Feeling nostalgic for any of Man Boobz’ classic trolls? Here’s our old friend Anthony Zarat, now a regular Reddit Men’s Rightser, explaining some things about the ladies of today. Note: In order to understand what he’s saying, you need to know that when MRAs talk about “proxy violence,” they mean women calling the police on a dude, which women of course only do when men are completely innocent, because men are always innocent. (Also, in MRAland all police are men, and White Knights to boot.)
I like that he complains about women being “narcissistic,” then invents his own definition of “character” that applies to his own little obsession.
I love how it just isn’t possible to make a real accusation of violence…
(Sorry if I messed up with the tags)
He’s kind of like a MadLib!
“The vast majority of attractive women are ADJECTIVE. NOUN is a personality trait that results in a very low probability that a woman would VERB.”
This might in fact be the template for all MRA writing ever.
“Character is a personality trait that results in a very low probability that a *woman* would […]”
Er…so men don’t have character?
Oh look, an MRA in action: http://news.yahoo.com/toddlers-death-prompts-review-2-other-deaths-170138383.html
So glad that man was given visitation rights! Women are all lying bitches! Etc!
So, nothing about sexbots yet?
I can attest that courts would be overjoyed if no one filed anything. Means that we could get some work done.
Bagelsan, that story is just… terrible doesn’t seem to cover it.
Also, how is beauty linked to making “false” accusations? Just wonderig…
There is no correlation between beauty, selfishness and narcissism. As he clearly demonstrates in his post.
So let me get this straight, MRAs believe that *all* men should have visitation rights regardless of prior history of violence?
I wonder if his FOREIGN BRIDE has character?
Was he the one we were worried was going to harm himself? I’m getting my trolls confused.
That was ringing a bell with me and then suddenly I realized it was a song from 1934.
Are we talking about MRAs here? The same guys who are always going on about how all American or all Western women are fat and ugly? Huh.
I did it! I did my first blockquote!
Isn’t it odd that these MGTOW are so paranoid about having ‘proxy violence’ used on them, when all the non-MGTOW I know have never had it happen to them. It’s almost like there is a correlation between MRA attitudes and having the police called.
LOL! You should post that on Reddit*.
I am confused by this concept of proxy violence. The women are committing violence against men by police? Is being arrested considered an act of violence? I don’t understand.
*not really
Speaking of which, whatever happened to Antsy?
Women who wouldn’t make a false accusation out of revenge, anger, or greed? Isn’t that most women?
Oh, whoops, sorry. Forgot we were in MRAland. I keep thinking they mean the real world. Silly me.
Shorter manosphere: fuck the (feminist run) po-lice.
@Carleyblue Congrats!
I don’t think I care to have the character he is describing because I think what it means is that if a man hits me I have to remain silent and take it.
Well, in modern society, violence is reduced is by having it under the control of the state. Murder and violent crime has been reduced significantly by making it illegal for ordinary people to use violence. The state will still kill people (in some countries) or punish them in other ways. So I get what they mean by proxy violence.
The men who don’t like that system – who want to return to a pre-leviathan state of civilization – are the ones who don’t realise that the leviathan protects them too. They always seem to see themselves doling out the violence and never being a victim of it.
PS. yes, it is in a way. If you are arrested, you are being held against your will with the threat of force/violence for non-compliance.
O.O That story is… Manassas is disturbingly near me.
so, is this violence by proxy?
or does Mr. Futrelle have an acting career? 😉