a voice for men antifeminism facepalm FemRAs frontman fallacy MRA oppressed men transphobia TyphonBlue whaaaaa? YouTube

FeMRA TyphonBlue: What if the men who seem to run the world … AREN’T REALLY MEN?

How women rule the world.
Women ruling the world?

When confronted with the simple fact that men hold the overwhelming majority of positions of power in the world – in government, business, culture, and pretty much everything else – MRAs like to pretend that the actual gender of those in power makes no difference because, well, the men in power are probably a bunch of manginas doing the dirty work of the women who really run the world. Or something like that.

Indeed, some MRAs have even managed to convince themselves that the very basic historical and sociological fact that men in power, by and large, tend to represent men’s interests more than women’s interests is some sort of locical fallacy – something that they’ve labeled  “The Frontman Fallacy.”

Now A Voice for Men contributor and YouTube videoblogger TyphonBlue has done these guys one better in terms of sheer antifeminist loopiness. In the comments on one of the Warren Farrell protest videos I recently wrote about, she argues that men in power don’t really push male interests because … they probably don’t even think of themselves as men.

Here she is, writing under her other nom-de-net Genderratic:


I don’t even know what to say to this. I mean, WHAT?!

PROTIP: You’re not going to convince anyone you’re a great ally of trans* people if you refer to them as “it.”

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10 years ago


Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

non-forcible culture suppression would be things like how hispanic culture is devalued in the us, or how orthodox jewish culture or amish culture are devalued. these peoples are in a continual process of assimilation and must take proactive steps to avoid that. this is culture suppression but not genocide by any means, even if the amish were to someday entirely disappear.

native peoples typically have a very different experience, one which features rape, murder, and the kidnapping of children to be raised away from their parents. hence: genocide can be an appropriate word.

10 years ago

PoM – as in the (in)famous slogan, “kill the Indian, save the man”.

10 years ago

Would it be a bad idea to hold my breath while I wait?


Yes, I suspect it would.

10 years ago

I used Latvia as an example of cultural suppression because Russification of Soviet Eastern European countries was clearly non-genocidal forced assimilation.

“Kill the Indian, save the man” didn’t get coined until the late 19th century, after millions of Native people were murdered in a deliberate government sanctioned genocide and only several hundred thousand remained.

10 years ago


Wow… okay, One: What about my photo would make you doubt what my pronouns were?

Faulty premise: question assumes I knew what gender you identify as. The whole point of my post was that your little argle-bargle was too confusing for me to even guess (and I’d never assume anything about you based on your avatar, I have no way to know if the photo is even yours). I used “his” to refer to David, who, as far as I know, identifies himself as a man.

Do I need to detail some sexual assaults before you will stop mocking my concerns?

Faulty premise: your life history is irrelevant to whatever “concerns” you have about the attitudes of people from two years ago.

10 years ago

I’m just glad we’re all on the same page re: natives experiencing forcible assimilation. Because there isn’t enough absinthe in the world otherwise.

10 years ago

I hope that there is no doubt or confusion in anyone’s mind that I am indeed a Catshark, and that Puddleglum is evil.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Valerie is still: (1) reading, (2) trying to comment even though she knows she’s modded, and (3) claiming that no one ever hand-fed her an explanation of what she was supposed to apologize for. It’s really sad.

Valerie, you’ll find the answer in the second comment on this very page! But since I fully expect you to whine that being expected to scroll up is oppressive, here is a sixth attempt to get you to pay attention: . Sorry, I’m fresh out of silver platters.

10 years ago

I can picture her pounding at her keyboard in a rage, spittle flecks on the monitor shouting about how we’re trying to genocide her.

It’s making me laugh and laugh.

10 years ago

That is sad–having a good keyboard smash with no one to read it. Word salad in the void.

10 years ago

I am the ghost of rages past
my raging seas churn and
grasp the frenetic frolic of wrathspawned waves
outlast the rock of patience, shear
pillars of magnanimity to wreck
and burn the coast of commentaries with fear

Praise be moderators, scorn and snark
to halt these blasted puddles in their trek
delay the pissant, unpleasant fetid
fungus dank and dark
slimemolds across a mind of puerile perfidity

You’re neither welcome here nor there
so please avaunt yourselves bold

10 years ago

Fibinachi – that read like a collaboration between Guillaume Apollinaire and Enoch Soames.

Just brill.

10 years ago

If your keys break off from ragetyping really hard into the internet void does anyone hear them go click?

10 years ago

The hell just happened here. O_O Is it worth going further back in the chat logs?

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

i read the whole thing this morning and it was entertaining.

10 years ago

Well I hope everyone realises I am a king dressed up as a pirate. Because gravatar.

This one’s a real piece of work. How familiar are people here with her? She posts on MRA boards and told a woman (TW: child rape) that it wasn’t so bad her eight-year-old-daughter being raped because she had “damselling” to support her. This is radioactive-waste level toxic, abuser’s misogyny.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

the very first post set the tone. i saw it before going to bed but didn’t reply b/c i couldn’t figure out if this person was identifying as trans or as an ally, and i didn’t feel like inquiring w/o being able to properly type.

10 years ago

All I know was that she was very active on twitter demanding David apologise for… something…

10 years ago

Keefe displays textbook abuse. Probably why she got so mad at Fibi for bringing up Why Does He DO That and considered it a persona insult.

10 years ago

@ kittehserf – WTF is damselling? Until that I wasn’t taking this all that seriously. Just another manospherian troll. But excusing child rape with made up BS? Nope. I literally saw red just then.

10 years ago

Kirby, she was demanding a personal apology for his having used an asterisk two years ago. No, srsly. That is what she is on about.

10 years ago

Far as I can tell damselling is the notion that women and girls who are rape victims get support because teh menz are so eager to protect damsels in distress. Keefe claims she had it So Much Worse when she was assaulted as a teenager than a woman or girl would. Trans she may be, but she’s an MRA through and through.

10 years ago

I’m assuming you’re talking about using the term “trans*”?

Two years ago was long before I started commenting on ShitRedditSays, which I think tends to be up-to-date on terminology, and I believe they were using trans*. It wasn’t until after I started commenting (a little over a year ago) that the term fell out of use, I think…

If I’m right about the history, then she was demanding an apology for use of a phrase back when it was the preferred term?

10 years ago

Thanks, kitteh, for explaining that. How solipsistic does one have to be to try to out-victim an 8 year old rape victim?

Please excuse me, I am too angry to do this just now.

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