a voice for men antifeminism armageddon evil women grandiosity men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men paul elam playing the victim princesses

Save the Dude Planet! Or, Paul Elam Yells at the Ladies for Buying Lady Crap

Paul Elam, head misogynist at A Voice for Men, is mad at the ladies again, his wrath provoked this time by an overheard conversation in a local coffeeshop between two women talking about recycling, and how the world would be a greener place if women were in charge.

Elam seems to take deep personal offense at any suggestion that men aren’t the absolute best at every single fucking thing, so he quickly scurried off to his computer to bash out a 1500-word screed that began with him insulting the women as bobbleheaded “latte lappers who were more likely than not completely clueless about how a single thing on the planet with a moving part works,” moved into high gear with some not altogether wrong (if rather trite and woman-blamey) critiques of the diamond and fur industries, and wound up with a stern warning that WOMEN ARE DESTROY9ING THE EARTH WITH ALL THEIR SPENDY SPENDING!!1!!!

So let’s just skip ahead to that part, shall we?

Take it away, Paul:

The thing that drives the bulk of pollution, wars, white collar criminality, cruelty to animals, human slavery and the like is consumerism. Consumerism, especially the market of unnecessary, embarrassingly vain and useless goods, is a woman’s world. It is primarily the consumption of fashion, via cosmetics, plastic surgery, excessive clothing, jewelry and other vanity items. Women drive a world of pain and damage to the planet. And men, to their shame, do the heavy lifting to get it done.

Ah, damn you ladies! God damn you all to hell!

The so-called Planet of the Apes was Earth all along!

Oh, wait. Sorry. SPOILER ALERT.

But Paul, don’t men buy a lot of expensive useless crap, too?

I mean, I just did about a minute of Googling and found a goddamn fishing rod that’ll set you back $4600.

I cannot think of a single item consumed by men en masse, with high social acceptance, that does not also have utilitarian value. e.g. leather items come from food source animals.

Oh, I see. You can use a $4600 fishing rod to catch $4600 fish. My bad.

Essentially it is not that much different from Native Americans using buffalo hide as well as the meat.

Yeah, he really did just say that.

And many of the things men do consume that might appear on the surface to be excessive are things that women size up and measure them  by in the process of sexual selection.

Ah, and these men are utterly helpless before these greedy, earth-destroying women and their evil feminine allure.

Most money is still earned by men.

This is true. In part because of that whole wage gap thing you MRAs don’t believe in.

Most money is actually spent by and on women, mostly on consequence-ridden products whose only use is to bolster their egos. That is about as green as a fucking oil spill.

The sex driving the world’s ridiculous over consumption, and therefore decimation of everything, is not men. In fact, women’s level of over consumption is so outrageous that they cannot even maintain it with their own resources. It takes both sexes to feed the excessive appetite of the one.

Ah, but that’s not quite true. Or really true at all. For one thing, while women may spend more than men, that’s in part because women still tend to do more of the shopping for things like, you know, groceries. They’re not spending all this money on themselves.

And women may not really be spending as much as you think. It’s often said that women are responsible for about 80% of consumer spending. But if you ever start trying to track down the source of that oft-quoted statistic, as I did while writing this post, you’ll discover that … there really doesn’t seem to be one. It’s one of these things that’s assumed to be true simply because it’s repeated so often – especially by people claiming to know how to market to women. The Wall Street Journal’s Carl Bialik looked into this 80% claim last year and found that

In addition to having murky origins, the number appears to be wrong. Several recent surveys suggest that men have nearly equal say on spending, and that when men and women live together, both participate in spending decisions. In a survey conducted last year of nearly 4,000 Americans 16 and older by Futures Co., a London consulting firm, just 37% of women said they have primary responsibility for shopping decisions in their household, while 85% said they have primary or shared responsibility. The respective figures for men were similar: 31% and 84%.

Let’s return from the land of reality to plunge again into the tempestuous torrent of Paul Elam’s testosterone tantrum. (See! I can write as crappily as Paul Elam if I really try!)

If we wanted to save the environment, be less cruel to animals, have less wars, less slavery and less forced labor of children then the best first step we can take is to start raising girls to get over their vanity and their entitlement. We would also do well to teach our boys to assist in the process.

Elam followed up this soul-stirring call to SAVE TEH PLANET with a post castigating male truck drivers for being too nice to lady truck drivers. No, really.

If you’re interested in learning more about saving our green planet, and even if you’re not, I suggest you take a look at the trailer for the excellent if unclassifiable Korean film called, naturally, Save the Green Planet.

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12 years ago

Yeah! These women need to get over their vanity!

But also stay hot somehow.

12 years ago

I cannot think of a single item consumed by men en masse, with high social acceptance, that does not also have utilitarian value. e.g. leather items come from food source animals.

He didn’t think very hard, did he?
1. Sky Sports. Pretty much anything sports, to be honest – tickets, souvenirs, replica kit, etc etc
2. All that gaming kit.
3.Depending on how accepting your society is, porn.

12 years ago

There’s also now a followup post, because PaulE didn’t think he had blathered on long enough in the first one so he needed to write another 1500 words.

My favorite thing about this is that he really lets the mask slip. They like to pretend they aren’t misogynists; it’s just that they’re critical of feminism, which is the “real” hate movement. But they can’t really contain their contempt and hatred for women for long, and finally it just spills out. In the “blurb” for the 2nd installment, they say “This time he poses some questions to women as a whole.”

Anyway, the whole thing is SO MUCH FAIL. He doesn’t understand the economy, political systems, history — he doesn’t understand reality.

I’m so glad you noticed this one. I was going to bug you about it, but I didn’t want to be like the trolls who tell you what you should be writing about on your own blog!

12 years ago

I hadn’t realised that buying hair dye caused wars. I feel really awful now.

12 years ago

Skeptic, in the comments on the second post, makes the message crystal clear:

Seems to me then that MEN, the inventors of democracy, science, industrialism and all it’s many wonders YET AGAIN have to take the lead in advancing civilization to the next level – environmental sustainability.

Jeeze, is there any rest for men collectively taking the lead thereby having to be ‘patriarchal’ to pull women out of the primordial slime?

12 years ago

Ok, I’m a complete pedant. I look at all that argle-bargle and all I can think is “That apostrophe! It burns!”

12 years ago

I cannot think of a single item consumed by men en masse, with high social acceptance, that does not also have utilitarian value. e.g. leather items come from food source animals.

seriously? I thought of one in two seconds: porn. Then there is sex tourism and domestic prostitution.. I’m sure that elam defines boner-pleasin’ as ‘utilitarian’ because of his myopic idiocy, but still….

12 years ago

My wife’s far more scientifically literate than I am, and a substantial chunk of our income depends on her being able to operate (and understand the workings of) an extremely complex piece of modern medical technology.

Whereas I could easily do my job with a crayon if my editors were feeling suitably indulgent.

12 years ago

So, are all Western MRAs going to give up all their electronic toys and cars?

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

Boner pleasin’ is utilitarian because if you don’t please the boners they will rampage, so pleased boners reduced insurance premiums for everyone.

12 years ago

Quickly perusing his follow up column I came across this:

And by the way, I say I know what I do works because AVfM attracts support from educated, talented and brilliant women from all over the world. And I would wager my last dollar that all or most of them would tell you that this place is remarkable because it actually is an environment where women are treated as equals. No lip service, just action.

and haven’t stopped laughing long enough to formulate an appropriate response.

12 years ago

Video games and comic books are utilitarian?

Or does he recognize those aren’t man-only zones?


No, he just wasn’t thinking when he said it’s all utilitarian.

12 years ago

So it really is a all about the Scented Fucking Candles!!!!!!!

12 years ago

Another comment on the 2nd installment — this one made me crack up, but it is apparently serious:

I saw one of those little “meme” joke things picturing Lucy gazing pleadingly at Ricky, arms crossed forbiddingly across his chest with the title reading “Ricky needed to lighten up”.

Well. Ricky lightened up.

Mountainous credit card debt, almost non existent savings, foreclosures, an car loads the size of mortgage payments.

UNHEARD stuff in Ricky Richardo’s Father Knows Beaver Cleaver Best days.

Lucy sank the ship and screwed the pooch with her scheming and scamming as soon as Ricky “lightened up” and quit “oppressing” her into behaving like a responsible adult.

America would probably be better off today if it had been I Love Ricky instead of I Love Lucy.

12 years ago

Yup, only women by things out of vanity. Males never buy themselves expensive suits, Rolex watches or get costly tattoos.

12 years ago

I’d suggest video games, since in Elams world only men play them. Now there’s a massive industry for you, and contributes to world wide pollution, exploitation of labor and wars to get the raw materials to buy the machines to play on. Same with, oh I dunno, the lastest computer gadets, cell phones, stereo equipment, televisions etc…

Also, fast cars, fancy homes to show off status in, expensive hot lable clothing, mens personal hygeine products, clothing in general (not many men willingly own only three sets of clothes) the fresh foods eaten in WINTER imorted from around the world, in fact just about anything you own which you didn’t make yourself from raw materials you sourced in your own backyard.

12 years ago

And many of the things men do consume that might appear on the surface to be excessive are things that women size up and measure them by in the process of sexual selection.

Why does he think women spend so much time and money on hair, makeup, clothes, shoes, surgery, gym memberships, diet pills, etc.? It’s not because that stuff is fun…

12 years ago

So much fail in that bit about truck-drivers. There are a lot of Hemet Drivers in the Army who are female. They haul loads that are a lot more difficult to maneuver than his, in conditions which makes the hauling to “mountain roads” look like a picnic.

Then there’s this gem: But let a woman get on the radio and ask for directions and suddenly every other driver out there is an atlas on wheels, and you won’t be able to hear one of them clearly because they are all trying to talk to her at the same time.

Um…no. The way common bands work whoever is talking owns the channel. If someone has a transmitter powerful enough to, “step on the freq” they get a not so polite letter from the FCC telling them 1: they had too much wattage, 2: they owe a fine†, 3: if they do it again they will lose their license.

Because the users of Common Band Radios depend on them, they are really good about reporting bad actors.

It goes further downhill from there

† I once found a citation my exe’s grandfather had gotten in the late 1970s. It was for $75, a non-trivial sum of money.

12 years ago

I’ve obviously been missing out on something. My daily moisturizer is somewhat lacking in a particular effective ingredient:

Comments and emails pointed to other things I left out, like the horrendous polluting impact from make-up production, skin creams made with human foreskins …

A commenter observes:

“Skin creams made with human foreskins.”

I’ll always feel the deepest anger over this one. They’ll cluck and moan over Female Genital Mutilation as they slather their anti-wrinkle cream made from my stolen foreskin all over their faces. It’s like a horror film.

A horror film indeed. I strongly suspect that’s where such a little factoid originated.

12 years ago

I agree with inurashii – how do these people go from whining about how terrible ugly women are, to complaining about women who “for some reason” feel like they need to buy whatever is necessary to look good to men?

12 years ago

Scented candles are more utilitarian than porn, so I declare women the winners!*

(If we’re going by the Elam view of gender, in which no man could possibly want a scented candle and no woman would ever want to watch porn.)

Also, foreskin cream is a fascinating new urban myth. Is the theory that the only reason circumcision is still a thing is because evil feminists want to harvest the foreskins to make ourselves look pretty (not for the utilitarian purpose of attracting a partner or anything, just because)?

12 years ago

Tell me that when I go to the poster thread, there’ll be one for foreskin facecream ….

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Ah yes, and once again the West represents the whole world, or at least, stereotypes of relatively wealthy Western women’s lifestyles represent all women everywhere. Pardon me if I don’t really think that’s the case.

Elam’s another of those gifts that keep on giving; every time you think he’s shown what an ugly, hate-ridden character he is, he scrapes a bit more out of that barrel.

12 years ago

Here, BTW, is a rundown on the, “foreskin facecream”

12 years ago

@pecunium: ah, yes, the sweet french vanilla smell of success!

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