Here at Man Boobz, I’ve set it so first-time commenters have their comments sent to moderation so I can decide if they’re sort of people I want to have commenting here on a regular basis. Given the obnoxiousness of some of the people I let through, I imagine some of you might wonder just what it takes to get censored around here. So here, as a public service of sorts, is one recent comment from a first-timer that I didn’t let through.
It’s from someone claiming to be Chris Key, the Australian dude who runs Men’s Rights Online, offering his thoughts on Paul Elam’s recent hate campaign. (I’m pretty sure it really is him.) As you read, you might want to consider the irony of his complaints about the “foul, aggressive language” of the protestors.
Speaking of which TRIGGER WARNING for abusive language.
Is manboobz.com a playground for patients from North America’s most notorious psychiatric ward?
Seriously, the amount of insane drivel on here has the potential to cause any sane person to ask the aforementioned question. The fact that you fuckwits are trying to portray this goofy, hatemongering feminazi as as a “victim” is beyond insane.
The hatemongering feminazis who protested against Farrell were shouting vulgarities and physically blocking all entrances to the building. That’s intimidation and a suppression of free speech, which is a form of violence. Go watch the videos on YouTube if you don’t believe me, and you’ll see that these feminazi dykes and cunts — as well as the mangina losers who were sniffing around for a sympathy fuck — used foul, aggressive language while barricading the entrances so that the men who wanted to attend the meeting could not get inside.
If a bunch of men did that at a women’s conference then you loopy cunts would claim it’s “proof” that MRAs are uncivilised and violent. Anyone who has a shred of credibility and objectivity can see that the purpose behind these cunts’ actions was to intimidate and suppress the voices of people they do not agree with. If you dopey cunts think that’s okay then it proves that you’re nothing but a bunch of hatemongering fascists who need to spend a night in a watchhouse, as it’s patently obvious that you’re too deluded, stupid and hateful to learn the art of acting decency any other way.
I find it ironic that you losers claim that MRAs are violent. Do I need to remind you spasticated cunts that feminists are violent murderers who intimidate anyone who doesn’t bow down to them?
Take the case of Erin Pizzey as a prime example of what I’m talking about. The feminazis in England murdered her dog and sent numerous death threats to her family, for no other reason than she publicly stated that the women who came to her women’s shelter — Pizzey set up the first women’s shelter in England — were every bit as violent as the men they accused of attacking them. Poor Erin was exposed to so many threats a well organised group of feminazis that she had to flee the country and resettle in the USA.
Don’t take my word for it, see for yourselves:
Pizzey isn’t the first person to experience violence at the hands of feminists. Researchers from the USA experienced something similiar. I think Strauss was one of the victims. Another one was a woman, but I cannot remember her name.
I suppose I’m going to be banned now for speaking the truth, just like you cunts did to gateman. On manboobz.com, only feminist lies and libel directed at MRAS is tolerated by its fat, goofy, unloved owner and its filthy, insane, deceitful, hateful community.
So, there’s that. And there are, alas, many more where that came from.
Also, as far as I can tell, there’s no proof that feminists — or feminazis — killed Pizzey’s dog. This is often asserted as fact, but in the only direct statement from Pizzey on the subject that I’ve been able to find she only says that “one of my dogs was shot on Christmas day on my property.” She insinuates that it was the work of feminists, but does not say so outright, presumably because she does not know for sure. If anyone has any more evidence on the subject I would like to see it.
It goes without saying that whoever did kill Pizzey’s dog, assuming the incident did happen, was and is terrible and wrong. But I’m still not quite sure how this decades-old alleged incident gives MRAs today the license to harass feminists who weren’t even born when it allegedly happened.
Diogenes has accomplished quite a feat. It’s not every day one is in over their head, arse in the air with their head up their arse to boot. Congrats to him! He is truly a king among trolls!
Link directly to the comment: http://manboobz.com/2012/11/27/mens-rights-posters-now-officially-sillier-than-their-parodies/comment-page-9/#comment-225284
Since we’re talking about trolls, I was wondering – what trolls have had hilarious trollsplosions in the past? I’ve been following the blog for a while, but never read the comments until recent-ish-ly…and I love how you guys viciously smack down the trolls.
teratomatastic, read this: http://manboobz.forummotion.com/t852-a-biography-of-christopher-pell
It’s a distillation of the meltdown of a troll named Pell. It links back to the original thread, which was pretty hilarious.
@teratomatastic: Are you familiar with the Book of Larnin’ ? NWOslave won Troll of the Year 2011.
Tom Martin has had several threads devoted to him, and showed up more than once. He wore the varnish off the word “wh*res” and hilariously claimed that female penguins were wh*res.
B–don’s before my time but I understand that, like Diogenes the Callow, he tried his damnedest to turn every thread into B–don Time.
Oh, and I forgot about Monty “Pell” Clift “Excuse me I have to go medicate my psychiatric patients into a coma because I can’t be arsed to treat them like people.”
Diogenes had me LMAO. He said he invented the algebraic concept of X when he was 9 years old and claimed he was about to make a breakthrough translating the Voynich Manuscript after looking at it for half an hour. He also said he smoked an IQ test while almost passed out drunk.
But then he expected people to be impressed that he was just now reading The Odyssey and had once attended a lecture by a Nobel laureate.
(Show of hands: Who here has attended more than one Nobel laureate lecture? I have and so has just about everyone at my school.)
Meanwhile, Steele tried to trap us in a cunning rhetorical snare with “Either you admit that my misandrist teacher ruined my writing skills or you admit that I’m a rhetorical genius!”
And for some reason ‘no, your teacher was just being honest–you’re a terrible writer, and it’s not because you’re a man’ isn’t an acceptable answer. I dunno why.
whataboutthemoonz — “In other EA related news, Contessa stepped down, EA sold THE RAT MASK for $10k, and Veronica is still my favorite.” — I knew she sold the mask (and tail) for an obscene amount of money, but Contessa left?! (And Captain Maggots is still my favorite, but differences of opinion happen)
Bagelsan // Some Gal Not Bored At All — whole-slew-of-psych-drugs // room-looking-like-a-damned-pharmacy high five! Hilariously, the person I was not-dating in PA is a pharm student, ze hasn’t heard of half my current set XD
Hi Myoo! Love the posters, very glad to see that y’all are still hilarious.
And Oh. Gods. Pell. I really did enjoy that thread that turned into how the disabled get free scooters and that’s better than a car and no one needs more entertainment than school…he really did let his stupid hang out for all to see. (How does one get a free scooter anyways? My 86 year old grandfather is finally admitting he could use one)
“And for some reason ‘no, your teacher was just being honest–you’re a terrible writer, and it’s not because you’re a man’ isn’t an acceptable answer. I dunno why.”
Because that proved we were all just vile misandrist feminists (like her) who thought men can’t write…every the regulars who’re men and said he can’t write…
(Shit, is vile still going to get this caught in the spam filter?)
Vile’s okay now–but he spells it vyle anyway.
PS: Clearly his misandrist feminist teacher was right… I fell 5,000 words short of my Nanowrimo goal. (hangs head in shame)
Howard, it’s an arbitrary goal anyway. You’re cool.
I love the OTness of comments here.
It’s a wonder that misogynists like Chris Key (who obviously hasn’t discovered the vagina or else he wouldn’t use the word ‘cunt’ like it was the only word in the English language to denigrate someone) actually spend the time to find sites like this only to post dribble?
If he spent as much time reflecting on his stupidity as he did online, he might find himself pleasantly surprised that the world filled with half a population of misandrists that want to kill men.
Good lord.
Is vyle supposed to be mocking the use of the word wymen, or a way around the spam filter? o.O?
I’m a little sad I wasn’t around to see the troll-plosion that finally got him modded/banned.
… I think that might have been me. I’m legitimately squeeing that it was remembered.
I legitimately cracked up laughing when you wrote it!
Don’t think I’ve been to any, but on the other hand there was exactly one result mentioned in Graph Theory this year that the lecturer gave a date but not an attribution for. A couple of days later, a friend noticed in a textbook he was reading that “this result, the best improvement in 50 years, is due to Prof [Lecturer].” 🙂
*waves at Argenti Aertheri*
Missed you!
Great to see you back.
Does the peace prize count? I saw Desmond Tutu in college, and the Dalai Lama a couple of weeks ago.
@emilygoddess: If the peace prize counts, I’ve heard the President speak on the teevee and I watched most of the presidential debates.
Guess I’ll go derive a proof for the concept of sine now.
Hi Ithiliana!
On topic — I think I have to sit on my hands here, I tended to skip the optional lectures in college (too damned busy between 15+ credits and working)
@Falconer – my GF went to Washington for the presdient’s inauguration in ’09, does that count? I should at least be able to prove who the Man in the Iron Mask was on the strength of that.