$MONEY$ a voice for men grandiosity hypocrisy men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA narcissism paul elam the sound of his own voice

Update: Ladies Still Destroying the World With Reckless Buying of Lady Things [UPDATED with complete demolishment of Elam in the comments]

Cats: Also lovers of extravagant, world-destroying luxury

Apparently Paul Elam, head boy at A Voice for Men, felt that his last 1500-word opus on the evils of female consumer spending wasn’t verbose enough. So he’s put up another 1500-word rant on the subject that adds nothing to his already pretty substance-free argument — except for a lengthy preface in which he pats himself on the back for being SO BRAVE enough to confront the ladies with the uncomfortable TRUTH that they are destroying the world with all their lipstick and fancy shoes and hats made from men’s balls and whatever else it is that those silly world-destroying gals are always buying.

Gosh, no one’s ever said anything bad or even so much as joked about  materialistic women before. Congratulations, brave Paul, for blazing this trail of truth! (At least Anita Loos had the good taste to be utterly hilarious in her satire.)

And gosh, it’s not like men have ever been known to spend loads of money on useless shit. Nope. Never.

Oh, and speaking of useless crap (and this is a bit of an awkward segue here): MAN BOOBZ T-SHIRTS ARE 40% OFF TODAY! Yes, again!

To take advantage of this NEW ONE DAY SALE, go to the Man Boobz store on Zazzle and enter the code 12DAILYDEAL3

Remember, fellas, if you buy a shirt, it’s a necessary and utilitarian purchase, something to wear while you are hunting the mammoth, or fishing with your $4600 fishing rod, or typing out world-saving rants about how awful ladies are.

Ladies, if you buy a shirt, it’s nothing more than world-destroying vanity. Women should wear rags.

But hey: what better to make rags from than a nice Man Boobz t-shirt? Now in four delicious, world-destroying flavors: Mammoth, Cartoon Mammoth, Cupcake, and Cock Carousel! Loads of other Man Boobz swag on sale too, at 15% off.

EDITED TO ADD: Check out the comments for Elam’s post to see a brave commenter named Amanda politely but relentlessly tearing Elam’s article to shreds. Among other things, she links to a Slate article that suggests, based on several European studies and some admittedly “quick-and-dirty spreadsheet calculations” by a Carnegie-Mellon researcher, that men and women in developed nations have roughly similar “carbon footprints,” with men a slightly less “green” than women.

The responses to her comments, like Elam’s post itself, rely heavily on ass-data and lots of essentially meaningless thetorical huffing and puffing. Like this bit of blather from Tawil:

You don’t honestly think that men in political power are going to make decisions detrimentally affecting the wanton consumerist desires of the women voters who put those same men in power, do you? If yes you clearly don’t understand who has the power. One move by a politician that detracts from narcissistic licence for females gets him voted out – by women. Same holds true for corporation CEOs – any move that would stifle women’s shopping behaviour or her budget would see the company go bust. (and BTW CEOs and politicians make up about one billionth of the total population of men… the rest of the men are laboring in back-breaking, soul-destroying occupations to make your life more comfortable princess).

Amanda quickly rebuts this and everything else thrown at her, reducing the regulars to blustery nonsense and toothless misogynistic insults — like this from Skeptic:

You’ve obviously never heard of pollution by proxy have you? Probably too busy shopping I guess.

Skeptic is also suspicious of any and all research from the evil gynocracy known as … Sweden, “probably the most misandric culture on the entire planet.”

Eventually Elam wades in and offers a response that he clearly sees as appropriately patronizing; he even uses the word “cupcake,” a clear sign of MRA hubris.

Your comment alone is polluting. It is feminism’s toxic waste that has already contaminated much of the planet’s intellectual purity. So while I will answer you, I do so with the qualification that along the lines of environmentally sound thought, it is like talking to a BP rep about good saltwater fishing.

As to why women cause more pollution I will have to tax your ideological mind with simple math.

Men earn about 80% of income worldwide. Women spend about 80% of income worldwide, a disproportionate amount of it on themselves. …

More blah blah blah, and then he winds up with this:

It is real simple, cupcake. Those who consume, pollute. Those who consume excessively pollute more.

Rinse and repeat till you figure out who consumes more, and who consumes more frivolous goods and services in the vanity economy.

BTW, producing Swedish research around here is like breaking wind and calling it perfume. More pollution.

You will note that Elam relies on that 80% figure we discussed in my post on his previous women-are-destroying-the-world rant. You know, the 80% figure that is repeatedly endlessly in media accounts, invariably unsourced. Because it is not actually based on any real research, as the Wall Street Journal recently discovered? When asked for the source of this, he finds … yet another media mention of the figure, without a source given for it.

Paul Elam, master of ass data, is completely unaware that he has lost the argument, and acts as if he’s won some grand victory.

Actually, that’s pretty much how he acts every day.

Time for that gif again. You know the one. But the T-shirt sale is real. And I’m not being sarcastic about Elam being completely and utterly owned by Amanda.

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Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Oops, sorry, I gave it away.

…I bet it’ll still take him a bit, though.

12 years ago

@Wetherby: That’s both hilarious and kind of adorable.

Sgt Grumbles
Sgt Grumbles
12 years ago

If you’re vile online, wouldn’t that be e-vile?

12 years ago

Well, we all know reading for comprehension isn’t his strong suit anyway . . .

12 years ago

He’ll just start wanking about how “creepy” and “dude” should be in moderation because they’re shaming language.

12 years ago

He’ll be back. He’s officially the herpes of this blog.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

I though Some Guy With The Boredom was this blog’s herpes? I guess he hasn’t been around in a while, though. Not since I asked him to back up an assertion he made about how an SRSster allegedly egged on a suicidal r/MR poster.

That turned out to be false, by the way.

12 years ago


I guess plain “misandrist” isn’t verbose enough for Steele any more.

I will not be “neutered”, as it were

Hahahahahahahahaha. Oh Steele, never change.

12 years ago

Tulgey, I’d say we have a couple of strains on the blog. Steele, Some Dude, various sock puppets.

12 years ago

(Off-topic, I know, but…) David, thanks for having the T-shirt sale again. I’m looking forward to getting my mammoth shirt. Yes, I’m partaking in world-destroying vanity. 😀

12 years ago

I see your point, Shaenon, but I just love the way he uses different combinations of the same words in different orders, and his selective perception is so transparent that it’s impossible to take him seriously.

I’m not totally sold. We’ll just have to see how the polls turn out.

I wonder where schticky went, anyway.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

I think schticky gave up after being limited to three posts a day. That would’ve been like really painful constipation for him.

“Gee, I wonder what Ella would be thinking if she saw Steeles response to us answering his question on what we do to help people and improve the world?” – I wonder if Ella really did see the garbage Steele posts here? I reckong that would be a perfect tipping-point for a shaky relationship, and any relationship involving Steele* would be shaky.

*Unless he really is the world’s most dedicated Poe, which I doubt; he’s not imaginative enough.

Cthulhu's Intern
12 years ago

So, Paul Elam, after being completely and totally defeated in a debate, where his only point was basically “But those sources are feminist-leaning!” proclaims it as some victory for him? Why does that sound so familiar…

12 years ago

Late to the party, but:

I just spent the last 8 hours literally wiping the asses of 4 elderly disabled men. And feeding and dressing and cleaning and entertaining them and putting up with their joking flirting and making sure they get all their medications. God, I’m such a misandrist!

12 years ago

I spent the day robbing and pillaging, like all true feminists. Forward the sisterhood!

12 years ago

Not only did I spend most of the day sleeping (I seem to be coming down with the flu), I just ate an actual bonbon. And now I’m going to come up with a list of questions to ask an industrial band so that I can write an article about them. Vile!

12 years ago

Weatherby, my buddy Ry and I are jealous of all your lego. Well, Im jealous. Ry is a koala. (He pointed at a koala picture and is now clinging to me.)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Shaenon – but did you wear blue eyeshadow in true Viking fashion while robbing and pillaging? It doesn’t count otherwise.

(I can’t for the life of me remember where I read that the Vikings were into eyemakeup, it’ll be in a fashion/history/archaeology book somewhere in my house, but you’ll understand why the image of Vikings with 1960s makeup stuck in my mind.)

12 years ago

I’ve always despised how to MRM any source that doesn’t confirm their opinion is biased. I’ve even been told that the US Census is biased data.
I don’t even bother anymore.

12 years ago

What do feminists do for the world? Well, on my off time, I foster puppies from the animal shelter (if they are less than 6 weeks and don’t have a foster to go to, they are euthanized as the threat of parvo is too high). I’ve been at it for more than 5 years and no end in sight; people are constantly dropping them off at the shelter. No clue what they are thinking. Maybe our city’s new spay/neuter program will help.

On the job, I work with pediatric patients who have a genetic disorder, and working to find new treatments for same. When I was a kid, few lived to adulthood, now most will live into at least their 30s and 40s, and things continue to look up.

People who are interested in making the world better are usually active on several different fronts. So feminists are likely to be involved in other causes as well.

12 years ago

I spent my nights roaming the streets as a vigilante vampire for vustice, zeroing in on males walking alone in tight or skimpy clothing and sucking their life essence from them, tumbling them into the gutter when I am done. Sometimes I have to carry them several miles to find a gutter, but us vigilante vampires have our standards!

A sewer can be utilized in a pinch.

Then I deliver the life essence to the Vaginal Vustice Vall which is run by the lesbiancommicfeministagendacommittee for the hivemind.

The hivemind uses this life essence to fund the sooper sekrit dominance domains which run all the male sockpuppets we put in place to run the government, the courts, the military, and the police, not to mention the educational systems.

Well, some of it is used for funding.

Most is of course used in creating delicious bonbons and scented fucking candles to be consumed by the *ALL HAIL THE QUEENS* queens of the hive.

During the day, I am a mild mannered English teacher.

12 years ago

Ithiliana, you’ve said too much! THE HIVEMIND WILL PUNISH YOU.

12 years ago

Ithiliana, does the Vaginal Vustice Vall need any accountants? I could move . . . .

12 years ago

And librarians and/or archivists? The VVV must have a library, right?

12 years ago

@Hellkell: I have VAUTHORIZATION to reVeal the TRUTH when necessary!

*searches pocketbook frantically*