a voice for men antifeminism artistry cupcake men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA the poster revolution has begun

Men’s Rights Posters Now Officially Sillier Than Their Parodies

It’s hard to parody Men’s Rights Activists, because no matter how ridiculous your parody is, there’s a good chance that some MRA out there has already said, or written, or sung, something even more ridiculous already.

Not that long ago, a bunch of Man Boobz regulars set out to parody the bizarre, and often inadvertently surrealistic, posters that have been popping up on MRA sites like A Voice for Men and Artistry Against Misandry. It was hard, but I think some of us managed to come up with posters that were even uglier and less coherent than the originals. I especially liked these two, from (respectively) Cliff Pervocracy and Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III.

But alas, we have been outmaneuvered by the all-too-serious poster-makers on A Voice for Men, who have managed to produce posters that make even less sense than our silliest parodies. Take a look at this one, which I believe is the work of an Australian MRA by the name of Roger O. Thornhill.

I mean, really. How can we compete with that?

This is an actual poster that some MRAs think will actually win people over to their cause.  How, I’m not exactly sure. What exactly about a cupcake with a tiara is supposed to scream “men’s rights”  to random pedestrians who might catch a glimpse of this poster wheatpasted to a hoarding while on their way to work?

For more of Roger’s fine work, see here and here.

Man Boobzers, can you do better?

Or, if you’re not up to that Herculean task, could you at least try to explain just what exactly you think Mr. Thornhill was trying to say with that poster of his?

EDITED TO ADD: I have been asked to contribute a poster myself. So here one is. You can find many more hilarious and incredibly ugly posters at ArtistryForFeminismAndKittens and, of course, in the comments below!

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The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@hellkell – oh, this isn’t activism.

This is me refining my arguments in front of a hostile audience.

Y’see – one of the biggest problems for people seeking social change is a tendency to restrict themselves to comfy little echo chambers where they only talk to like minded people.
If they then try to take their ideas out into the wider world they will be totally unprepared for the unbridled hostility, ad hominem attacks and – even, occasionally logical arguments that oppose their ideas.

You lot are my “ideas assault course”. Posting here forces me to really think about /research what I’m saying.
If I’m going to get things wrong, or if I have an idea that is flawed, I’d rather find that out here and now on the relatively anonymous interwebs, where recanting, revising, modifying ideas is easy vs. out in RL.

Posting here is actually helping me think through my priorities of what activism I will do.
At the moment I think my first RL focus will be suicide and DV help.
It should be pretty easy to make activist efforts on those fronts without incurring hostility.
Especially as I plan to approach it from a gender neutral POV – i.e. when I go out postering for I’ll poster for Refuge too.
I want to see shelters for people who are DV victims and their kids, regardless of sex.

At whoever it was who was saying *I* personally should get involved in establishing a men’s DV shelter – frankly, I don’t think I’m the bloke to do that, because as a child I (& my Mum, and bro) was (were) a DV vic at the hands of my psycho Dad.
I think I be better suited to a fundraising / awareness type role.

12 years ago

We have learned from you. We intend to liberate ourselves, regardless of your permission.


Liberate yourself.

Close the tab.

12 years ago

Eh, I don’t feel like teaching Joe how to think logically or how to form a coherent argument.

Come back when you’ve actually refined and polished some arguments, dude. Listening to you flail is tiresome.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@hellkell –
Things I have learned from feminism:
1) absolutely bloody minded stubborness and a refusal to back down.
2) Equality, equality, equality before everything else.
3) Control of reproduction = control of your destiny.
4) The coercive framework of law (or it’s lack), enforced by uniformed thugs, shapes everything in society from attitudes, relationships and economics to life and death itself.
5) If existing societal contracts / attitudes restrict / disadvantage you, then those societal contracts and attitudes must be changed to equalize them (that’s not as far as feminism which changed them to feminists advantage, but I have my own morality that supersedes real politik).

Just for starters! 😀

12 years ago

Joe, that RL activist stuff you’re talking about sounds great. Go do it.

But I don’t appreciate being used for your asshole cross-training. I don’t generally ignore trolls here, but I’m going to start with you, and hope that Dave makes it easier by banning your disingenuous ass.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

Oh, I’m sorry, am I boring you?

6) wear the opposition down.

12 years ago

Yes, you’re boring us, but that’s really not a victory. Go practice your activism elsewhere.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Hellkell – I’ll be back! B)

12 years ago

Indeed, all major societal advances are achieved by boring the crap out of people.

@ Dave

Banhammer time, maybe? I feel like teaching is a job that deserves to be compensated, and not by being screeched at in all caps.

12 years ago

Joe’s “I’ll be back” isn’t even funny like Schwarzenegger’s. It’s sad and tedious.

I’d be very glad if Joe wasn’t allowed to come back.

12 years ago

I’m down with the banhammer. I’m tired of Joe’s cowardly bullshit. I notice that he never, ever actually responds to me by name, just as all the terrified trolls always do when I made a cogent argument they can’t rebut. He just keeps throwing more and more wildly unrelated shit against the wall (“if it responds to stimuli it’s a CHILD!” except for all those single celled organisms that can respond to stimuli too, etc. *eyeroll*). It’s a weak and silly tactic used by a dude who is so hopelessly outclassed by the people he’s arguing with he can’t win on merits or make a relevant point.

And he’s not even funny while doing it. At least steelepole offers comic relief unintentionally.

Since he’s saying flat out that he’s using this place for target practice, well, I don’t desire having to wade through the shit he leaves behind to be here. If he doesn’t want to argue in good faith, why let him bother?

On a far happier note, the Oregon zoo has a new baby elephant!

12 years ago

Joe’s “I’ll be back” isn’t even funny like Schwarzenegger’s.

After the Augean stables-like pile of shit that he’s dropped here, I’m pretty sure that it can legally be considered a threat

12 years ago

He may have been defeated for now, but he will return to bury you in teal deer shit!

12 years ago

Joe, ignore these assholes. They are evil; they are hell-bent on destroying love itself. That sound like a joke? That sound hyperbolic? Think again.

Their vile, disgusting ideology preaches hate; their actions are those of a group of psychopaths. They care about literally nothing other than pushing their fucking social agenda; and woe betide happiness – interpersonal relationships – affection itself – if it gets in the way of their femodogma. Ignore these assholes. Ignore them.

12 years ago

*stage whisper* Steele. Steele.

If you are coming to our website and talking to us

you are not ignoring us.


12 years ago

Also, how helpful to know that I am an evil, love-destroying psychopath. How good to be informed that I care about nothing except feminism. Can’t wait to tell the folks when I visit for xmas.

12 years ago

Steele, you’re so cute when suck up to people worse than you.

Funny, my interpersonal relationships are just fine. Happily married, even with my vile femdogma agenda. How can that be?

12 years ago

I bet if you asked a whole bunch of disabled people or poor people if they’d rather have been aborted most will probably say “no”.

You bet, huh? Have you ever tried, y’know, asking? Disabled people* aren’t tools for your political arguments, we’re people.

I would rather have been aborted. Rather strongly, both because I have an objectively bad disability that no amount of social change could make suck significantly less and because of how my birth negatively affected my family.

But, regardless, my mother chose to have me. Thems the breaks. It was her choice.

*I can’t speak to poverty at all, so I won’t.


Poking planarians is really fun. They do have some mechanoreception, but it takes a real hard prod to set it off. Sadly I can’t find any videos. They’re still not sapient though.

12 years ago

Got-born privilege and femodogma in one thread? I love it when MRAs try to invent new terms.

12 years ago

I greatly respect Joe and his convictions; he is a fine MRA and – I believe – a true representation, unlike the distortions and extremists that the Boobz King showcases regularly.

Those arguing against Joe only prove themselves vile tedious ideologues, unable to get past the “MRA” moniker, as it were, even when the source is espousing good points.

12 years ago

Says, I’m sick of your sarcastic one-liners, as it were, and contentless vacuous posts. Put up or shut up, you vile ideologue.

12 years ago

Steele, Joe won’t love you any more than Ella did. Give it a rest.

12 years ago

Steele, you best check yourself before you wreck yourself. Calling someone else’s post contentless and vacuous makes you look even dumber.

12 years ago

I greatly respect Joe and his convictions

You also respected NWOslave, duder.

12 years ago

Katz, I think he also crushed on Meller. Not a good judge of character, is he?