I love the fact that a placeholder post, albeit one with a gonzo superlatively hilarious pic (David, you do have a genius for the visual), garners in a fairly short amount of time over 70 responses.
Cat of Many Faces
12 years ago
That pic tells me that old timey furries were almost as wierd as us modern ones. 😛
12 years ago
I’m so sick of winter already I can hardly stand myself, and we’re barely a month in. We got snow about a week before Hallowe’en, and it stuck around. And kept coming. And it’s been hovering around minus 20 C. I’m sick of sweeping snow off my truck, and shoveling snow off my deck, and cold wind, and clouds. Bleh. I need to re-think my life and somehow make enough money to become a snowbird.
(Although, I find it kind of comical how cold -20 is on the way down, and how balmy and warm it is on the way up.)
For people with Reynauds, you might have heard of this, but here you go again:
Just make sure to get it all finished so we can swap and read in December.
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago
Speaking of 50K word counts – is there a rough estimate of how long a book that would be? I’m thinking ordinary paperback rather than trade paperback, say. Probably far too vague a question given different fonts and so on, but does anyone have any ideas?
About 200 pages or a little less. Too short to really be publishable as an adult novel, which is why most people don’t finish when they hit the 50k mark. (Of course I write novellas, so mine are usually a lot shorter than that!)
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago
Argh! That is short. I started a sort of memoir ages ago, and it got well and truly stuck at the 57K mark. Bummer.
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago
PS I should have started that comment with “thank you”!
I’ll certainly court as many beta readers as I can get. Not super happy with how this one is going, so I’m looking at a few serious rounds of revision.
Shaenon, way cool — both the whole project, and your contribution.
12 years ago
To be honest, I didn’t write anything worth reading. I’ve stalled out and failed miserably at every past nano, so my goal this year was to just write fifty thousand words. A lot of it was talking about my lunch, and my frustrations with my job, and how many more words I had to go until I reached that day’s goal. The idea was to get in the habit of writing every day, and, um, not failing miserably again.
So, you know, mission accomplished. I think, just out of curiosity, I’m going to cut out the bits of actual story and see how much that amounted to. Sadly, not very much, I’ll bet.
My other goal was to get over my hesitation to write sex scenes (I feel all awkward and self-conscious writing them, but you know, I’m trying to write romance novels, and I like the kind with smut in them, so I kind of need to write them). I made a little progress there, but again, nothing that I’d want anybody else to read.
Count me in for reading if you want a reader; I can’t really swap anything since I’ve never written a novel. I could send you my thesis, but your eyes would probably glaze over… 😉
Unimaginative- Please don’t sell yourself short, at least you made the attempt, and you succeeded in making the word count. 🙂 This year was my first time ever attempting NaNo; I was lucky that I had a story that I was able to keep going. It may not be my best work right now, but once I’m done with a few months’ worth of editing, it’ll be much better.
@Pecunium: Ooh, which ocean? I’ve been playing that game for ages. I met my girlfriend through it, in fact, so it holds a special place in my heart.
On the Fox article: I always love it when Fox (or other media outlets, but let’s face it, it’s usually Fox) tells me all about the things I “won’t hear in the media” without a trace of irony.
Sorry to be AWOL again today; sometimes I just hit my limit with misogynist creepoids and have to clear my brain with Hitchcock movies and Doomsday Preppers (which I may now be sick of) and by making mixtapes. There will be a new post tomorrow, though (well, later today), and you can take that to the bank!
(Don’t blame me if the people at the bank look at you funny, though.)
In the meantime, I’m glad Cloudiah has pointed you to a new troll to play with.
This just popped up on Shit Reddit Says about an hour ago: the “Good Girl Gina” meme analyzed. It’s a downer, but systematic and illuminating.
I love the fact that a placeholder post, albeit one with a gonzo superlatively hilarious pic (David, you do have a genius for the visual), garners in a fairly short amount of time over 70 responses.
That pic tells me that old timey furries were almost as wierd as us modern ones. 😛
I’m so sick of winter already I can hardly stand myself, and we’re barely a month in. We got snow about a week before Hallowe’en, and it stuck around. And kept coming. And it’s been hovering around minus 20 C. I’m sick of sweeping snow off my truck, and shoveling snow off my deck, and cold wind, and clouds. Bleh. I need to re-think my life and somehow make enough money to become a snowbird.
(Although, I find it kind of comical how cold -20 is on the way down, and how balmy and warm it is on the way up.)
For people with Reynauds, you might have heard of this, but here you go again:
There’s a kijillion different makes out there, but the point is, they keep your fingies warm while computing.
In other news, I finished Nano today on my lunch break. I’m in shock. First time completing 50K.
*Fist bump*
Well done, Unimaginative!
😀 I’m so thrilled I hardly know what to do with myself. (Mind you, most of it is crap, but it’s fifty thousand words’ worth, so cool.)
Just make sure to get it all finished so we can swap and read in December.
Speaking of 50K word counts – is there a rough estimate of how long a book that would be? I’m thinking ordinary paperback rather than trade paperback, say. Probably far too vague a question given different fonts and so on, but does anyone have any ideas?
About 200 pages or a little less. Too short to really be publishable as an adult novel, which is why most people don’t finish when they hit the 50k mark. (Of course I write novellas, so mine are usually a lot shorter than that!)
Argh! That is short. I started a sort of memoir ages ago, and it got well and truly stuck at the 57K mark. Bummer.
PS I should have started that comment with “thank you”!
Yay for 2-D Man and unimaginative! And all the other NaNoers. Will we non-writers be able to read too?
I’ll certainly court as many beta readers as I can get. Not super happy with how this one is going, so I’m looking at a few serious rounds of revision.
Congratulations, Shaenon! It’s brilliant.
Shaenon, way cool — both the whole project, and your contribution.
To be honest, I didn’t write anything worth reading. I’ve stalled out and failed miserably at every past nano, so my goal this year was to just write fifty thousand words. A lot of it was talking about my lunch, and my frustrations with my job, and how many more words I had to go until I reached that day’s goal. The idea was to get in the habit of writing every day, and, um, not failing miserably again.
So, you know, mission accomplished. I think, just out of curiosity, I’m going to cut out the bits of actual story and see how much that amounted to. Sadly, not very much, I’ll bet.
My other goal was to get over my hesitation to write sex scenes (I feel all awkward and self-conscious writing them, but you know, I’m trying to write romance novels, and I like the kind with smut in them, so I kind of need to write them). I made a little progress there, but again, nothing that I’d want anybody else to read.
I’m also doing NaNo, and I’m about done. If any of you are interested in reading my work, I’ll be happy to partake in the novel swap as well. 🙂
Count me in for reading if you want a reader; I can’t really swap anything since I’ve never written a novel. I could send you my thesis, but your eyes would probably glaze over… 😉
Unimaginative- Please don’t sell yourself short, at least you made the attempt, and you succeeded in making the word count. 🙂 This year was my first time ever attempting NaNo; I was lucky that I had a story that I was able to keep going. It may not be my best work right now, but once I’m done with a few months’ worth of editing, it’ll be much better.
cloudiah- My story may be a bit strange, but you are more than welcome to read it. 😀
@Pecunium: Ooh, which ocean? I’ve been playing that game for ages. I met my girlfriend through it, in fact, so it holds a special place in my heart.
On the Fox article: I always love it when Fox (or other media outlets, but let’s face it, it’s usually Fox) tells me all about the things I “won’t hear in the media” without a trace of irony.
guyz, there’s a funny troll who comes by once a day here:
Come and play!
@PsychoDan: I also really enjoy it when politicians chastise other politicians for making an issue political.
Sorry to be AWOL again today; sometimes I just hit my limit with misogynist creepoids and have to clear my brain with Hitchcock movies and Doomsday Preppers (which I may now be sick of) and by making mixtapes. There will be a new post tomorrow, though (well, later today), and you can take that to the bank!
(Don’t blame me if the people at the bank look at you funny, though.)
In the meantime, I’m glad Cloudiah has pointed you to a new troll to play with.