So our excitable old friend MarkyMark (not the actor-singer) just put up a not-very-original rant of the “women are worse than Hitler because of abortion” variety. More interesting than his post — which is frankly not very interesting — is this comment from an anonymous fellow that takes misogynistic self-righteousness to a whole new (low) level:
This is one of the reasons that I use women for my convenience. They can kill with impunity – nothing I do to them comes close to that level of evil. So they are for my pleasure, then I ditch them although I do come back sometimes. (They aren’t very bright which is what makes it workable.)
Yep: He’s not just a self-righteous prick; he’s self-righteous about being a prick.
I can only hope his own “evil” is mostly of the “slept with a woman and didn’t call her back” sort — or is just imaginary internet boasting —Â because his “logic” could pretty much justify anything short of violent murder.
I think it’s to try and claim credibility. “I are a wimmin so you must takes me seriously.” Coming in and announcing that they’re an MRA automatically deducts points, so if they pretend to be wives and moms they think their arguments will carry more weight.
“I are a wimmin with a creepy crush on my son. Why you no respect me?”
“Honestly I think there are two things you’re overlooking here. 1. Most people who call themselves pro-life aren’t actually focused on the saving babies part at all (you can tell this by how they frame their arguments, as well as by their lack of interest in other child welfare issues)” Well considering that less unwanted pregnancies = less abortions yet many of these people don’t agree with the idea of family planning or birth control pretty much makes it painfully clear this it has fuck all to do with ‘babies’ and everything to do with controlling women.
MRAs automatically dismiss people for being women, so they assume feminists will do the same and only accept dissent from other women, maybe?
@CassandraSays, did you read the “letter” s/he wrote to a prospective DIL? That is *very* creepy. The “son” is such a paragon it’s not even funny. A Marine (the ultimate in manly manliness) who’s been deployed (such a manly thing to do), is brawny, handsome, on his way to a posh job because of the manly things he’ll be studying, drives manly cars, and is much too good for any female-type person. Things s/he won’t allow for her manly son: any body fat, self-esteem, independent thought, education, or any indication that she’s going to be anything other than devoted to the imaginary son and dedicated to keeping herself in perfect shape to appeal to him at all times.
No, I don’t believe driversuz is female. Reeks of MRA troll describing his ideal self and his ideal woman.
@freitag235: One thing I immediately noticed in that lengthy post about her son is a total absence of any description of his personality. That struck me as really weird.
@Amused, I work with a lot of women and it’s been my experience that when speaking of their children, they lead off with things about “my daughter brought home this great painting she did in art class” or “he’s so clever about insects” rather than “she’s a beautiful child” or “my Stevie’s so handsome.” It’s up to others to comment on photos and mention the child’s looks. And no, driversuz only describes his virility rather than what he’s like. This smacks of MRA, since they tend to have rather disagreeable personalities.
I find it vry hard to imagine a doting mom who doesn’t know (or care) what her kid is studying. As usual, when MRAs try to impersonate women they fail miserably due to having no idea what women are like either individually or as a group.
All I know is that if I take her post about her son as being legit, it’s a bit disturbing to me and it makes me pity him. His mom will be sure to chase away his prospective partners. I mean, who the hell would want THAT for a MIL?!
Another birthday kitty.
It’s not illegal, but it’s not presented as an option, it’s very rare, and those few women who have managed to adopt their babies away have been fighting tooth and nail with the authorities to do so.
I think it’s a combination of some general assumption that adoption is only for crazy pro-life people, and we’re not like that in enlightened Sweden, we abort if we don’t want a baby. Plus biological ties with children are generally seen as sort of sacred here. Which is stupid, and I don’t know why that is (I guess some sociologist could explain that). For instance, if someone is a terribly unfit parent, the kid might be taken to a foster home. And stay there temporarily, until terribly unfit parent is momentarily better (like, for the moment doing less drugs or being less violent or whatever) – then the kid is thrown back to unfit parent. Until unfit parent gets worse again, and it’s back to foster home. Recently there’s been some discussion about this policy perhaps not being in the best interest of the children – maybe, is someone has proven that zie is really unfit to be a parent, it would be better to let the foster home adopt the kids rather than keep carting them back and forth. But there’s this general assumption that ties between biological parent/child are SUPER IMPORTANT.
Way back upthread, Pecunium said this:
Seems to me that says a lot about the MRM generally. They could call themselves the MLC – Misery Loves Company. From what I’ve seen (and I don’t follow Dave’s links often, there’s only so much toxicity I can stand) they are a miserable, hate-filled crew who are not just enraged by women having independent lives, but by people of any gender being happy. Who the hell gets angry about baby animal videos, ferchrissake? But one sees that sneer here, and not just about us watching them; sometimes it’s expressed* as dislike for animals themselves.
Which only makes the MRM more despicable, of course.
Oh, and I am inclined to think FailSux is a man, for the same reasons everyone’s stated. I mean, just the bit about uni courses – going to university is such a huge deal, so expensive and so important to a young person’s future – it has the potential to affect their whole life, as does not being able to go – how could any caregiving parent not know or care what course and subjects their child was doing? It makes no sense at all. So at the very least, I’d say this son is imaginary, regardless of “Suz’s” gender. And if he’s real, then S sounds like a pretty creepy and crap parent.
*Assuming the trolls are actually writing what they’re trying to say, which, given their general incompetence, isn’t a given.
I am always a bt anti deciding someones gender isnt what they say it is. It smells of transphobia to me.
Seconding what WeeBoy just said. At the end of the day, who cares? What’s important is that driversuz can’t make a logical argument, and just copypastas the standard MRM talking points without being able to support them.
Any way you slice it, Failsuz is creepy, lazy, misogynistic, and wrong. I’ll take her presentation for what it is. I mean, heck, I don’t know why any woman would say that pleasing men’s weiners elevates women above livestock, but there’s TyphonBlue saying exactly that shit.
For me it’s about who’s saying it. MRM trolls have malicious intent here, which puts me into disbelief mode; it doesn’t apply to other commenters. It’s more about trolls being lying liars than about what they’re specifically claiming. Like Dr Philosopher Cardinal General President Pell.
I’m going to third that. I really don’t think Suz is smart enough to pretend to be something they aren’t. I can believe there’s very clueless women with Gertrude complexes who support the MRM.
I’ll agree to not try and gendertype driversuz, but I find it interesting that zie is more concerned with how a potential mate for zir son looks rather than if he loves her, if she loves him, does she have a sense of humor, does she like his dog (if he’s got one), can they be happy together. That sort of thing is what I hear from parents I know when discussing their children’s future, not “muffin tops.”
Most dads, like most moms, tend to have some idea what their kids are studying. I mean, if nothing else, if you as a parent were paying for it wouldn’t you at least be curious?
And belated happy birthday, wordsp1nner! Here’s a naughty Bengal bacon thief:
That was certainly a topic of much discussion during my first phase of college, and lard knows my mother has enough helicopter parent stories from her time in higher ed to turn your hair white. OTOH, if you’re a total anti-intellectual, and you’re not paying for it, maybe not.
Happy birthday, wordsp1nner!
Wait MRMs don’t like cute fuzzy animals? The monsters!
I admit that part of the reason I post kitty pics so often is that it seems to cause MRAs etc to lose their shit.
I’d rather people not question driversuz’ gender. It really doesnt’ matter, in any case, as all she seems to do here is post meaningless snark and fairly standard issue MRA talking points.
Speaking of which, it’s worth pointing out (as feminists here and elsewhere have pointed out many times) that the Dear Colleague Letter in no way changes the standard of proof in actual criminal cases. It applies only to college disciplinary hearings, which are not courts of law.