us to have a look at. Something of a change from the nature of a lot of the proofs in the course, being a large rubber ring disproving the extension of the four-colour theorem to the torus…
MorkaisChosen: I like that one, but it’s not quite intuitive. I have to look at it, long and hard, to see how it’s all hangs together.
But I remember being at an aptitude test, years after my last algebra class (something like eight years), and having to determine the area of a square,and managing to derive a formula that worked (recall, I never too geometry).
That felt good.
Ohh the irony !
Not quite as intuitive? Yeah, s’pose so, though it looks good from where I’m sitting. 😛
This is reminding me of the way my attitude to induction changed when I got to university – having seen it at school, it seemed arbitrary and unenlightening. Then when we started using it on interesting questions where it arose naturally, rather than easy questions that school pupils can pretty much do by rote, suddenly it was this really nice way to say things…
I am a higher maths dimwit but I love how it always makes sense and is totes elegant and practically perfect in every way. So here is a trick for a twenty percent tip. Move the decimal point one place to the left and that gives you ten percent. Double that for twenty percent.
Holy fuck dude, feminists would cheer if men had as many options for birth control.
Jesus, it wasn’t enough that we had to fight for the pill and that we’re still fighting for our reproductive health, but now we have to champion mens health as well?
Where does it fucking stop?
It’s the doubling that’s scary! It involves the digits changing. I joke that the reason I did mathematics was because there are no numbers above 5; it’s not entirely untrue.
I too am an induction convert. I used to think it was icky. Then I did combinatorics and it was love at first QED.
Nepenthe: Is it OK if I paste one of your comments into the other thread? A… let’s just call them a ‘person’ so you can judge for yourself has just tried to use more men getting degrees than women as evidence that men are given an unfair share of the workload.
Nepenthe, Nepenthe, come over to the other thread. XD
I have a feeling it was some combinatorial stuff where I first started thinking this induction lark was quite nice, yeah. It’s come up trumps in graphs, with our lecturer cavalierly going “Well we want to think about all these things at once, so let’s go for induction on number of vertices plus minimum degree” and stuff like that. 🙂
Which other thread? Cmon, share the mocking!
This thread: http://manboobz.com/2012/12/03/the-coming-single-mom-crime-apocalypse-not-really-a-thing/comment-page-4/#comment-230071
WeeBoy: The Coming Single Mom Apocalypse thread.
Are you feeling better?
It’s the Coming Single Mom Crime Wave one, it has the most recent comments in it. This troll is … well, dumb is a good starting point. We’ve had goalpost shifting and wounded tone trolling so far.
Don’t forget to bring popcorn!
The coming single mother apocalypse. Look in the “recent comments”