a voice for men antifeminism armageddon evil women grandiosity men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men paul elam playing the victim princesses

Save the Dude Planet! Or, Paul Elam Yells at the Ladies for Buying Lady Crap

Paul Elam, head misogynist at A Voice for Men, is mad at the ladies again, his wrath provoked this time by an overheard conversation in a local coffeeshop between two women talking about recycling, and how the world would be a greener place if women were in charge.

Elam seems to take deep personal offense at any suggestion that men aren’t the absolute best at every single fucking thing, so he quickly scurried off to his computer to bash out a 1500-word screed that began with him insulting the women as bobbleheaded “latte lappers who were more likely than not completely clueless about how a single thing on the planet with a moving part works,” moved into high gear with some not altogether wrong (if rather trite and woman-blamey) critiques of the diamond and fur industries, and wound up with a stern warning that WOMEN ARE DESTROY9ING THE EARTH WITH ALL THEIR SPENDY SPENDING!!1!!!

So let’s just skip ahead to that part, shall we?

Take it away, Paul:

The thing that drives the bulk of pollution, wars, white collar criminality, cruelty to animals, human slavery and the like is consumerism. Consumerism, especially the market of unnecessary, embarrassingly vain and useless goods, is a woman’s world. It is primarily the consumption of fashion, via cosmetics, plastic surgery, excessive clothing, jewelry and other vanity items. Women drive a world of pain and damage to the planet. And men, to their shame, do the heavy lifting to get it done.

Ah, damn you ladies! God damn you all to hell!

The so-called Planet of the Apes was Earth all along!

Oh, wait. Sorry. SPOILER ALERT.

But Paul, don’t men buy a lot of expensive useless crap, too?

I mean, I just did about a minute of Googling and found a goddamn fishing rod that’ll set you back $4600.

I cannot think of a single item consumed by men en masse, with high social acceptance, that does not also have utilitarian value. e.g. leather items come from food source animals.

Oh, I see. You can use a $4600 fishing rod to catch $4600 fish. My bad.

Essentially it is not that much different from Native Americans using buffalo hide as well as the meat.

Yeah, he really did just say that.

And many of the things men do consume that might appear on the surface to be excessive are things that women size up and measure them  by in the process of sexual selection.

Ah, and these men are utterly helpless before these greedy, earth-destroying women and their evil feminine allure.

Most money is still earned by men.

This is true. In part because of that whole wage gap thing you MRAs don’t believe in.

Most money is actually spent by and on women, mostly on consequence-ridden products whose only use is to bolster their egos. That is about as green as a fucking oil spill.

The sex driving the world’s ridiculous over consumption, and therefore decimation of everything, is not men. In fact, women’s level of over consumption is so outrageous that they cannot even maintain it with their own resources. It takes both sexes to feed the excessive appetite of the one.

Ah, but that’s not quite true. Or really true at all. For one thing, while women may spend more than men, that’s in part because women still tend to do more of the shopping for things like, you know, groceries. They’re not spending all this money on themselves.

And women may not really be spending as much as you think. It’s often said that women are responsible for about 80% of consumer spending. But if you ever start trying to track down the source of that oft-quoted statistic, as I did while writing this post, you’ll discover that … there really doesn’t seem to be one. It’s one of these things that’s assumed to be true simply because it’s repeated so often – especially by people claiming to know how to market to women. The Wall Street Journal’s Carl Bialik looked into this 80% claim last year and found that

In addition to having murky origins, the number appears to be wrong. Several recent surveys suggest that men have nearly equal say on spending, and that when men and women live together, both participate in spending decisions. In a survey conducted last year of nearly 4,000 Americans 16 and older by Futures Co., a London consulting firm, just 37% of women said they have primary responsibility for shopping decisions in their household, while 85% said they have primary or shared responsibility. The respective figures for men were similar: 31% and 84%.

Let’s return from the land of reality to plunge again into the tempestuous torrent of Paul Elam’s testosterone tantrum. (See! I can write as crappily as Paul Elam if I really try!)

If we wanted to save the environment, be less cruel to animals, have less wars, less slavery and less forced labor of children then the best first step we can take is to start raising girls to get over their vanity and their entitlement. We would also do well to teach our boys to assist in the process.

Elam followed up this soul-stirring call to SAVE TEH PLANET with a post castigating male truck drivers for being too nice to lady truck drivers. No, really.

If you’re interested in learning more about saving our green planet, and even if you’re not, I suggest you take a look at the trailer for the excellent if unclassifiable Korean film called, naturally, Save the Green Planet.

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11 years ago

Those veggie burgers from a box that imitate the texture of meat are gross. The best veggie burgers ever are these black bean portobello burgers., especially with black beans cooked from scratch.

11 years ago

@Unimaginative: Good point! This reminded me I forgot to tell Judgycreep that I don’t have cats.

11 years ago

Last time I tried to take a quiz like that, it actually changed my answers for certain portions because it refused to believe me. There was a question about the technology you owned, and I only had a laptop and cell phone to select, but it decided I must own an MP3 player and game console at least, and I was just lying about it.

Sgt Grumbles
Sgt Grumbles
11 years ago

No one cares, Grumbles.

Sgt Grumbles
Sgt Grumbles
11 years ago
Sgt Grumbles
Sgt Grumbles
11 years ago
11 years ago

Grumbles, no one cares. This thread is for recipes. I’m making this later this week:

I’m making mine with smoked tofu and leaving out the cucumber, but I’ll make some roasted broccoli to go on the side. I might throw some orange juice in the sauce.

11 years ago

As of Saturday, I’m off the strict phase of my diet and I start introducing new (old) foods to see how I react to them. I have been obsessing over recipes for stuff I can’t eat for weeks now, and I’m dreaming of noodles. Watching YouTube videos of hand-pulled noodles, homemade ramen soup, pho, noodles noodles noodles! And chocolate. I’m really, really hoping chocolate doesn’t have a bad effect on me.

11 years ago

Ooh, good luck, Unimaginative! Here’s another favorite noodle recipe at my house. It’s the Kung Pao Spaghetti from California Pizza Kitchen. I make it without the chicken and add green beans, carrots, and red bell pepper.

11 years ago

Also, my mother designed industrial equipment and cars. She also taught people (including men, the horror!) how to design those things. I have another relative who spent her whole life designing cars, including GMC trucks. Both she and my mother have lots of female friends who similarly design cars. So I guess cars are now tainted, and Judgybitch better take down and burn those pictures of cars immediately. And then apologize to her menfolk for unwittingly subjecting them to something that’s been profaned by women’s involvement.

Affirmative action, anyone? This is the problem with affirmative action. Many women are capable and competent, but affirmative action renders their achievements invisible. Why? Because we can never tell whether their achievements have been obtained on the basis of genuine merit or simply the pushing of a politically correct agenda – with the real work being done behind the scenes by nameless, faceless male drones. Dump AA asap, because this hurts the true achievers among women. In one situation (a youtube clip that I stumbled across somewhere), I seem to recall that Hillary Clinton herself expressed a problem with quotas for this very reason… or was I imagining things? She seemed to understand that AA impacts adversely on the merits of her achievements.

11 years ago

Keep fucking that chicken, chuckupeedee.

11 years ago

I remain skeptical that teenage boys need help finding porn on the Internet.

I’m pretty sure I’ve managed to find porn on the internet without an actual internet connection, let alone my dad’s help…

11 years ago

‘Cos seriously, their achievements are their achievements. Even if you think your African American surgeon got into med school because of affirmative action, he still just saved your life.

Why are all of our trolls so stupid?

11 years ago

My Ex and I managed to be (excluding my work related travel) to be about 2.1.

We didn’t have AC, used wood for winter heat, had a 1/4 acre of garden, kept our own chickens (who scratched), etc..

11 years ago

with the real work being done behind the scenes by nameless, faceless male drones.

Speaking as one of the nameless, faceless, female drones whose job for many years was to work behind the scenes to make the (usually) male management-types look as though they’re coherent, literate, and competent, I cannot say “fuck you” loudly enough.

Also, affirmative action does not mean hiring incompetent people just because they are visible minorities. I means, among other things, hiring COMPETENT people who HAPPEN to be visible minorities.

And as someone who has to explain to people on a regular basis that the reason they failed their interview is NOT because they’re a white, christian man who speaks English, but because they’re incoherent, inarticulate, arrogant, argumentative, and didn’t answer the fucking questions–fuck you again.

11 years ago

On males* and throw pillows: the resident of my parents house that gets the most out of the pillows is male. A male cat, but there you go. Most of the rest of us, women included, push them out of the way. (The female cat, however, is kind of a bully and I think she sits on the pillow to make sure it smells like her. She also kicked the male cat out of my sister’s bed when we were home for Thanksgiving, never mind that my sister is the male cat’s favorite person, while the female cat prefers my mom (who was also home and lets the cats in, so she could have just had the parent’s bed to herself instead of horning in on the other cat’s territory)).

* I use that word advisedly.

11 years ago

katz: Next time we are in town I have to see your army. Just sayin’

11 years ago

Oh, good lord. CPK. I just discovered them last year, and am very sad that their nearest location to me is *quickly checks* appears to be in Seattle. How is it that they’re in China and not in Canada?

11 years ago

Want to get to the next level in Call of Duty?

Way to make it obvious you haven’t played a video game in a very long time, if at all.
Maybe choose something to make your stupid points about that you have at least some inkling of knowledge about.

Also, studies have shown that letting out aggression just makes people more aggressive. Aggression is not something that builds up inside you til it explodes, it is a habit that you train yourself into.

And playing video games which have violence in them is not actually expressing violence or aggression. I play video games all the time, and I love ones where I hit things with melee weapons. At no point do I ever feel angry or aggressive toward the pixels I’m exploding. They do not make me more or less likely to hurt real things.

11 years ago

It’s only two phalanxes right now, not based and without shields. Not much to look at yet!

11 years ago

Could someone please explain where these quota jobs are, as I am a black woman currently unemployed. Thank you in advance.

11 years ago

Ah, sidestinkappleeye, I am so glad that you asked. As a currently unemployed black woman, all you need to do is lie down and cry in the streets. All the forces of the government will immediately come to your assistance. This is something that I have learned from our trolls, but never tried. Please report your no-doubt-satisfactory results.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

Cloudiah, don’t be ridiculous. There’s no need for her to cry in the streets. Our society is run by totalitarian feminists, and ever since Oprah and Obama racism has been over and white people have been oppressed by ReverseRacism: SSAE’s check is already on its way, and her sinecure will be assigned shortly.

The permanent Einhornglitzernkrieg demands nothing less.

11 years ago

I’m sorry, Tulgey, I was working from the old manual.

SSAE, please just sit back on your couch, cue up the soap operas, and eat your bon bons. Check’s in the mail.

11 years ago

And here I thought those $800 Loomis rods were expensive. I’ll drop a couple of hundred on a rod, but that’s about it. Then again, I don’t fly fish and the upper limit for spinning and baitcasting rods is significantly lower than fly fishing. Oh noes! Women are invading the sport!

I hear split bamboo rods are more for tradition’s sake, though. Modern materials like graphite are superior in every way that counts. So in other words, they’re selling those bamboo rods to a bunch of rich yuppies and old men.

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