On his newish blog Return of Kings, pickup-guru-turned-philosopher Roosh V has come up with yet another way to justify his creepy obsession with women a lot younger than his hairy self: he compares them with loaves of bread.
When a loaf comes out of the oven (puberty), it’s warm and delicious. You can’t help but stuff yourself. (18-24 years old)
When you leave the loaf out, it gets a little hard. You have to heat it up with a toaster first, but it still won’t taste fresh. (25-29 years old)
If you leave the bread out for too long, mold develops. You can cut away the mold, toast the bread, and still be able to eat it, but you won’t enjoy it. You’d have to be starving. (30-34 years old)
If you leave it for even longer, mold takes over and completely destroys the bread. There is no way to excise the toxic portions. You must throw it away before the mold makes you sick. (35 and up)
The lesson in this? Live next to the bakery.
Well, that was creepy as fuck.
Also, he seems a bit confused about when puberty actually happens. Or he just doesn’t want to state outright that he’d really rather be “dating” 15 year olds.
Absolutely not. There’s nothing magical about puberty. Little girls with boobs are still mentally little girls, and I’ve seen far too many of them harassed, abused, molested, and otherwise mistreated by men who’ve decided that “boobs = woman” for purposes of sex.
Also, your boss sounds like an enormous creep, to say the least.
(Also, I don’t honestly believe it is “the norm” for men to want underage girls. I think it’s very common for people of all genders to be attracted to people who appear youthful and sexy, but the vast majority of people I’ve encountered, regardless of gender, would be put off if the sexy, youthful person they were eying turned out still to be a child. Speaking for myself, I’ve absolutely had the experience of seeing a cute shirtless dude jogging down the road, thinking “hubba hubba,” and then getting close enough to see his face and realizing he’s a teenager, at which point “hubba hubba” pretty much instantaneously turns into “oh GOD no.” Men of my acquaintance have described entirely comparable experiences.)
@hellkell – thanks. She is grossed out by him, but she has to keep him happy because her older sister (21, also being pursued by him) and her mother both work for him, and the family is extremely poor. The two of them losing their jobs would be devastating.
@pillowinhell – thanks, too. He loves the looks of admiration he gets from other men when they ask him if the girl with him is his granddaughter or great-granddaughter and he gets to tell them she’s his girlfriend.
PS – anyone want to trade jobs with me?
Yeah, he’s a creep, and to hold to their economic livelihoods over them adds a whole ‘nother layer of wrong to the situation.
@Polliwog – thank you. That’s what I have been hoping this outside world was like (the way you’ve described it – and thank you for relaying your experiences and your male friend’s experiences).
Okay, so the boss is a massive asshole. And the only thing he sees in the women is a status symbol for his penis. Right.
I’ll trade jobs with you and I don’t think he’d enjoy it one bit.
Wishing your friends strength to deal with so much ickiness and some new decent paying jobs to come up soon. I don’t know where they are, but if they’re Canadian they can document the sexual harrassment and roast his skeezy ass through the labour board.
@pillowinhell – LOL – thanks!!! We’re in New York, not Canada, though I think there’s stuff similar here, too, it’s just we’re all worried about the ability to get another job once it’s known we sue employers, plus the recession. But just the image of you arguing with him has totally made my day!! 😀 Thanks!
Well, just keep looking for work. There’s bound to be another job out there. Shit paying jobs are a dime a dozen these days.
Rahu, that decrepit old lecher, if he is in the U.S., is breaking a number of laws. That young woman needs legal help. What background did you come from, where this is called “normal”?
I just realized Jose may have been talking at me.
As a really straight “some gal,” I have never eaten a pussy. I have had one eaten though, and I can promise you that, as I was an adult at that time, it was within the last fourteen years. Not that it would matter either way, but your comment really makes less than no sense given the little bit of personal info in my post.
Exactly what reymohammed said. Surely there are sexual harassment laws, quite apart from the matter of the 17-year-old being underage? A boss pursuing an employee for sex is committing a crime, at least where I come from.
Maybe it’s because I’m female, but although I can appreciate men younger than myself, one under forty looks positively underbaked.
Some Gal – I thought Jose was talking about Roosh in the original article. Not that the one-line comment made a lot of sense on its own.
PS love your screen name! 😉
@reymohammed – (cool name, btw) – thanks! My father was an MRA, and very strict about it, so I was raised in that world – and there, a man only going after pubescent girls is almost enough to get him called a mangina – younger is more desirable.
Thank you so much to everyone!!!!!
Unfortunately not always true 🙁
My brother chased teenage girls when he was in his MRA phase. He scared me a couple of times. He has gotten over it, though, and has been married to a woman about his age for 5 years now.
Coffee – I picked up a microwave espresso pot at Vinnies. It didn’t come with instructions so I’ll have to experiment a bit. Should be much safer that using the stove. Magpie Should Not Use the Stove!
Men under forty look good but haven’t developed the requisite crust, fiber, and rich texture…
Rahu: This is a situation where intent does matter. If all someone wants is sex, and is being honest about it… no harm, no foul.
In most of the US 17 isn’t underaged, for sex.
The caveat is that the relationship has to be honestly entered into. My grandfather was in his fifties when he married my grandmother, who was 22? The woman he married when my grandmother died was 19, and he was about 70.
Do people here feel that the whole “if there’s grass on the field, play ball” is ethically ok or not?
@hellkell – thanks. She is grossed out by him, but she has to keep him happy because her older sister (21, also being pursued by him) and her mother both work for him, and the family is extremely poor. The two of them losing their jobs would be devastating.
Hell no. Dishonest, exploitative, and abusive.
In New York? Sexual Harrassment. Illegal, the 17 isn’t; New York is 16 for age of consent but if she’s an employee… straight up violation of several laws.
The whole “if there’s grass on the field” thing basically frames whether or not it’s OK to have sex with someone as having nothing to do with what the person themselves wants. It’s not an idea that makes any sense if you think that women are people.
No, I don’t find it okay, because I remember what a bundle of confusion and insecurity I was between the onset of puberty and legal age. I couldn’t handle relationships with guys my own age, let alone navigate the imbalances of a relationship with a non-minor.
Yes, there are minor kids with the maturity to handle those sorts of relationships, but if an adult is looking for a relationship with an equal partner, they’d have better luck among people over the age of consent. Specifically going after people under that age (when you’re not that age yourself) strikes me as looking for someone too inexperienced to know any better.
I’ve been thinking about it, and now I’m wondering why someone who’s been here for any length of time would ask how we feel about the ethics of “if there’s grass on the field.” I would think that the answer would be rather obvious.
Some Gal and Kitteh – indeed, it was aimed to the guy with the bread metaphor.
I think people with less contact with a certain group tend to make generalizations and see it as an homogeneous, abstract concept and sometimes, if the person is well-meaning, a “case study”. It’s very evident concerning minorities (personal experience – people who talk a lot about “the gypsies” almost certainly don’t know many of them), and I suspect it works here too.
Jose: works here how? Do you mean that Roosh has no experience with older women and is pulling from his ass, or that we have no experience with MRAs, therefore we are?
In this case, I think zie’s just looking for validation. Reminds me a bit of this: Just One Ally
Amnesia: possibly, but the age of consent and the age of puberty have a pretty big gulf, so the question is a tiny bit wonky, to me.
@Rahu: he has to keep him happy because her older sister (21, also being pursued by him) and her mother both work for him, and the family is extremely poor.
Well, see this is the problem right here, even more than the age: the power, his abuse of it, and his sexual harassment of the two women, with threat of unemployment held over their heads.
Probably no sexual harassment policies/procedures that could be used by the women to protect themselves….