Here at Man Boobz, I’ve set it so first-time commenters have their comments sent to moderation so I can decide if they’re sort of people I want to have commenting here on a regular basis. Given the obnoxiousness of some of the people I let through, I imagine some of you might wonder just what it takes to get censored around here. So here, as a public service of sorts, is one recent comment from a first-timer that I didn’t let through.
It’s from someone claiming to be Chris Key, the Australian dude who runs Men’s Rights Online, offering his thoughts on Paul Elam’s recent hate campaign. (I’m pretty sure it really is him.) As you read, you might want to consider the irony of his complaints about the “foul, aggressive language” of the protestors.
Speaking of which TRIGGER WARNING for abusive language.
Is manboobz.com a playground for patients from North America’s most notorious psychiatric ward?
Seriously, the amount of insane drivel on here has the potential to cause any sane person to ask the aforementioned question. The fact that you fuckwits are trying to portray this goofy, hatemongering feminazi as as a “victim” is beyond insane.
The hatemongering feminazis who protested against Farrell were shouting vulgarities and physically blocking all entrances to the building. That’s intimidation and a suppression of free speech, which is a form of violence. Go watch the videos on YouTube if you don’t believe me, and you’ll see that these feminazi dykes and cunts — as well as the mangina losers who were sniffing around for a sympathy fuck — used foul, aggressive language while barricading the entrances so that the men who wanted to attend the meeting could not get inside.
If a bunch of men did that at a women’s conference then you loopy cunts would claim it’s “proof” that MRAs are uncivilised and violent. Anyone who has a shred of credibility and objectivity can see that the purpose behind these cunts’ actions was to intimidate and suppress the voices of people they do not agree with. If you dopey cunts think that’s okay then it proves that you’re nothing but a bunch of hatemongering fascists who need to spend a night in a watchhouse, as it’s patently obvious that you’re too deluded, stupid and hateful to learn the art of acting decency any other way.
I find it ironic that you losers claim that MRAs are violent. Do I need to remind you spasticated cunts that feminists are violent murderers who intimidate anyone who doesn’t bow down to them?
Take the case of Erin Pizzey as a prime example of what I’m talking about. The feminazis in England murdered her dog and sent numerous death threats to her family, for no other reason than she publicly stated that the women who came to her women’s shelter — Pizzey set up the first women’s shelter in England — were every bit as violent as the men they accused of attacking them. Poor Erin was exposed to so many threats a well organised group of feminazis that she had to flee the country and resettle in the USA.
Don’t take my word for it, see for yourselves:
Pizzey isn’t the first person to experience violence at the hands of feminists. Researchers from the USA experienced something similiar. I think Strauss was one of the victims. Another one was a woman, but I cannot remember her name.
I suppose I’m going to be banned now for speaking the truth, just like you cunts did to gateman. On manboobz.com, only feminist lies and libel directed at MRAS is tolerated by its fat, goofy, unloved owner and its filthy, insane, deceitful, hateful community.
So, there’s that. And there are, alas, many more where that came from.
Also, as far as I can tell, there’s no proof that feminists — or feminazis — killed Pizzey’s dog. This is often asserted as fact, but in the only direct statement from Pizzey on the subject that I’ve been able to find she only says that “one of my dogs was shot on Christmas day on my property.” She insinuates that it was the work of feminists, but does not say so outright, presumably because she does not know for sure. If anyone has any more evidence on the subject I would like to see it.
It goes without saying that whoever did kill Pizzey’s dog, assuming the incident did happen, was and is terrible and wrong. But I’m still not quite sure how this decades-old alleged incident gives MRAs today the license to harass feminists who weren’t even born when it allegedly happened.
Kitteh looks like my mother’s cat, ‘cept my mother’s cat would totally eat your toes for that. And I’m a little amazed Steele lasted that long, did he lay off the tedious 10 pages threads or something?
I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Didiot the objective genius with an impressive EQ of 0 get thoroughly schooled over two manboobz posts. It’s not personal – just a result of losing the ‘culture wars’ on manboobz maybe? Hurk.
Yeah, he wasn’t around quite so much, but ended up defending really horrible stuff – my brain bleach must be working, I can’t remember the specifics – and getting himself sent to the corner.
He did manage to come up with the spelling “vyle” first though.
There’s also Diogenes the Cynic, aka the Naif, the Stupid, the Boring, etc etc. He’s a sort of cross between Steele and Mr Al: every thread is ME ME ME LOOK AT ME and pretending he’s a genius, while making hilariously stupid errors about all sorts of things. (Don’t mention the
warmaths!)Another MRA who can’t do math? Color me unsurprised — is Diogenes the same poster as um…the anti-troll? Or whatever his name was?
Steele would defend anything it seemed, so I’m not terribly surprised.
The naif, gods I’ve missed the exquisite uses of English around these parts…
Pecunium dubbed him The Naif. 🙂 I don’t think he’s a returning troll.
Pell’s made a couple of transparent sockpuppet efforts. NWOslave was around, though he seemed to be on autopilot, but he and Meller seem to have disappeared since the election.
My toasted sammiches are ready, I’ll be back shortly.
Enjoy your sammichs! Pell is unsurprising, he does that; I am a bit surprised to hear the NWO and Meller have better things to do, but I guess they’re probably preparing or the apocolypse or something (asshole relatives = conservative relatives, you’d think Hitler got elected to hear some of it)
And I kind of guessed that The Naif had to be Pecunium, it has that middle English ring to it (and hi there Pecunium if you’re around!)
*nom nom nom*
Ham cheese and tomato, yum.
Someone came up with the wonderful image of Slavey sitting on a deckchair with an umbrella on the White House lawn and shouting at the building ‘cos the President is a Muslim-Commie-Feminazi-whore. Or something.
On a happy note, I found what a cool and accepting mob the regulars here are, with stuff I was wary of mentioning ‘cos it is a bit out there. Which was a really good day. 🙂
One from my father (who thinks he so very original with this one) — black-bama *rolls eyes*
Muslim-Commie-Feminazi-whore sounds better…not that my father doesn’t have a whole rant about how Obama’s a commie. (He’s a pleasure and a joy to live with /sarcasm)
And yeah, the regulars here are all awesome people, which is why I’m glad I have time for commenting 🙂
It’s all misandry. A woman who dates an asshole is wrong for choosing an asshole over a nice guy. She is an idiot for staying in that relationship. A man who is with a crazy woman is just a victim of misandry. He shouldn’t be held responsible for his choice in women as a woman should be held responsible for her choice in men. She probably is just trapping him with her pussy powers or something. She’s the bad guy no matter what!
Argenti: I think Diogenes’ maths fail was a little different to NWO’s – it was pretty much “I know a guy who solved Fermat’s Last Theorem about 30 seconds after I told him about it.”
Given that several of the regulars are maths students and/or mathematicians, that… did not go well for him.
The math-fail was funny. It wasn’t as funny as when he tried to explain to a bunch of us why Christopher Hitchens was brilliant and we were dumb-heads to call him a sexist, racist war-monger.
And doubled down when he found out a lot of us had been reading Hitchens for years before he had ever heard of him.
That one was totally hilarious to me, anyway.
(welcome back, Argenti!)
BTW driversuz was asking on an AVfM thread how to create a believable new online identity, so keep your eyes peeled for potential sock puppets.
I already have that remix! It is one of my favorites! 😀 (In other EA related news, Contessa stepped down, EA sold THE RAT MASK for $10k, and Veronica is still my favorite.)
As for trolls, I tried to adopt Steele for a while, but then he said some terrible things a few threads back and I had to put him down.
There was a Bob Smith who contributed 20k words about “my girlfriend dumped me, therefore all women are flighty and emotional and out to abuse men” in a 1k comment thread.
Diogenes the Cynic is kind of dumb. Seems promising.
We also had a troll tell us all to check out “got-born” privilege in an abortion debate.
Lots of trolls. Time for trophies, yanno, they gotta try harder.
Suzfail won’t be able to pull it off, they never can for very long.
Was that Diogenes? I thought that was another screen name, although Naif may have been sock-puppeting.
There’s a troll with a horrible French translation of “just a loser” for a nym, but he’s kind of forgettable once you get past his misuse of “juste” for “only” and “perdant” for “loser.”
I’m awful glad Slavey hasn’t been around since the election, but I’m worried he’s gone and done something stupid.
Oh, and he wasn’t our troll, but David Mabus got caught at his old tricks, and released faster than a fish that’s too small.
I can’t remember this. Where was it?
The “Hitch was objectively the greatest and you are all jealous of his genius and you’ve obviously drunk the haterade” was Skyrimjob (ugh…), although DtF was all “He’s no Bertrand Russel [sic].” It’s on the Atheist Bigwig Sam Harris thread.
Dangit! I’ve been here too long… they’re all starting to look like Owly to me.
I realize that the public revelation that Steele is probably a poe and that point where he crossed a line hurt his position in the runnings, but I’m still considering giving him my vote. I dunno.
oh man thanks for reminding me about Skyrimjob! I think he may have been the best.
Oh, man, the Popes, PUA, Pill, Alpha Cock Carousel thread was the best. “I’m worried that someday the hate will result in bloodshed!”
“….hey, you know it’s the anniversary of the Montreal Massacre right?”
“Lone nutjob. John Scalzi is a monster for the all the violence he’s about to cause!!”
The works.
(Short version involves asshole relatives and a whole slew of psych drugs, my room looks like a damned pharmacy!)
Whole-slew-of-psych-drugs high five! 😀
Room-looking-like-a-damned-pharmacy high five! (Between me and my boyfriend, we could start quite the little drug dealing operation…)
Hey Argenti, nice to see you again. You missed the new MRM poster parodies that we did, they’re in the comments of this post:
Cloudiah is also posting them up at her site, which has also recently gotten a new banner drawn by LBT.