a voice for men antifeminism facepalm FemRAs frontman fallacy MRA oppressed men transphobia TyphonBlue whaaaaa? YouTube

FeMRA TyphonBlue: What if the men who seem to run the world … AREN’T REALLY MEN?

How women rule the world.
Women ruling the world?

When confronted with the simple fact that men hold the overwhelming majority of positions of power in the world – in government, business, culture, and pretty much everything else – MRAs like to pretend that the actual gender of those in power makes no difference because, well, the men in power are probably a bunch of manginas doing the dirty work of the women who really run the world. Or something like that.

Indeed, some MRAs have even managed to convince themselves that the very basic historical and sociological fact that men in power, by and large, tend to represent men’s interests more than women’s interests is some sort of locical fallacy – something that they’ve labeled  “The Frontman Fallacy.”

Now A Voice for Men contributor and YouTube videoblogger TyphonBlue has done these guys one better in terms of sheer antifeminist loopiness. In the comments on one of the Warren Farrell protest videos I recently wrote about, she argues that men in power don’t really push male interests because … they probably don’t even think of themselves as men.

Here she is, writing under her other nom-de-net Genderratic:


I don’t even know what to say to this. I mean, WHAT?!

PROTIP: You’re not going to convince anyone you’re a great ally of trans* people if you refer to them as “it.”

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Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Seriously. Clarence is one of the angriest trolls I’ve seen.

Clarence in Baltimore
Clarence in Baltimore
12 years ago

Oh..just because it’s so retarded I will give one last shot at Tulgey Logger’s post.

Dear , you did notice I was speaking present tense. And since you seem rather “slow” I’ll specify it has to be a law in the USA. My life isn’t affected by “coverture” in the 19th century nor is it affected by Taliban idiots attacking little school girls in Afghanistan, though I’ll occasionally HELP fight the later. Humanitarianism and all that. Notice there’s no feminism in humanitarianism…

12 years ago

It’s because rage is their default state.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

I’m not very tuned into trans* issues (but I’m learning!) so I could be way off base, but isn’t calling someone “male-bodied” or “female-bodied” offensive all by itself*? If someone identifies as male, then they’re male, so wouldn’t saying “male-bodied” imply that they are male in body only, regardless of how they identify? We already have the terms MAAB and FAAB to describe how others see someone or how they were seen in the past.

Me too, clairedammit – I’m not clued in yet about trans issues and terminology either, but those phrases are real side-eye stuff. I sort of read them as the birth body overriding any identification or alteration or just not being whatever typhonblue thinks is “male” and “female”. Either way, nasty.

Has Clarence been hitting the malmsey?

12 years ago

Weak flounce, Clarence. GFY

12 years ago

To be fair, it’s not just trans people whose self-identification Typhon Blue doesn’t respect, it’s pretty much anyone who isn’t a raving misogynist (for men).

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Aw, angry trolly couldn’t stay away.

Forgive me for being confused, Clarence. Your conflation of patriarchy with unicorns and fairy dust suggests that you are badly in need of remedial education. Badly.

But hey, maybe you’re right. Maybe after women finally got the right in all 50 states not to be raped by their husbands in 1993, patriarchy magically vanished.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

It’s like Tulgey said upthread – you’re not a man unless you’re a misogynist and preferably an MRA. Oh, and I imagine you’d have to be heterosexual, since Real Men aren’t gay or asexual or anything else.

This stupidity, it hurts mah head. I’m getting a cup of coffee.

12 years ago

Just be sure to take your meds after you are all done getting that anger out of your systems…

Thanks for the reminder, very sweet of you. Oh wait… you were just being ableist, not helpful.

My life isn’t affected by “coverture” in the 19th century nor is it affected by Taliban idiots attacking little school girls in Afghanistan

Nor is it affected by the non-existent draft (at least not anymore than British citizens are affected by the political opinions of the Queen). So, what are you complaining about?

12 years ago

Am I still a woman if I’m wearing jeans, or do I have to go change into a dress?

Just trying to figure out the rules of Typhon Blue’s genderverse.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

My life isn’t affected by the Taliban!*

*Except when it is.

Ranter (@socialrants)
12 years ago

nor is it affected by Taliban idiots attacking little school girls in Afghanistan

Hmm, I smell a libertarian. Anyone with the ability to feel for other human beings would be deeply affected by children being attacked.

12 years ago

I wasn’t personally effected by the massacres in Rwanda! That means they don’t count, right?

(It never ceases to surprise me just how selfish MRAs are.)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

It’ll all boil down to the old “Don’t spend MY MONEY on other human-shaped things!” rant. The same ones who do not apparently use roads or public transport or hospitals or schools* or anything they haven’t made themselves from scratch, ever.

*Their non-use of schools is kind of self-evident in their attitudes …

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Of course, the most grievous legal problems are sometimes the lack of laws. But hey, it doesn’t meet the “boys rule, girls drool” legal standard of Clarence v. Manboobz so it doesn’t count.

Meanwhile, the rest of us are well aware Clarence can’t find a single statement demonstrating the hatred of men by David or by anyone else here. It would be fun to see him try to bring out his “girls rule, boys drool” laws, though. Lulz all around!

12 years ago

Criminy! MRA trolls. Always aiming for contempt and hitting the high stupid instead.

12 years ago

Awww, a new troll and I missed it. My bad.

Here’s a cute kitten by way of apology. I know how they hate cute animals.

12 years ago

The men in power all over the world:

Colette Wedding
12 years ago

Clarence is the one that didn’t understand why offering that he’d f*ck a female blogger only if she had a bag over her head is dehumanizing and misogynistic, thus getting him banned from NSWATM when said comment was brought to their attention. See, it was all about him being persecuted for his sexual preferences, lol.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

In addition to the many things Clarence doesn’t understand, he doesn’t understand the legal use of force.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

I suppose Clarence is into invisible heads. After all his own is firmly planted up his arse.

Colette Wedding
12 years ago

There are a few other things too that I unfortunately can’t remember clearly enough to bring up. But needless to say, I do hope he comes back, lol.

12 years ago

Clarence, come back! If you let us chew on you some more, you get your wings.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

… mosquito wings, I presume?

12 years ago

1. Morgan for President!
2. I have a spider living in my shower stall even.
3. Dinner is spinach enchiladas – rich in irony!

Oh wait, Mr. Dammit is telling that they’re rich in iron. Never mind.