So our excitable old friend MarkyMark (not the actor-singer) just put up a not-very-original rant of the “women are worse than Hitler because of abortion” variety. More interesting than his post — which is frankly not very interesting — is this comment from an anonymous fellow that takes misogynistic self-righteousness to a whole new (low) level:
This is one of the reasons that I use women for my convenience. They can kill with impunity – nothing I do to them comes close to that level of evil. So they are for my pleasure, then I ditch them although I do come back sometimes. (They aren’t very bright which is what makes it workable.)
Yep: He’s not just a self-righteous prick; he’s self-righteous about being a prick.
I can only hope his own “evil” is mostly of the “slept with a woman and didn’t call her back” sort — or is just imaginary internet boasting — because his “logic” could pretty much justify anything short of violent murder.
I just don’t get women like judgybitch and driversuz (if suz is female?). I understand what drives some of our male MRA ‘friends’ here, but female MRAs just seem to constantly argue against their own interests. I understand wanting to be in a more traditional relationship, but why get so angry when other women don’t want what they want? A while ago I was looking at SunshineMary’s blog, since she sometimes comments here. She writes some of the most disgustingly misogynistic stuff I have ever seen from anyone, male or female. Women literally can’t do anything right with her. Is it some form of self-hate? Are they secretly unhappy and need someone to lash out at, and since they can’t or won’t get angry with their husbands or the other men in their lives they lash out at other women? Did they all have horrible relationships with their mothers? I know I should stop psychoanalysing people on the internet, but this kind of severe hate from women towards all other women is just so foreign to me. Also, I’ve noticed that most of these women write about their husbands like they’re some kind of god (and make them come across as complete assholes at the same time, by the way). It’s great to view one’s spouse in a positive light, but there is something really strange when you never criticise or get angry with them. It can’t be healthy- it just can’t.
And yes, I agree that the issues suz mentions above are worthy of consideration. But you can’t get around the fact that she and other women like her just seem to hate women.
And now I’ll head off to work, and come back to read a flurry of comments minimizing the horrendous treatment of half the population (thank Carleyblue) and attacking my personal character, attacks based on willfully distorted phrases that comprise a tiny fraction of my words.
When I had a miscarriage, the diagnosis that was on my hospital bill was treatment for a “spontaneous abortion”. I did not know doctors called it that. Probably not on topic but just something I found interesting.
Incidentally, Carleyblue, I don’t hate women. I hate how feminism has taught women to behave. And I note that your expression of your erroneous opinion of me (as “fact” no less) is clearly far more important to you than anything I have actually stated.
It’s my 22th birthday, and I’d like to request more kitty videos. Otters and bulldog puppies will do in a pinch, though.
‘horrendous treatment of half the population’
Oh yes, genocide by TV commercials. As we speak, 5 men have died of TV commercial. And let’s not forget the ‘Boys are stupid’ T-shirt, which is brought up again and again… and again. Surely that shirt has caused more pain than World Wars I and II combined.
Incidentally, my former housemate had a mug with the ‘Boys are Stupid’ design on it. She did not consider herself a feminist though.
I think there seems to be some confusion between “this is misogyny, which by the way is shitty for men because they’re human beings” and “feminists have created a culture that hates men”.
Might want to hammer that one down.
The truly sad thing about MRAs is that even when they identify real problems, by misidentifying the cause they make sure that all their efforts will be ineffectual in addressing the problem. It’s like if you go to the doctor, and he correctly observes that you have a tumor in your abdomen, but then says it is caused by an excess of bile and prescribes a series of bleedings.
BTW, I’m on my tablet so can’t cut and paste very well, but JtO is having a complete meltdown on r/mr. And now I’ll head off to spend the day caring for my mother (who is recovering from surgery), and come back to read a flurry of comments mocking misogynists. You know, like it says in the tagline to this blog.
And happy birthday, wordsp1nner! Sorry I can’t post a video, but I expect someone will!
Yes. Remarkably, “career academics” spend our lives in honest discussion. It’s kind of what we do.
I don’t “assume” you defend misogyny. You display it in every post. Why do you hate feminism so very much? You’re claiming to be a woman; would you be so kind as to explain how you came to your viewpoints?
The small minority of men who hate women are the reason for this blog. Misogyny. We mock it. We, or at least I, don’t assume that all men are like that. I’m not. Pecunium’s not. Aworldanonymous’ isn’t. Futrelle’s not. You’re right that it is a small minority. Which is why Futrelle selects interesting (and mock-worthy) bits to repost here.
The large majority of women who hate men? Would you, again, be so kind as to provide citations for this? “Divorce rape” isn’t a thing, you know. The “boys are dumb” t-shirts have been condemned here. Resources for battered women were largely created by women. Women have also stepped up to the plate in attempting to provide resources for all battered persons. We (men) kinda need to get moving on that. Selective service? Women are suing for the right to be in combat. Paltry sentences for female criminals? See mandatory sentencing guidelines. And, unless somebody institutes a Title IX type program for criminally-minded women, they just don’t seem to be as interested in violent crime as men. (Most women who die by murder are killed by men. Most men who die by murder are also killed by men. Gee, that seems odd, doesn’t it.) Patriarchy does harm women. It harms men too. Gosh. No wonder there’s opposition to it. And no, men should not be able to make decisions about women’s reproductive health. We don’t have the ladyparts and we do not/cannot understand the consequences of pregnancy. I don’t have time to address all of your points, but I’m sure that other Boobzers will.
Nice try, but no. That’s not what you said and it’s not what you meant. But my statement above stands. Women should not make decisions about circumcision. Men should not determine whether a woman should be forced to gestate against her will. That’s a decision to be made only by the woman in question.
First birthday kitty…
Happy birthday wordsp1nner! Here’s a cute kitten for you:
and some fat baby bulldogs learning to walk (my favorite bulldog vid of all time):
Be sure to watch with the audio on for the full cuteness effect
balls! Here’s the link:
Weak shit, Suz. Also without any citations.
Let’s see:
“~Any TV commercial with a male and a female.”
I told you, the dumb husband on sitcom arguement is horseshit. Negative women memes in pop culture are insurmountable. The evil bitch, the shrew wife, the sex bot, the femme fatale…I could go on and on.
All this shit:
”Must Arrest” policies, the implementation and subsequent quashing of “Dual Arrest” Policies.
~”Dear Colleague,” and the “preponderance of evidence” vs. “reasonable doubt.”
What the fuck?
“~Resources for battered men vs. resources for battered women.”
What about it? What are you trying to say? Men aren’t refused help at battery shelters. Groups got together and fought for women’s shelters and their availability for all women. Are you arguing that because shelters for women exist than that’s misandry?
“~Affirmative action.”
Affirmative action isn’t a law employers are compelled to follow. Though some employers choose to call themselves Equal Oppurtunity Employers.
“~Little girls wearing t-shirts that say, “Boys are dumb. Throw rocks at them.”
Ooooh, yeah, those t-shirts are really mean.
“~Court sponsored divorce rape.”
What’s court sponsored divorce rape? Do you mean a legal divorce equals a man’s metaphorical rape? What the hell are you trying to say?
“~Non-consensual genital mutilation.”
Um, you mean circumcision? I don’t care if parents choose to do that or not. It’s their decision. Do feminists insist parents circumcise their sons? I’ve never seen that either. Also, another false equivalency moment. A pre-teen girl having her clitoris cut off in a culture that thinks she’s inherently evil because she was born a woman isn’t the same thing as a standard circumcision performed by an actual doctor in a hospital who is thinking that doing so may prevent things like HPV infections and urinary tract infections.
“~Women and children are the real victims of war because they lose their loved ones.”
Feminists don’t claim that men don’t get hurt in wars….you’re going strawman again.
“~”Women Only” scholarships.”
What about them? Scholarships for football players are just for guys, aren’t they? So what?
Also, you’re willfully ignoring any historical context concerning women recieving higher education.
“~”Women Only” public events.”
Are you talking about Ladies Night? Oh my god, this is weak shit. That’s to herd women into clubs so guys will follow.
“~Media attention given to female rape victims vs. media attention given to male rape victims.”
Well, if more men came out and told their stories, media would cover them, I should know, I’m part of the media. Unfortunately, men are not encouraged to admit they’ve been victimized like this. That would be the patriarchy hurting men. And actually, women risk loosing a lot in admitting they’ve been raped.
“~Government funding for female-specific healthcare issues vs. funding for male-specific issues.”
~Selective service for men but not women.
~Low prosecution rates and paltry sentences for female criminals, including false rape accusers. Men go to jail, women go to counseling.”
Ok, you’re repeating yourself. What’s a male-specific issue? If they’re being neglected, why not lobby to fix that, suz? You can do that, can’t you? There’s no draft, suz, by the way. Women didn’t invent selective services, by the way. When a culture decides women are too weak to fight in a war, that’s the kind of shit that happens. Patriarchy hurting men.
False rape claims are bad, you want to legalize rape to fix that?
“~The presumption that patriarchy benefits men at a cost to women.”
Yes, except its not a presumption.
Why do you front as a woman and a mother, by the way?
~Any TV commercial with a male and a female.
Personally, I find that TV commercials appear to hate people, period. Not a culture of man-hate.
This is about making it illegal to commit acts of violence against women. Not a culture of man-hate.
~”Must Arrest” policies, the implementation and subsequent quashing of “Dual Arrest” Policies.
I’m not familiar with the actual legal text for any such policies, but from what I understand the idea was that if a man beat his wife, the cops showed up, he talked them down and when they left he beat her harder. the mandatory arrest thing was to prevent this from happening.
This is one of those situations where an idea plays out different legally than it does socially.
~”Dear Colleague,” and the “preponderance of evidence” vs. “reasonable doubt.”
Would you care to explain this one?
~Resources for battered men vs. resources for battered women.
Resources for women were, at first, women. Women saw a problem and tried to fix it. If there is actually a need for male-friendly domestic violence shelters, then I support funding them 100%.
But that’s not a culture of man-hate.
~Affirmative action.
Not a culture of man-hate.
~Little girls wearing t-shirts that say, “Boys are dumb. Throw rocks at them.”
Little kids learn how to play out binary gender roles early on. If adults stopped pretending men were better than women or women were better than men, then kids wouldn’t do it either. For every girl saying “girls rule, boys drool”, there’s a boy saying “boys rule girls drool”.
Unless there’s an actual correlation between girls wearing this shirt and boys having rocks thrown at them, this is not evidence of a culture of man-hate.
~Court sponsored divorce rape.
Calling something rape that is clearly not rape is horribly offensive to people of all genders who experience sexual violence. It displays a stunning lack of sympathy.
And since we’re on the subject, at least half of the survivors I know are male. You’re being just as horrible to them as you are to the female survivors I know.
~Non-consensual genital mutilation.
This is terrible! It should not happen to anyone, ever.
~Women and children are the real victims of war because they lose their loved ones.
Women and children are the real victims of war because they die. Civilian casualty is almost always higher than military loss. (Obviously, adult men who die are also victims of war.)
For the record, though, I think war is terrible for everyone and should only be used as an absolute last resort. I don’t believe in the draft. I think that any responsible nation should make sure that those returning from active duty should have access to the health care – mental and physical – that they need.
This only works as a “culture of man-hate” if you actually believe women are sending men to war to die for kicks and giggles, which is obviously absurd.
~”Women Only” scholarships.
This was created to rectify a social problem. It’s another example of legal issues and social issues not working perfectly together.
~”Women Only” public events.
See above.
~Media attention given to female rape victims vs. media attention given to male rape victims.
The way media handles attention given to rape victims is abhorrent across the board. Not a culture of man-hate.
~Government funding for female-specific healthcare issues vs. funding for male-specific issues.
I would have to see some actual numbers on this before I feel comfortable commenting either way, but male-specific health care issues are often socially considered “normal health-care issues”.
~Selective service for men but not women.
As I said above, selective service is dumb. Get rid of it.
~Low prosecution rates and paltry sentences for female criminals, including false rape accusers. Men go to jail, women go to counseling.
Most of the criminal justice statistics I’ve read have been for male offenders, but I find it incredibly interesting that your idea of a female criminal is a “false rape accuser” and not “shoplifter” or “launderer” or “murderer” or any of the other crimes that women might actually commit.
~The presumption that patriarchy benefits men at a cost to women.
This is dependent upon how you define “benefit” in this context. In psychology, this would be referred to as “secondary gain”. It’s something that one might want – an immediate gratification of sorts – that actually contributes to an unhealthy personality.
For instance, the infantilization of women might be considered a secondary gain because it provides men with absolute control over the women in their lives, but it’s unhealthy because it assumes that men and women can’t communicate on a fundamentally human level, which is just insulting to everyone.
The “men are sexual and can’t control themselves” trope might give secondary gain to someone who has predatory sexual practices (in the form of social justification), but ultimately it treats men like animals instead of rational human beings, which is just insulting.
Looking back over the list, it seems we’re both really interested in ending male circumcision. How might we work toward that goal?
*shakes head*
I love the new trolling technique.
Trolls : We scorn you! Witness our contempt! Your failure to impress us will destroy feminism!
Us : LOL
*shakes head again*
Happy (belated) birthday, wordsp1nner!
Also wow, wordsp1nner is so young! That makes me feel all big sisterly.
My barometer of chucklefuckery blew its top at “divorce rape.” You’re a chucklefuck, Failsuz.
Three observations:
First, I am very amused by the way that Suz simultaneously trashes the academia and accuses us of a lack of “intellectual curiosity”. This, coming from a person who doesn’t even know what her son is studying because she doesn’t give a shit. Actuarial science, soil engineering, history of pottery, ancient Mandarin, who cares, amirite? It’s all the same thing, a piece of paper you get in order to get a job. How’s that for intellectual curiosity? Suz, you fare about as well as an intellectual, as a yak would fare as a ballerina.
Second, those sitcoms with stupid male characters. You know, when I first came to this country as an adolescent, the Immigration & Naturalization Service forgot to provide me with instructions on how to interpret those sitcoms. And so to my alien eye, it seemed like what those shows were saying was that it’s okay for guys to be ungainly, pathetic, incompetent slobs — they will still get a smart, attractive wife who will love them and look after them. I did find those shows sexist, but not the way you think — rather, the message that I saw there was that it’s okay for men to let their hair down, but women must be perfect at all times. My mother, who is very conservative and believes in traditional gender roles, interpreted them exactly the same way.
Third, Suz, your complaint about “preponderance of the evidence” is incoherent. Since this is my bread and butter, my impression is that you’ve heard those important-sounding words, and have been itching to use them in a sentence ever since, even a sentence that makes no sense whatsoever. Once again, you make the mistake of ignoring that other people’s experiences are different from yours. Some of us read legal literature and know what those terms mean, and some of us are actually lawyers. So as much as you believe that spouting legalese makes you seem intellectual, all you succeed in doing is make yourself look like an ass.