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New Post Tomorrow

Sorry, I’ve been busy this weekend. (See photo above.) New post coming tomorrow!

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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

You can have ours!

12 years ago

It’s 8 degrees (46F) here and hasn’t stopped raining for about three bloody weeks. This isn’t as bad as where I’m from, where one of the last winters I was there there was snow on the ground for four whole months, and I think half the county is flooded at the moment.

*hides under blanket shivering*

12 years ago

@ cloudiah

My cat used to steal dollar bills when she was younger and hide them under the bed. Luckily she’s grown out of it – I was a bit concerned that she was headed for a life of petty crime.

Texas people – if you don’t like your weather can I have it? I’ve been so cold at night that I just bought shearling-lined boots. If the rest of the winter is as cold as this is promising then I’m going to be tempted to buy the shearling-lined thigh-high boots that I saw on eBay so that I can wear a skirt again some time before April.

12 years ago

thenatfantastic, I know that feel.

I’m in York which was badly flooded back in September, and the river Ouse is rather alarmingly high at the moment. And on my university campus a million small ponds have appeared on the grassy areas as the ground is so waterlogged and the ducks are having the time of their lives.

I need to go out to the post office in a minute and i’m seriously considering putting wellies on as none of my everyday shoes keep my feet dry enough 🙁

12 years ago

You should take a look at this wonderful piece of journalism from Fox News

I’m sure the MRAs are having a good long circlejerk over it as we speak

12 years ago

Historophilia, I’m from West Yorkshire 😉 Floods weren’t too much of a problem in Bradford because most of it’s on hills.

I’m now in East Sussex and in a basement flat wondering if I should ask for sandbags for Christmas.

12 years ago

Oh well. Fires around Sydney on weekend. It’ll be 39C here on Thursday, Adelaide.

So my next 2 days are all sorted out – watering fruit trees, moving pots, soaking hanging baskets.

12 years ago

Apparently the centre of York has now flooded properly, luckily where I am is pretty far from the river, unless the lake decides to flood, but then I’m a fair distance from that as well.

Oh lord, Sussex is terrible for flooding, yep sandbags and a pair of waders!

12 years ago

Crumbelievable: Yeah, that’s about on par with their “War on Christmas” or “War on Wealth”.

“Dont worry, the solution is easy! All the other side has to do is give up and accept it!”

Tracy Bradley
Tracy Bradley
12 years ago

Lurker here – had to put one of my pusses down this weekend (kidney failure) so have been reading manboobz to cheer me up. Believe it or not, it does cheer me up, mainly bc all of the commenters here are so awesome. So thanks. 🙂

Weather talk – feels like -2 C here and is a sunny, crisp day. I love winter!

Crumbelievable – ugh, good find. I’ll have to tell busband* there’s a war on men, apparently he’s missed it entirely. I guess we should stop working, playing, adopting pusses, and enjoying each other’s company so much and pay more attention to fake social crises.

*busband – boyfriend/husband hybrid

12 years ago

All they have to do is surrender to their nature – their femininity – and let men surrender to theirs.

All they have to do is stop being self sufficient and surrender to the dubious option of being completely financially dependent on a spouse…who then can leave and cause her to be stuck with the kids and no way to pay for their upbringing.



12 years ago

Apparently that Fox news piece was written by Phillis Schafly’s niece.

12 years ago

I’m playing puzzle pirates (soon I shall be able to captain my own ship), and drinking coffee. I may put on more clothes, as I am not the warmest of bodies, and am loathe to turn the heat up any more (it’s about 8/46° outside).

Later I shall don my new winter coat (USN Bridge Coat, must get new buttons) and obtain some produce for supper.

12 years ago

Apparently that Fox news piece was written by Phillis Schafly’s niece.

That figures. Her whole family is morphing into another Phelps clan, thumping Conservapedia instead of the bible.

12 years ago

There’s not much on reddit about that recent Fox news piece by Venker, but I did find this gem of a discussion on an earlier article by her.

12 years ago

Oops, hit Post Comment too soon. From that discussion:

Men are amazingly complex creatures with incredibly simple needs, that’s what should be said. Because compared to women, men have very simple needs, and can find happiness relatively easily: a home, food, a rewarding occupation, and hobbies that challenge our skills. But since they are so focused on these few things, the are able to bring a lot of creativity and genius into these things.

Women win at the complexity game in really only two areas: biological (baby-making apparatus is arguably more sophisticated than men’s) and psychological (i.e. fickleness and a growing inability to express what they want, and especially know what they want).

Basically, women are amoebas who are also gifted at babby making and psychological manipulation.

12 years ago

I have to question the intelligence of anyone who thinks that a group of people can be both dumb as bricks and brilliant manipulators.

12 years ago

CassandraSays, our high is supposed to be 81F/27C today. Would you like 10 degrees F? I will send them to you.

There is so much fail in that foxnews piece. She even spews owlyslave’s favorite talking point:

It is precisely this dynamic – women good/men bad – that has destroyed the relationship between the sexes.

12 years ago

All they have to do is surrender to their nature – their femininity – and let men surrender to theirs.

Okay, if men surrender to their femininity then I’ll try to, too. :p

12 years ago

I have to question the intelligence of anyone who thinks that a group of people can be both dumb as bricks and brilliant manipulators.


12 years ago

I wish my house cats were brilliant manipulators. This morning I woke up and went into the bathroom to find one of them sitting on the edge of the litter box and crapping onto the floor. Not the best way to start a Monday.

12 years ago

a home, food, a rewarding occupation, and hobbies that challenge our skills

Uh women want that too. So how is that not simple for women? Are they desiring some mysterious other? And the other, what is it?

Mayara Arend
12 years ago

I came here to point out the foxnews item just to find you already talking about it. That’s why I love ManBoobz and you guys 🙂
Either way, as clairedammit said “There is so much fail in that foxnews piece.” Like, really, can’t even find out where to start pointing and laughing.

Some Gal Not Bored At All
Some Gal Not Bored At All
12 years ago


Hi!! I’ve missed you! I was Atheist, A Feminist at the old Pandagon. I hope you remember me… 🙂

12 years ago

I am jealous of all your weather. We’re still waiting for it to crack 20C here, and summer has almost arrived…