So our excitable old friend MarkyMark (not the actor-singer) just put up a not-very-original rant of the “women are worse than Hitler because of abortion” variety. More interesting than his post — which is frankly not very interesting — is this comment from an anonymous fellow that takes misogynistic self-righteousness to a whole new (low) level:
This is one of the reasons that I use women for my convenience. They can kill with impunity – nothing I do to them comes close to that level of evil. So they are for my pleasure, then I ditch them although I do come back sometimes. (They aren’t very bright which is what makes it workable.)
Yep: He’s not just a self-righteous prick; he’s self-righteous about being a prick.
I can only hope his own “evil” is mostly of the “slept with a woman and didn’t call her back” sort — or is just imaginary internet boasting — because his “logic” could pretty much justify anything short of violent murder.
Damn this thread is moving fast.
Men can encourage a woman to get an abortion. They can go with her. They can help pay for it. Men can also be the doctors who perform an abortion. MEN ARE EVIL TOO.
Do you think our buddy likes the word “vlie” so much because it’s an anagram of evil? Just a stray thought.
I don’t think giving a car to someone hardwired to hunt and kill sounds like a smart idea at all.
Have you read the else-worlds story “Superman Red Son” where Superman becomes leader of the communist party and uses his superpowers for taking over the world? You know, I’ve NEVER done any such thing! And I NEVER EVER WILL! Promise! And the fact that I don’t use superpowers to take over the world CLEARLY shows what a good and morally superior person I am!
People born without wombs bragging about never having had an abortion and never gonna get one is sort of like that.
The men in my house not only don’t like to kill things, they don’t eat things other people have killed. And all of us like to build and make things. For me, it’s food, furniture, and computers, for my spouse, it’s cars and bicycles, for my kid it’s bicycles, computers and sometimes food. Making things is what we do. I have never woken up in the morning and said “What am I going to nurture today?”
Men carry babies all the time. They don’t gestate fetuses. Words matter!
Random kitty posting – a postman who blogs about the kitties he sees on his rounds. http://streetmog.blogspot.co.uk/
I cannot deny my enjoyment of ranting with my friends. Especially at bubblefolk like this.
And this has nothing to do with the fact that nearly every little FAAB in the western world has a baby dolly. Nothing at all. Nope.
Then what the fuck is a sociable men? An outlier? Wow, look at all these thousands of outliers I see every day!
It does sound strange. Not because I don’t have a son, but because I like to mill about in my nerdcave, hunt things, ‘kill’ things (video games), and build things. I am a lot of things. I am not a man.
Yeah, most of the dads I know are completely soppy about their kids. But not all men are dads, same as not all women are mums, and not all non-binary people are [informal form of parent, holes in the English language, drive truck]. And non-men having jobs and reproductive rights doesn’t prevent willing parents from being parents, ffs.
Blitzgal–I think that “women are social, men solitary” is not a bad description of elephant life, but there is no way it applies to humans. Nobody in anthropology has ever seriously thought that humans have been anything else but group-living social animals since we split from chimpanzees and bonobos (also group-living social animals). If human evolution has changed anything it is probably our ability to live in larger and larger groups.
Also, if humans were like elephants, we wouldn’t marry, period, and women and children would live in matriarchal family groups headed by our eldest female relative, and men would be forced out of their home at adulthood where women would never leave.
TLDR–Humans are not really like elephants.
I feel about MarkyMark and his friends’ repeated claims about women’s intelligence much the same way as I do about white supremacists who suggest that the perfect embodiment of “the master race” is a shaven-headed, knuckle-dragging troglodyte.
Interesting; I thought even male elephants sometimes live with other males and sometimes live alone, depending on the species.
If that were true, the world would look like this. (TW: video game vehicular mayhem)
And yeah, “animals don’t kill their babies” shows a pretty spectacular level of cluelessness about the animals world. Infanticide is natural and rampant in the animals world, ’cause gametes are cheap, and babies are expensive. Even Exodus noted the punishment for causing a miscarriage was financial compensation, but any other injury was eye for eye, tooth for tooth, LIFE FOR LIFE. (Exodus 21:22-25).
That we allow women to choose to bring children into the world when they want to is a very good thing that reduces suffering for everyone.
He’d probably be fine with abortion if men had the right to force women they knocked up to get one. Guys like him are just pissed that women have more control (power) in this situation.
>And yeah, “animals don’t kill their babies” shows a pretty spectacular level of cluelessness about the animals world.
I’ve watched Grizzley Man. It’s kinda harrowing to see somebody who held that to be true being shown that he was wrong.
I don’t understand the objection to calling abortion “killing a baby”. Of course you are! So what? A woman’s bodily integrity MUST come first. We sanction the use of deadly force in lots of different ways in our society. Abortion is just one. Even if you ARE waltzing in for a just for funsies third trimester abortion (which obviously has happened NEVER), it’s YOUR body. You can do whatever you want to it.
We would never condone forced kidney transplants, no matter how many lives we might save. We can’t force women to use their bodies to save someone else’s life. Even if that someone is a baby.
Anti choicers hate abortion because they think it allows “sluts” to escape their punishment for sex. That’s why they pretend that married women don’t get abortions, because in their worldview, married sex is authorized and good. That’s also why they pretend rape doesn’t cause pregnancy, because then they couldn’t blame the victim for being impregnated against her will. That’s the whole logic behind Akin’s “legitimate rape” comment.
This is the same reason they hate the Gardasil vaccine. They want cervical cancer to be a punishment for women having sinful sex.
There is another type of anti choicer that wants to adopt a baby, but the process is too costly and difficult for them. Instead of blaming the red tape, they blame people that get abortions. I guess in their view, pregnant girls “owe” them their fetus, and the body of the girl is their own personal baby factory. Yuck.
It’s not a “baby,” you twit.
Ruby, honey, the “it’s OK for men to be violent to women because abortion” logic is pretty much the same as your logic about prison rape. So maybe you should sit this one out.
The whole “men just aren’t social” rant is particularly lulzy after Bob’s endless rants about how women shouldn’t be allowed to leave relationships because it hurts men in the other thread. If men as a group were cool with living their lives without companionship, Bob would not be that upset. However, men, like woman, are social creatures, so men often get lonely without companionship.
(Note that this does not excuse Bob’s unfortunate behavior.)
Also this whole thing about how women are wired to nurture and men aren’t and blah blah is a perfect excuse to post links to one of the few reality TV shows that I’ve ever enjoyed. Basically, give a bunch of young boy or girl bands some kids to take care of and watch what happens. It’s called Hello Baby, and it’s hilarious.
(This one features a boy band, but they’ve done the same thing with all-girl bands in the past, and the girls weren’t initially any better at it. The season with this particular boy band is fully subtitled though.)
LOL, wrong link. This one.
Also, the reason we don’t call a fetus a baby is that words mean things, and if it can breathe on its own and crawl around it’s a baby, not a fetus.
If you have a child who likes to kill things, you probably want to discourage that even if that child has a penis.
I think before any pro-life vagina-lacking politician is allowed to vote on vagina-haver’s reproductive health issues, they should have to wear a sympathy belly for several months and experience contractions like the guy in this video.
If they refuse to go through with it, they don’t get to vote on said issues. Think that’s misandrist? Please. Most people don’t seem to have a problem with expecting vagina-havers to go through the experience at least once, and what’s good for the goose is good for the gander, amirite?
It’s a long running joke between my mom and I that if she gets upset she’ll eat me like many rodents do when threatened. Creeps me the fuck out.
Neglecting all the other bull in the argument, it doesn’t hold for a very obvious reason: if this were true, trans women would be idolized, and not even more likely to be attacked.
Also, AHAHAHAHA about the whole “other creatures don’t kill their young.” Yeah, you’d like to think that, wouldn’t you?
Inurashii tumblred a post about a pro-lifer giving up on the movement. Let me see if I can post the link without getting moderated…
It’s not a baby? Semantics. Why not call it a baby? Would you tell a woman who has miscarried a much wanted child that she didn’t lose a baby? Would you tell someone whose child strangled themselves with their own umbilical cord (tragically, not that unusual) that they didn’t lose a baby?
Of course not. Unwanted babies are fetuses. Wanted babies are babies. They’re actually all babies. Why not just straight up declare the power to determine life and death over babies? And to be clear, I 100% support the right of women to decide where, when, how and under what circumstances another person gets to use their body for survival. But it IS a person.
You can sidestep the whole abortion is about power debate by saying, well, yeah! DUH!
blitzgal–you are probably right. I’d heard that even if the male elephants don’t live together in the kind of close groups that the women do that they do have some kind of social structure. I was just arguing that social women / loner men is a reasonable social structure, just not one that looks anything like humans.