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MRA Paul Elam Launches a Hate Campaign Against a College Student for Attending a Demonstration and Making Twitter Jokes

Paul Elam, Poster Boy for a Hate Movement
Paul Elam, Poster Boy for a Hate Campaign

Paul Elam is a 55-year-old man who once told a feminist foe that “the idea of fucking your shit up gives me an erection.” Today he’s launched a campaign of defamation against a college student that’s clearly intended to intimidate her and other feminists into silence. The alleged crimes of this woman, whom Elam identifies by name? Possibly attending a demonstration against MRA author Warren Farrell at the University of Toronto, possibly tearing down posters for the event, and making a couple of jokes on Twitter. Oh, and she also once suggested that Farrell was a misogynist.

Elam has not yet revealed what effect this new campaign has had upon his penis.

While her (apparent) attendance at the anti-Farrell demonstration is what brought the young woman to Elam’s attention, he seems particularly puzzled and enraged by two jokey comments she made on Twitter. In one of them, she joked that her “political position” was “kill all men hail satan.” In the other, she said she was thinking about getting knuckle tattoos that spell out “misandry.”

These jokey comments have evidently convinced Elam that

She doesn’t just hate men; doesn’t just want them dead or silenced or marginalized or ignored. She at least entertains the idea of permanently marking her skin with that hatred, like a convict signaling gang affiliation.

Pretty harsh words from someone whose YouTube handle used to be TheHappyMisogynist. (Check the URL here.)

So what exactly is the point of publicizing her name, which will give the assholes now posting rape threats and other violent shit about the demonstrators at that Warren Farrell protest the real name of a real, live person to harass?

Elam, while carefully avoiding any direct incitement of harassment and/or violence, makes clear that his aim is to “stop her.”

[She] is not going to stop. And no one at the University of Toronto is going to stop her. We can figure that one out by the fact that they chartered clubs to enable that kind of conduct.

For that reason, we bring her to public attention here at AVfM.

Additionally, over the next two days, she will be listed on as a known bigot, and her image and name will find a place on our display of featured offenders.

Elam promises to do the same, by name, to others who attended the protest as well.

The best way to strike back at Elam’s campaign to shut up critics of his hateful Men’s Rights ideology? Make more noise.

If anyone is interested in reaching out to the student and any others who may be targeted by Elam, please contact me or leave a comment below. And if anyone knows how to contact her, please send me an email.

(Also, at one point Elam describes Farrell as “an individual who has dedicated a lifetime to helping children in trouble.” Oh, is that what he was doing when he was working on a book that he said would highlight the alleged “positive” aspects of incest?)

EDITED TO ADD: Just to make clear, this woman is not the same woman that Elam and JohnTheOther were talking about in their previous posts; it’s a different woman, who appears only briefly in that video. It’s not clear if they have the other woman’s info, but if not they are certainly still looking for it.

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12 years ago

no, no, Futurama is always connected to everything. Like Kevin Bacon …

12 years ago

Zoidberg is always relevant!!

Fry: I can’t play anymore
Zoidberg: The music was in your heart, not your hands!! *Listens to Fry play* Your music is bad and you should feel bad!!

12 years ago

Apparently horse porn is also always relevant
/things I learned from manboobz

12 years ago

That “poster run” is hilarious. Did you pick the deserted alleyway because it reminds you of your mother’s basement?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Yeah, “my body my choice” applies to men how?

Your dick, you get to shove it where you want, regardless?

You don’t have to use contraceptives if you don’t want to?

You don’t have to support the children you sire?*

*had to work in an equine refernce somehow.

12 years ago

I didn’t know you could do Zoidberg as an ascii smiley.

My life has just gotten better.

(V) (;,,;) (V)

Woob woob woob woob! *scuttles away*

12 years ago

… That’s slightly worrying, because…


Hello, Cthulhu.

12 years ago

Ascii Cthulhu



12 years ago

I didn’t know you could do Zoidberg as an ascii smiley.

My life has just gotten better.

Landon Whittaker
12 years ago

Hey! New here, and from Toronto. Would love to help out anyway I can.

As of lately, I’ve constantly been reading about the MRM, and hearing that the MRM has a group so close to home is sickening!

So very glad to have found this website! I commend you on your writing… it’s engaging, accessible, funny and very informative. Can’t wait to become a regular participant here. Thanks

Evangeline Claire
12 years ago

Yeah…I’d go with that she was jokin’ about the misandrist comments. In a way of mocking them about /their/ whineaboutwomen attitude.

I have the right to be light on this woman. However, anyone who wouldn’t do the same for a man joking around with a genuine crazy misogynist has no right to go “it’s just a joke!”. I just wanted to make that clear. What I mean is, if some man mocks a misogynist by saying “kill all women hail satan” and that he wants a “misogynist” tattoo on his knuckles, that should be alright with everyone here. No, “Even if it was just a joke it’s awful! Saying kill women?!” none of that shit.

(And the connotation that sentence gives is insulting and offensive too… along the lines of how can anyone even joke about killing the poor weak wimminz. Please don’t be biased and respond like that. I’m going to show you how weak women are if you do that. :D)

Evangeline Claire
12 years ago

Okay, the protestors had every right to protest, but I comment unbiasedly…they had no right to get physical or threatening, and no right to accuse all of the policemen and security there of being Men’s Rights activists. Cmon. THEY look bad when they accuse everyone of being misandrist, right? Don’t act like them. Don’t attack people who didn’t do anything to be attacked.

It was pretty unfair that they were calling the police men’s rights activists just for not being biased in their security. Police do that all the time – keep peace at both sides, get people to back up, etc…just because they’re not letting you do what you want, when at some misogynist rally, they’d be doing the same to them, doesn’t mean you get to call them men’s rights activists.

I imagine that some of the police there, especially the ones that support the feminist cause, were pretty damn hurt by that.

Evangeline Claire
12 years ago

Ughh…some of the people there didn’t even know who this author was that wrote the stuff! People CANNOT insult and harass people just for trying to check it out. They can’t sit there and call everyone who tries to check it out woman-hating “scum”. That’s not right, because some of the people trying to check it out aren’t misogynists. Let them see for THEMSELVES that people gathering around the book have ulterior motives in mind. Attacking them is not going to convince them that something is wrong with the book or the book’s motives- their first guess would actually be that the people protesting are probably just “twisting” things, since well, they’re attacking anyone who tries to look at it.

I fucking WELCOME people to check it out, and anyone who says they’re just checking it out, I’d offer to EDUCATE them…I’d let them in with a smile and remind them to watch out for the misogynist attitude.

I just imagine my cousin or another family member innocently checking the book out, and being attacked like that. Those words are really hurtful and NOT okay.

Evangeline Claire
12 years ago

And of course, when someone gets past her to go in anyway, she’s all pissed off. If she had said to people, “hey, this guy is a rape apologist!” and went into detail about it, she could have TURNED PEOPLE AWAY. I hate the fact that some people at the protest clearly didn’t give a flying crap about turning people that are ignorant of everything Warren Farrel believes in and were just in attack mode. They could’ve saved plenty of non-rape apologists’ time if they had bothered to inform them of what he really thinks instead of practically PUSHING THEM THROUGH THE DOOR.

Evangeline Claire
12 years ago

Good lord…guys, if you are for fixing social and civil issues no matter what the sex, then just be humanist. Don’t bother flouncing around MRA sites because you will come across plenty of people who are just misogynistic. Anyone who calls you a misogynist because you include issue_here_that_affects_males in something you dont like, well you can call them a misandrist. It’s clearly sexist to attack people for wanting equal rights. That’s not what good feminists do.

12 years ago

Sorry Evangeline, did your lecture have a point there?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Idk about a point, but I’ve met a few humanists, one of whom seems to not be speaking to me because (among other stupid reasons) I called his movement a religion and said that their “blind eye” to race, sex, etc is just supporting racism, sexism, etc.

He is a transhumanist though, so I’d be willing to hear an argument that those problems are limited to the transhumanist sect of humanism.

Of course, please learn how to compose a sentence first, I can’t make heads nor tails of this one —

Anyone who calls you a misogynist because you include issue_here_that_affects_males in something you dont like, well you can call them a misandrist.

You may be interested in what I’m currently reading though, ration wiki on the MRM.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Obamacare and the feminists that support it dismiss men’s medical needs. The word “women” appears 134 times in the body of Obamacare. The word “men” appears twice in the body of Obamacare.[20] ”

*dies* NICE GOING ZARAT >.< (Mind you rational wiki ignores that entirely and answers the actual substantive claim instead…I’m just sure Zarat would be all “I was cited, see that proves I’m right!!”)

12 years ago

So Evangeline is the arbiter of “good” feminists now? Evangeline, way to make a first impression, now fuck off.

12 years ago

Why is Evangeline talking to herself?

12 years ago

I think Evangeline probably needs her own blog. Here you go, Evangeline:

Now you can write to your heart’s content about how you think feminist activists should think, and behave.

Go for it!

11 years ago

Lol, as with a lot of people obsessed with reverse prejudice, this guy does not appear capable of making judgements about intent, proportion, etc. I used to joke about “irony-deficiency syndrome. His response to her jokes would fall right under that heading.

11 years ago
11 years ago

Pathetic necro-troll is pathetic.