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MRA Paul Elam Launches a Hate Campaign Against a College Student for Attending a Demonstration and Making Twitter Jokes

Paul Elam, Poster Boy for a Hate Movement
Paul Elam, Poster Boy for a Hate Campaign

Paul Elam is a 55-year-old man who once told a feminist foe that “the idea of fucking your shit up gives me an erection.” Today he’s launched a campaign of defamation against a college student that’s clearly intended to intimidate her and other feminists into silence. The alleged crimes of this woman, whom Elam identifies by name? Possibly attending a demonstration against MRA author Warren Farrell at the University of Toronto, possibly tearing down posters for the event, and making a couple of jokes on Twitter. Oh, and she also once suggested that Farrell was a misogynist.

Elam has not yet revealed what effect this new campaign has had upon his penis.

While her (apparent) attendance at the anti-Farrell demonstration is what brought the young woman to Elam’s attention, he seems particularly puzzled and enraged by two jokey comments she made on Twitter. In one of them, she joked that her “political position” was “kill all men hail satan.” In the other, she said she was thinking about getting knuckle tattoos that spell out “misandry.”

These jokey comments have evidently convinced Elam that

She doesn’t just hate men; doesn’t just want them dead or silenced or marginalized or ignored. She at least entertains the idea of permanently marking her skin with that hatred, like a convict signaling gang affiliation.

Pretty harsh words from someone whose YouTube handle used to be TheHappyMisogynist. (Check the URL here.)

So what exactly is the point of publicizing her name, which will give the assholes now posting rape threats and other violent shit about the demonstrators at that Warren Farrell protest the real name of a real, live person to harass?

Elam, while carefully avoiding any direct incitement of harassment and/or violence, makes clear that his aim is to “stop her.”

[She] is not going to stop. And no one at the University of Toronto is going to stop her. We can figure that one out by the fact that they chartered clubs to enable that kind of conduct.

For that reason, we bring her to public attention here at AVfM.

Additionally, over the next two days, she will be listed on as a known bigot, and her image and name will find a place on our display of featured offenders.

Elam promises to do the same, by name, to others who attended the protest as well.

The best way to strike back at Elam’s campaign to shut up critics of his hateful Men’s Rights ideology? Make more noise.

If anyone is interested in reaching out to the student and any others who may be targeted by Elam, please contact me or leave a comment below. And if anyone knows how to contact her, please send me an email.

(Also, at one point Elam describes Farrell as “an individual who has dedicated a lifetime to helping children in trouble.” Oh, is that what he was doing when he was working on a book that he said would highlight the alleged “positive” aspects of incest?)

EDITED TO ADD: Just to make clear, this woman is not the same woman that Elam and JohnTheOther were talking about in their previous posts; it’s a different woman, who appears only briefly in that video. It’s not clear if they have the other woman’s info, but if not they are certainly still looking for it.

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12 years ago

“Ask most guys over the age of about 40 where I live whether men are discriminated against by society and they will laugh. Ask guys my age (24) or younger the same question and more than half of them will say yes, absolutely.”

That may be as much about individual maturity as it is about social generational habits.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Carleyblue – From what I’ve seen, Australian society tends to be fairly unthinkingly misogynistic in many ways, though without the specifically religious crackpottery infecting US politics, for instance. But I don’t think one could say the MRM is getting more traction here. Hell, it’s practically unknown; I’ve never seen a mention of it in the main papers at all, or spoken to anyone who’s ever heard of it. I think the MRM’s screaming for attention is more sound and fury than actual numbers or influence.

12 years ago

I think you have it backwards. The MRM‘s views are not exactly novel, they’ve been around for a long time, so when someone expresses views that are similar to the MRM, that doesn’t necessarily mean they are a part of it. In fact, the MRM probably wouldn’t have even the limited “success” they have if it wasn’t for those views already being prevalent in socety.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Good point, Myoo. All this lot are doing is trotting out the same old misogyny with extra hatred. The medium is new, not the message.

12 years ago

I just read through their comments on the AVfM site, and I have a couple of OT questions (trigger warnings):

First – what’s with their hatred of the KKK? I would have thought they’d be more in favor of it. Basically the same views, just a slightly different object set. Plus, having lived in a lot of backwoods/backwards deep south, I’ve known quite a few Klan and open KKK supporters (full disclosure to make sure this is clear – I am NOT one, by any stretch of the imagination), and a lot of them are in agreement with the MRAs. AVfM is going to lose a bunch of support if they keep up the anti-KKK attitude. (Not to defend the KKK, but I should point out that not all KKK are MRAs and vice versa – but there is overlap.)

Second – what is the “rapebook” that they keep talking about? It appears to have something to do with Facebook, but I’m not sure what, and didn’t want to dig further to find out.

12 years ago

Dualityheart, that would be harassment too, though.

12 years ago

What if we all send him feminist Holiday cards instead?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

What, and waste a stamp on that bloke?

12 years ago

Ugh. Depressing news is depressing. Here, have ADVENTURES OF LINK AND KITTEH.

12 years ago

drst: No problem. I figure that in the areas where I have personal experience/expertise it matter to smack the stupid upside the head with facts. It’s also good to show people who know there is something there what those facts are, so they can use them the next time someone starts to play that stupid again on the guitar.

Hippie Redneck
12 years ago

Emma Claire is not some innocent, helpless little girl. She’s nineteen years old. So, by Canadian law, she’s legally old enough to vote, marry, own property, and sign a contract. Anybody old enough to do that is certainly old enough to own their shit.

As for her “jokes”, I really must ask: Why is it so acceptable for women to make jokes about themselves killing all men, but when Daniel Tosh makes a hypothetical remark about a girl getting raped, he’s suddenly the Embodiment of All That Is Evil and Patriarchal?

You motherfucking hypocrites.

12 years ago

I have heard that the KKK perpetrates vigilante violence against wife beaters. That could be a big reason MRAs hate them (but they’ll claim it’s because of the racism, of course).

Frank James Spencer
12 years ago


Frank James Spencer
12 years ago


Oh well time to go on a poster run….

Frank James Spencer
12 years ago

Feminist protest 2012 VS redneck protest 1962 – spot the difference.

12 years ago

…Is there any reason you’ve posted that video in every thread?

12 years ago
12 years ago

@ Myoo
Yeah, you’re right, I don’t consider them part of the movement of course. But if these are old ideas (which many of them are), wouldn’t older men and more conservative men be more likely to express them? In my experience, those who see men as victims are young and tend to be left-wing. Maybe the other ones just keep it to themselves. Or my personal experience could be anomalous*.

*Is that a word?
I’m not trying to start an argument, just wondering aloud.

@Frank James Spencer Those are a whole lot of posters to put up…

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

These are some sorry ass posters Frankie. You make the RCP (Canada) look like graphic design geniuses.

Hope you guys make a conference in Montreal real soon, you’ll think Toronto protests were tame.

12 years ago

Frank, what does ‘My body, my choice’ mean in the context of men’s rights? I await your sure-to-be-hilarious reply.

12 years ago

I found a picture of Frankie

Don’t be a hater (V) (;,,;) (V)

(For Dr. Zoidberg, obviously. Hate on Frankie all you want.)

12 years ago

@Kiki: hat does ‘My body, my choice’ mean in the context of men’s rights? I await your sure-to-be-hilarious reply.

Me too!

While waiting….drawing on my aging memory from past Manboobz posts and trolls.

The RIGHT to be free of evil wimminz jacking their sperm to create pregnancies to falsely accuse them of rape and send police as proxy violence and get childcare to buy bonbons?

The right to a “paper abortion”?

12 years ago

I hadn’t watched any Futurama in years. Fortunately it appears to be perpetually streaming from Netflix.

Zoidberg was always my favorite. I thought Frye was given the idiot ball too often.

12 years ago

My first thought was male infant circumcision …. but that would be logical and justifiable so I can’t be right.

12 years ago

Sorry, that had nothing to do with anything.