So our excitable old friend MarkyMark (not the actor-singer) just put up a not-very-original rant of the “women are worse than Hitler because of abortion” variety. More interesting than his post — which is frankly not very interesting — is this comment from an anonymous fellow that takes misogynistic self-righteousness to a whole new (low) level:
This is one of the reasons that I use women for my convenience. They can kill with impunity – nothing I do to them comes close to that level of evil. So they are for my pleasure, then I ditch them although I do come back sometimes. (They aren’t very bright which is what makes it workable.)
Yep: He’s not just a self-righteous prick; he’s self-righteous about being a prick.
I can only hope his own “evil” is mostly of the “slept with a woman and didn’t call her back” sort — or is just imaginary internet boasting — because his “logic” could pretty much justify anything short of violent murder.
Thanks @pecunium
And it turned out he wasn’t the one claiming to have written the MGTOW blog, that was some troll mis-named Thinker.
But B2 was in a troll class of his own, fersure.
The thing with Bob was the way he slopped his psyche around the place, and then imagined we knew nothing about his motivations.
It was sort of sad, and more than a little creepy.
Shit I didn’t finish my comment.
When I was three, all my imaginary friends were tigers.
I would LOVE to pat/hug a tiger. Or a lion, or a leopard, or any big cat, but I really like tigers.
And how would this be …
OK, totally different Bob. Thankfully.
Another tiger because thankfully not the same Bob:
“What u mean we different?”
I dunno, B kept stating his case, and then when any one of us attempted to say, “It sounds like you’re saying this. The problem with that is this…” He’d refuse the analysis, deny we were reading him right, then repeat his complaints — which always confirmed our claims.
I have no idea what he wanted from us. Were we a proxy for his girlfriend? He can’t whine at her, so we’d do just fine?
Baby lions, mama lion, and a person.
And before I sign off because finals week coming up, this:
Because even though I have this thing about baby bulldog videos I have cats and one of them is a catnip *freak* and this is what happens when I bring catnip in.
Probably. He thought we were a monolith. His whole argument was that we were all flaky and immature because one woman had broken up with him.
I once got to pet a cheetah. Two things: (a) it was purring, and (2) the black fur was super soft while the tan fur felt bristly. OMG I would pet cheetahs all day if it was possible.
@ clairedammit
I was astonished by his insistence that relationships never change. That they can begin with one party believing they wanted to be married but later change their mind. And his unwillingness to understand that if that person actually went through with the marriage, it was dishonest to themselves and unfair to the person they married.
The rapture stuff was just…wow. She said she’d rather be in heaven, and he never saw that as a warning sign? How the hell could we not think of him as a unattentive, insensitive clod?
I see your porcupine and raise you a baby echidna
Ok, that didn’t really work. They are only ugly cute.
On a related note, marsupials give birth while the young is very underdeveloped. They grow them in their pouches until they are developed enough to be born for real. That gives them the handy ability to abort a joey during hard times just by switching off their milk. So yeah, what that guy was saying about animals not killing their young is even more wrong than you guys were talking about up thread.
How different would things be if human’s were marsupial instead of placental hey?
@freitag – that video so reminds me of Sheba, a kitty who came to us when I was a kid. One time we’d cut down branches of a peppermint gum, and looked out to see her going totally off her furry face, rolling around, leaping into the leaves and generally having a wonderful spaced-out time. Wish videos had been around then!
@cloudiah – I am not just green, I’m downright viridian with envy!
Boobies make a “nest” which is just a ring of guano. In lean years the larger of the two chicks pushes the smaller one out of the ring. At that point the parents refuse to feed it.
I see that Suzie’s “argument” is that by highlighting what we see as stupidity on the part of misogynists we make feminism look bad.
Apparently the things we see as stupidity aren’t.
Who knew?
P: (beat) Yes, well, we do have that, as a matter of fact….
C: The expurgated version….
P: (pause; politely) I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that…?
C: The expurgated version.
P: (exploding) The EXPURGATED version of ‘Olsen’s Standard Book of British Birds’?!?!?!?!?
C: (desperately) The one without the gannet!
P: The one without the gannet-!!! They’ve ALL got the gannet!! It’s a Standard British Bird, the gannet, it’s in all the books!!!
C: (insistent) Well, I don’t like them…they wet their nests.
“Hey Suz, don’t you have better things than trolling to do?”
Did you ever consider asking Boobzie the same question? Or perhaps you didn’t read today’s post.
And more cute animals? Really ladies, give the poor guy a break! he’s trying to impress you! I know he’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer, and I also know that males who pander to women are effeminate and therefore “ceepy,” but for Pets’s sake, he’s trying! He’s working hard to expose misogyny – MISOGYNY! It’s a Very Important Issue, the primary force behind every woman’s misery, if not in real life, at least in her mind. (And we all know how seriously we must take what’s in a woman’s mind…) Yet you gals can’t go a day without your conversation devolving into chit chat about fuzzy adorable critters.
Perhaps Boobzie should re-name the site: Dave’s Darling Kitteh’s and Other Cutsie Minutiae.
Driversux, I don’t think you do know the things you claim to know. In fact I think your attempts at sarcasm are absurd.
Criminy! Better trollz pls. Thanks be for the grumpy cat and the drinks chat and videos, cuz these trollz are recycling bs from fifty years ago, and it is still just as silly now as it was then.