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Man Boobz Ex-Troll Anthony Zarat Has Some Good News and Some Bad News

Dudes! This pretty lady is falsely accusing you of something-or-other.
Dudes! Watch out! This pretty lady is falsely accusing you of something-or-other.

Feeling nostalgic for any of Man Boobz’ classic trolls? Here’s our old friend Anthony Zarat, now a regular Reddit Men’s Rightser, explaining some things about the ladies of today. Note: In order to understand what he’s saying, you need to know that when MRAs talk about “proxy violence,” they mean women calling the police on a dude, which women of course only do when men are completely innocent, because men are always innocent. (Also, in MRAland all police are men, and White Knights to boot.)


I like that he complains about women being “narcissistic,” then invents his own definition of “character” that applies to his own little obsession.

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12 years ago

Maybe he was 3/8 Japanese and rounded it to 1/3? Nah, I got nothing.

PDA (short for PDA's Dada Acronym)

(i) intentionally twisted misinterpretation of an interview that Farrell did in 1977 where (ii) Farrell is mis-quoted by Penthouse magazine

Care to untwist the misinterpretation of the misquote? And while you’re at it, explain how it is that you came by the real, pretwist, interpretation of the quote? Did you used to be a FEMINIST too?

12 years ago

It’s mathematically impossible to be a third Japanese. I would set down the proof, but I don’t want any rotten fruit thrown at me.

Diogenes The Cynic
Diogenes The Cynic
12 years ago


Maybe its the Son, The Father, and The Japanese woman?

With apologies to the Catholics here.

12 years ago

RE: Nepenthe

Yes, that, exactly. It’s a special kind of story where one, throwaway line totally derails your train of thought, and you halt in the middle of reading to puzzle over it and get steadily more and more confused, even though it’s totally trivial and has nothing to do with the teenage entrapment rock star babydaddy plot.

(Oh god I can’t believe I wrote that.)

12 years ago

Was the 1/3 Japanese guy in the story the musician by any chance? If so, I know exactly why the story was like that – Western Jrock fans are batshit. There’s this weird sense of ownership towards the bands that leads to frothing hatred of any woman they associate with – when one dude got married his own fans sent death threats to his wife, as well as publicly hoping that she would have a miscarriage.

(And this is why when men complain that creep is a gendered slur I laugh my ass off, because I deal with these girls and women all the time, and a lot of them are really fucking creepy.)

12 years ago

Zarat, you fucking idiot, we already had a thread about that. Late to the party as usual, huh, Antzy?

Diogenes The Cynic
Diogenes The Cynic
12 years ago


It was something like 20,000 untested kits in Dallas itself. Cops are often lazy retards.

12 years ago


I admit, after reading your comment, I went away to grab a pen, a piece of paper & to prove that, although noone can be exactly 1/3rd Japanese, they can be with an 1/xth of being 1/3rd Japanese for any x. *looks around nervously for the pelting with rotten fruit*

12 years ago


That’s also true, sort of. It assumes that there have been an infinite number of generations of humans, or alternatively that there have been an infinite number of generations of sexual reproduction in the line leading to humans.

And then there’s no good boundary for who is “Japanese” and who is not. Are the Ainu Japanese?

12 years ago

Oh crap. *ducks*

12 years ago

*clairedammit starts pelting titianblue and Nepenthe with giant Nerf integers*

12 years ago

Have any men come to this thread to whine about their relationships? No? Maybe I’ll hang out here for a while.

12 years ago

What about Okinawan/Ryokan people? Because if the author’s interests lie where I suspect they might, at least one of the inspirations she probably has in mind is actually of Ryokan ancestry.

12 years ago

(Looks around)

So far this thread seems to be all clear of men who had one bad relationship and decided that it means that all women are evil and untrustworthy. I’m sure one will show up eventually though, they always do.

12 years ago

We can always pelt them with fruit – or mathematics ….

12 years ago

Just to clarify, I’m suggesting fruit pelting for “men who had one bad relationship and decided that it means that all women are evil and untrustworthy”. I would never suggest pelting Mr Futrelle.

12 years ago

LBT: To be honest, of all ancient cultures the Babylonians are one of the ones I’d expect to have a decent grasp of how fractions work.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

I would never suggest pelting Mr Futrelle.

Unless he’s into being pelted with fruit, of course …

12 years ago

RE: CassandraSays

The author never stated the exact where of the rock star’s Japanese ancestry–honestly, the story kinda gave me the creeps (even neglecting the teen pregnancy wtf) because it kinda gave me feelings of… Pet Gays and Pet Japanese. And seeing how the writer described his eyes as being the color of “new shiny pennies”… I think Okinawan ancestry would be giving the author too much credit.

And yay, Antz is back! Aw, Antz, I missed you! Let’s have an argument again!

12 years ago

If someone’s eyes look like pennies then they may need to see an optician. Also – creepy!

12 years ago

RE: Morkaischosen

I mispoke. Gilgamesh was Sumerian, not Babylonian. My bad.

12 years ago

Ah. I know fuckall about Sumeria. 🙂

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

All I know about Sumeria is a transcript of a really funny letter a young bloke wrote to his mother complaining his clothing allowance was too small and he looked bad in front of all the other kids … this gem came from a fashion history book. 🙂