alpha asshole cock carousel alpha males armageddon beta males contraception evo psych fairy tales grandiosity heartiste hypergamy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny precious bodily fluids PUA

On Popes, PUAs, The Pill and the Alpha A-hole Cock Carousel

I'm pretty sure this is nt how birth control actually works.
I’m pretty sure this isn’t how birth control actually works.

You might think that Pickup Artists, dudes obsessed with sexing up the young fertile lasses, would be huge fans of contraceptives – which, after all, are what makes their particular lifestyle possible. But some prominent PUAs are about as enthusiastic about contraception as a Pope.

In the case of the charming fellow who calls himself Heartiste, I mean this literally. In a recent posting, he quotes approvingly from Pope Paul VI’s 1968 Humanae Vitae dissing contraceptives for allegedly demeaning the women that use them. Paul suggested that contraception may cause men to

lose respect for the woman and, no longer caring for her physical and psychological equilibrium, may come to the point of considering her as a mere instrument of selfish enjoyment, and no longer as his respected and beloved companion.

I’m no Pope, but I’m pretty sure it doesn’t work that way.

Heartiste, for his part, embraces and extends this line of reasoning, adding in some of that Alpha-Beta-Schmeta nonsense that manosphereians seem to regard as cutting edge science.

[A]s cheap contraceptives silently and subtly move men toward devaluing women, so too does the technology move women toward devaluing beta males, those bitter losers in the sexual market (note: I did not say marriage market or child market) for whom contraceptives, coupled with female economic self-sufficiency, have rendered them practically superfluous as primetime sexual partners.

The mass-produced condom and the Pill have freed men from feeling obligation for women as much as they have freed women to regularly and blithely pursue what was historically risky sex with caddish alpha males on the make.

The contraceptive is, in practice, a female hypergamy facilitator.

Yep, that’s right: contraceptives are the tickets to the mythical Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel.

But poor Heartiste has impaled himself on the horns of a dilemma. He’s got a good anti-woman rant going, but there’s just one problem with it: he’s devoted his life to becoming one of those Alpha Assholes that contraceptive-using women purportedly cannot resist riding.

It’s funny for me to write this, because contraceptives have, in fact, been very very good to me. I did a back of the envelope calculation and figured that my aggregate sex life would have been truncated by 90% if contraceptives were prohibitively expensive, unreliable and hard to get. A world in which women had to grapple with real, palpable fears of STDs, pregnancy and subsequent abandonment is, not to put too fine a point on it, a really shitty world for womanizers and serial monogamists and uncomplicated lovers of the art of seduction itself. I imagine I’d have to *gasp* start promising marriage or some such claptrap to any woman I wanted to bang, just to loosen her up enough to unhook her bra.

Spoken like a true asshole.

Oh, but don’t worry, Heartiste isn’t going to stop attacking sex-having women as one of the harbingers of “the cultural and technological juggernaut that hastens, if it is not the sole cause of, the death of Western civilization.”

Indeed, Heartiste almost seems to relish the ironies of his position, as it allows him to spew forth some of the silliest purple prose you’re ever going to find outside the pages of bad romance novels (or comments from our friend Steele):

Here I am, standing at the edge of the abyss, pointing into its bowels like a histrionic jester, leading the ignorant and the deluded to peer into the void and imploring them — no, more precisely taunting them — to heed my warning of their desolate future… and still I cavort insouciantly along its lip, secretly relieved that no one will seriously weigh my prophecies.

Well, at least he’s right about that “histrionic jester” bit.

Last I checked, Heartiste’s post had spawned 450 comments. I can’t bring myself to look through them to see what further horrors can be found there.

EDITED TO ADD: You should all be aware that our lovely Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel illustration is available in t-shirt form! As is the Mammoth! And a delightful Cupcake as well! And you’re in luck! Zazzle is having another one-day 40% off sale on T-shirts! Click here to go to the Man Boobz Zazzle store. Use the code 12DAILYDEAL8. Oh, and in a lovely irony, the profits go to Planned Parenthood!

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12 years ago

@katz ” jester’s fool”


i am the lolrus

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Good point, Katz! 😀

Quiet Wolf
Quiet Wolf
12 years ago

But wouldn’t it be better for them if women had more inclination to sleep around/have casual sex than not? Because if women aren’t having sex, who are the (heterosexual) men going to have sex with?

You can’t say “it’s good for men to have lots of (hetero)sex” and say “it’s bad for women to have lots of (hetero)sex” because that doesn’t make mathematical sense.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Sense, mathematical or any other sort, never enters the PUA/MRM/MGTOW realms. It knows it’s not welcome.

12 years ago

@Quiet Wolf: Well, math is not their forte.

Judgybitch’s comment in Roissy’s thread reminded me of a story my mother once told of her friend’s wedding in 1970’s Russia. The bride was a Muscovite. The groom had grown up in a remote Altai village, but he was ambitious and forward-thinking. The bride didn’t meet her future mother-in-law until the wedding day. That woman arrived with a stern expression on her face and felt boots on her feet, accompanied by a small train of similarly sullen women in felt boots. After a curt introduction, the groom’s mother demanded to see “the sheet”.

“I am the mother, and I must see the sheet,” she said (loudly, in front of everyone) “Everyone must see the sheet, so there are witnesses.”

Naturally, the groom was very embarrassed, and the bride was furious.

“What fucking sheet?” she charged, “What is this backward nonsense? Not that it’s any of your business, but your son and I have been living together for nearly three years. I’ve had two abortions with him. And I am now pregnant again. But if it’ll make you feel any better, he was my first. Sorry I didn’t save the sheet for you.”

“Then you are a whore!” the mother screamed, “Everybody, my son can’t marry this whore! He deserves better.”

“We already got married this morning, mom,” the son interjected.

“Then you must divorce her immediately! First thing in the morning, as soon as offices open. I won’t speak to you again until it’s done. I’ve raised you better than to marry a filthy whore.”

Thereupon she and her entourage left in a huff.

12 years ago

Haha, Roissy “made a calculation”. Science!

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

I won’t speak to you again until it’s done.

I’d say that would be an incentive to uphold the “til death do us part”. And then find someone willing to marry your corpses so she doesn’t bug you in the afterlife either.

I mean, seriously, anything more than a few minuscule spots during first time PiV is a rarity. Even if the bride was a ‘virgin’, it would be really difficult to prove. What…

12 years ago

Mass-produced condoms? What, he wants artisan condoms?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Cripes, Amused, I hope your mother’s friends got MiL from Hell out of their lives! She was sure giving them the perfect out.

12 years ago

You can’t say “it’s good for men to have lots of (hetero)sex” and say “it’s bad for women to have lots of (hetero)sex” because that doesn’t make mathematical sense.

Of course it does. See women who have sex are sluts which is BAD. Men who have sex are just following nature which is GOOD.


*throws up*

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

Mass-produced condoms? What, he wants artisan condoms?

Hand-crafted by masters, sculpted to increase pleasure, tailor-made for your phallus.

12 years ago

@ Melody (6:12)
The logic of betas getting less because of contraceptives comes from the pretense assholes who wonder why they aren’t getting their “fair share” of sex that 90% of women only have sex with 10% of men. There’s a secret supply of Zeus like dudes that just have sex all day, and women are all keeping the seekrit. But beware, Roissy found out. Because he’s one of those dudes. Online, he keeps admitting to lying and deceiving people, but online it’s all true! He’s a super stud, warning the world of the dangers of female vice.
The interesting thing about the 90%/10% value is that when you check a bit more with those guys is that what they consider “women” is about 10% of them… Attractive model types half their age. They chant “no fat chicks”, then cry that women are superficial. Life’s hard.

12 years ago

@ Melody

Sorry clarification for the 90/10 figure. Because studs would be forced to marry the super hotties. Beta would be able to have sex with “lesser value” women.

12 years ago


They once killed mammoths for us which means we should fall to our knees and………

12 years ago

Papal infallibility aside

Papal infallibility essentially only applies in very specific circumstances when the Pope is defining doctrine the entire church is to follow/believe in. The Pope is, in Catholic teaching, capable of making mistakes.

12 years ago

@Quiet Wolf
I’ve never understood the whole men are promiscuous and women are monogamous thing. People just say ” yeah well men are hard wired to spread there seed …” without thinking but you only have to scratch the surface to see that it just doesn’t add up.

12 years ago

Oops sorry
their seed not there
cats insisting on cuddles and posted before correction.

12 years ago

I’m sure I’m giving him way too much credit, because I just read David’s version here, but he seems to be saying that all this non-committed sex is bringing down civilisation, because pairing off and having kids is the sole requirement to keep civilisation going.

He knows he’s contributing to the ‘problem’, but he’s having too much fun so he’s going to keep capering gleefully while he waits for the apocalypse.

Like, he knows he’s ‘sinning’ but doesn’t care. He probably thinks of himself as devilishly attractive and he’s ok to lie and deceive because he’s already a bad person, so what’s the difference.

Or does he actually pretend that he is a good person?

12 years ago

Kim, I think that Roissy has to think he’s a good person.

12 years ago

Of course he’s a good person. He’s warning people!
Plus, women own the sex, it’s their responsibility.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

Roissy is like a creepy Fuhwv Vxhgfhxv. He awaits the salvation of Nyx/the Slutpocalypse and will do everything in his power to forward this.Ur ynpxf gur cbjre bs greevoyr chaf, ubjrire.

[Spoilers for Persona 3.]

12 years ago

Oh wow, I hate bad writing…it’s…aurgh….:

“…to heed my warning of their desolate future… and still I cavort insouciantly along its lip, secretly relieved that no one will seriously weigh my prophecies.”

I need to eat some crackers and sip some ginger ale. ‘Scuse me.

12 years ago

Of course he’s a good person. He’s warning people!

But he doesn’t sound like he’s warning people so they can save themselves. It’s like he wants to make people aware of their fate, and get the ‘good’ people riled up. (by ‘good’ i mean the people who think that any sex outside of marriage is sinful).

Like, i see him agreeing with the pope about the consequences of contraceptives, even that they are evil. Just he thinks evil is cool.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

It would be just like Roissy to fancy himself as some sort of Prince of Darkness type.


12 years ago

Wow…, if there was no contraception “beta men” would get more sex. Where is that logic from?

Everyone would have less sex, but beta men would have more sex than alpha men, which is the important thing.

You see, without contraception, women would be so terrified of pregnancy that they’d get married at 18 to the first guy who asked. And since only a beta would ask a woman to marry him, betas would get all that sweet teenage virgin action. Meanwhile, the alpha males would be crying in the rain for lack of Pill-popping hot single ladies to sex them up. And all women would be so grateful to the betas for marrying them that they would thoughtfully remain young and hot forever, no matter how many kids they had from their contraception-free sex, rather than aging as is the fad with today’s modern girl.

This is how society worked before feminists invented condoms.