"proxy violence" evil women false accusations men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA narcissism oppressed men reddit

Man Boobz Ex-Troll Anthony Zarat Has Some Good News and Some Bad News

Dudes! This pretty lady is falsely accusing you of something-or-other.
Dudes! Watch out! This pretty lady is falsely accusing you of something-or-other.

Feeling nostalgic for any of Man Boobz’ classic trolls? Here’s our old friend Anthony Zarat, now a regular Reddit Men’s Rightser, explaining some things about the ladies of today. Note: In order to understand what he’s saying, you need to know that when MRAs talk about “proxy violence,” they mean women calling the police on a dude, which women of course only do when men are completely innocent, because men are always innocent. (Also, in MRAland all police are men, and White Knights to boot.)


I like that he complains about women being “narcissistic,” then invents his own definition of “character” that applies to his own little obsession.

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12 years ago

By the way, I came across this site as part of my research into future household formation trends in the US, and my gut tells me we’re in for a “Lost Generation” Japanese-like experience with possibly some 1939’ish flourishes compliments of an ever more insecure China.

What’s interesting, though, is that in Japan, the men who “opt-out” don’t blame the women: they correctly blame the Establishment! Men and women are shackled to the same corpse drowning both of them, yet they fixate on dunking the other’s head under their own choking mouth! How typically human, isn’t it!

12 years ago

>Was the 1/3 Japanese guy in the story the musician by any chance? If so, I know exactly why the story was like that – Western Jrock fans are batshit. There’s this weird sense of ownership towards the bands that leads to frothing hatred of any woman they associate with – when one dude got married his own fans sent death threats to his wife, as well as publicly hoping that she would have a miscarriage.

It seems that the situation is not any better in Japan itself though. Companies there apparently like to foster that sort of obsession with their “meet the band”-events that are basically compensatory dates for people who have been registered in their fan rooster long enough…

12 years ago

@ Kakanian

Oh yeah, music otaku in Japan are completely batshit too. In fact part of the reason so many of the fans here are so weird is that it’s the stuff most likely to attract those kinds of people that tends to make it over here. When you add racism and colonialist ideas about Asia to the mix that does tend to add some nasty new layers to the shit sandwich, though.

In response to the new guy – yep, the herbivore guys seem to be placing the blame for the parts of their situation that they’re not happy about where it belongs, which is why it’s so funny that the MRM keeps trying to co-opt them to the All Women Are Evil cause.

12 years ago

the real issue is the paternal family structure has collapsed due to technology and its impact on the wages of workers and their ability to maintain monogamous, paternalistic marriages, which require the father to support the family in order to preserve his control over his wife.

Yay! *dances around* *passes out party hats and those whistles that unravel when you blow them*

Also, dude, you wrote this– “require the father to support the family in order to preserve his control over his wife“– out loud. Where everyone can read it. Have you no shame?

12 years ago

LBT: Yeah, it’s good to know that people complaining about Kids These Days is more of a reflection on Adults Whenever than my generation.

Medium Dave
12 years ago

I definitely need some shoes that go “ping” every time I take a step, but I’ll pass on the orange pants. That would be, y’know, tacky.

12 years ago

@MorkaisChosen: ’s good to know that people complaining about Kids These Days is more of a reflection on Adults Whenever than my generation.

Not to menion that the ADULTS complaining were once those KIDS THESE DAYS being complained about by their parental/grandparental generations……the more things change….

I see a similar phenomenon in my profession: the professors who were the radical young turks in the 1970s out to change academia (in this case, through teaching sf) are now the aging grumpy old farts who complain about kids these days not wanting to read the classics (SF) and messing around with those trashy games and movies bah humbug.

I snicker a lot.

12 years ago

I dunno, I kinda dig justeunperdant’s linguistic butchery.

And the fact that he’s talking about other men being unmanly with a username that declares him to be a loser.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

What competition the metro sexual guy wearing ping shoes with oranges pants and tweeting his feeling on tweeter.

Thank you for cheering me up. I was feeling rather grouchy but giggling at your… uh… word weirdness… helped immensely.

12 years ago

Seriously, I read new troll’s name as justunderpants and it made me snicker because I am childish.

Molly moon
Molly moon
12 years ago

Re: the 1/3 Japanese thing-

Would incest do it?

12 years ago

Cloudiah, you are not alone in reading the name that way.

12 years ago

Nepenthe, you’re being sarcastic, I assume, or else your reading comp blows.

12 years ago

Ok… what did the phrase, “to retain control over his wife” mean.

Because I read it to, and Nepenthe’s interpretation doesn’t seem off to me.

Maybe it’s not our comprehension, but your writing.

Strike that, I don’t think there is any maybe about it. You let the mask slip.

12 years ago

RE: justeunperdant

You seem to have confused my gender. And I’m quite happy with my man, actually. (Though I’ll have to recommend the ping shoes with the orange pants.)

RE: philomarx

…I have no idea what you’re talking about. Can some other commenter offer a translation?

12 years ago

“which women of course only do when men are completely innocent, because men are always innocent”

Implying that women are always innocent and men are always guilty!

I love the hypocrisy and ability to marginalise! Such fair and equal treatment of sexes right there.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Tulgey, stop it! You’re making my brain hurt!

12 years ago

Philomarx, tell us more about Man-hating Sweden?

(Stop giggling everyone, I’m trying to see how many words he can use before he mentions Assange.)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

I’m waiting for Dvarghundspossen to come in and take that one apart. Given that zie’s, y’know, Swedish and all.

12 years ago

Shhh! You’ll ruin my game!

12 years ago

I tried to save you. You are all doomed.

12 years ago

come in and take that one apart. Given that zie’s, y’know, Swedish and all.

And then pack it flat and include cute drawn reassembly instructions and an allen key?

12 years ago

Doomed, I tell you! Doomed!

(I have yet to see one of these guys not go into comic book supervillian mode eventually.)

Noooo, don’t try to take the argument apart. You’ll never be able to put it back together again!

(Has owned IKEA stuff.)