On his newish blog Return of Kings, pickup-guru-turned-philosopher Roosh V has come up with yet another way to justify his creepy obsession with women a lot younger than his hairy self: he compares them with loaves of bread.
When a loaf comes out of the oven (puberty), it’s warm and delicious. You can’t help but stuff yourself. (18-24 years old)
When you leave the loaf out, it gets a little hard. You have to heat it up with a toaster first, but it still won’t taste fresh. (25-29 years old)
If you leave the bread out for too long, mold develops. You can cut away the mold, toast the bread, and still be able to eat it, but you won’t enjoy it. You’d have to be starving. (30-34 years old)
If you leave it for even longer, mold takes over and completely destroys the bread. There is no way to excise the toxic portions. You must throw it away before the mold makes you sick. (35 and up)
The lesson in this? Live next to the bakery.
Well, that was creepy as fuck.
Also, he seems a bit confused about when puberty actually happens. Or he just doesn’t want to state outright that he’d really rather be “dating” 15 year olds.
With some of them, there seems to be an active desire to make sex unpleasant for women unfortunate enough to end up in bed with them.
@ Evito
Ah, I can clear this up for you. You seem to be expecting some sort of logic and consistency from the MRM, but there isn’t any. Basically the rule as far as sex is concerned is that a woman should do, or not do, whatever sexual thing the man she’s interacting with at the time wants her to do, or not do. Admittedly this presents some logistical problems, which I assume they intend to solve by inventing a time machine. It also has the side effect of ensuring that in order to make some men happy some women will have to be sacrificed to a life of misery when other men later reject them for having made the first group of men (who were probably the same group of men at a younger age) happy. What you have to understand is that this isn’t a problem, because the people who are doomed to a life of misery are only women, so who cares?
(Blinks) On behalf of rock and roll people everywhere, I am so embarrassed for that guy.
Also, you guys, don’t discourage Steele! I think his boycott is an excellent idea. The way that you know a political strategy is effective is by the results, though, so I think that he should be organized about this and keep track of how many feminists he’s able to persuade to change their evil ways by refusing them intimacy. He can publish the results on his blog.
This strategy doesn’t look promising so far, though, given that exposure to his MRA ideas caused Ella to run away and she wasn’t even a feminist.
The MRM attitude to women: you are wrong. Whatever you do, whatever you think, you are wrong, even if it is what we just told you you should be doing or thinking.
I think of Neil Young, “It’s better to burn out than it is to rust.”
As for Ella, the details in this make it plain he wasn’t making her up out of whole cloth. I do think his caricature of, “feminist” combined with the heavy cultural baggage which has been attached to the label is part of what bit him.
I know a lot of women who are, in all but name feminists. These women reject the label. They’ve been told feminists are man-hating, ball-busting, fun-destroying women who don’t like sex, hate to be, “feminine” and generally want to ruin people’s live over things which were “resolved” long ago.
So they will, adamantly, deny being feminists. But when it comes to the things feminists actually care about (treating women like the real people they are, who deserve equality of options, and fair treatment) they are dyed in the wool feminists.
When they see someone who is against those things, they react badly; much to the shock of the people who thought they had found women who were “against feminism”, based on a misunderstanding of what women really want, and how much the word has gained a negative connotation.
The biter bit, as it were.
So this is the famous Steele! But how will he stand up to our stalwart trolls of yesteryear?
Never got what the hell was with the aging thing. I mean, hubby’s older than I am, and I love the lines at the corner of his eyes.
@ pecunium
Agreed. If you were to combine the women who are feminists in all but name with the women who are openly feminist, you would end up with most women under, say, 40 being feminist-leaning. And even many anti-feminist women would find some aspects of the MRM horrifying. So I’m not surprised at all that when an MRA exposes his girlfriend/female friend to most MRA websites her reaction is to want to get the hell away from him. Especially if she reads the comments.
pecunium is probably gonna wiki-bomb me for this, but Steeles comment reminds me of a Greek play where the women tried to stop the Peloponesian War by withholding sex from their husbands.
One problem with his suggestion though. Says Law, price and demand schedules, etc. Basically there is a demand for sex. There is one level of demand women have for wanting sex, and another one for men wanting sex. The demand a man has, assuming a 1:1 gender ratio is greater than the demand women have for sex. Any decrease in the supply of women will make them able to become very selective with men. A decrease in men will lead to an increase in the availability of women, and the level of desire men have of women will just increase to match the demand women have of men.
One example of this is from the aftermath of WWII. Millions of young Soviet men died in the front lines and this seriously skewed the gender ratio. Something like 80% of the men born in 1927 didn’t survive to see the end of the war. I asked friends about what happened in this era, and their answers were essentially the same. Any ugly guy could get 2 or 3 girlfriends back then.
Yes, you’re thinking of Lysistrata.
Except in Lysistrata the women were threatening to withhold sex from their husbands, who presumably quite liked them. Steele is threatening to withhold sex from women who think he’s an utter tool and who didn’t want to be intimate with him in the first place.
In order to make someone change their behavior by threatening to withhold something the thing you’re withholding has to be something that they actually want.
Hehe, thats right. Didn’t want to bother looking up the name of the play though.
It’s like saying “well if you don’t change your mind I won’t give you any of my broccoli” to someone who’re just told you that they hate broccoli.
for no reason at all, “how to make coffee” from The Capricornian, 1890.
Measure the water and make it boil in a sauce pan that it will not fill. Have ready two teaspoonfuls of freshly -ground coffee, and one of sugar to each coffee-cupful of water. Throw this into the boiling water and stir for a moment. Watch the coffee, and immediately it begins to bubble and rise lift off the pan for half a minute. Give one stir and put it on the fire again. It must be five times brought to the boiling point in this way, and then poured into cups and allowed to settle. The frothy creaminess that caps each cup contains all the perfume of the coffee. For morning coffee serve in a jug, and allow it to stand five minutes before pouring into cups with hot milk.
Roosh V is a completely horrible person and you’re right that his attitude is very disturbing. However, you shouldn’t encourage the stigmatization of sexual relations between people of differing ages, which is parochial and repressive.
PS, before anyone gets the wrong idea, I support feminism, I’m not defending abuse of prepubescent children and I’m a gay teenager generally interested in people of the same age group.
Re the contradictory nature of the MRA:
What they all seem to have in common is that they can feel their privilege slipping away and are desperate to keep it. Some of them react by wanting to turn back time to when white men’s privilege was sacred and others react by trying to think of new strategies to maintain their privilege in the new environment.
Magpie – you’ve just made a specific scene from Anna Karanina make more sense. You know, the one where Vronsky goes to see his friend and the guy’s flighty and flirty mistress fucks up the coffee and ruins all kinds of expensive things, in order to show off how loose and immoral Vronsky’s friends are.
kysokisaen – I know nothing about Anna Karenina, but how cool is it that something totally random strikes a chord 🙂 the first part of that article, before the ‘how to’, he says that most of his friends stuff it up, no matter how many fancy, expensive types of coffee pots he gives them 😉
It’s odd to think that making coffee used to be so complicated, from the perspective of someone with a French press. I do wish that I was able to make proper Arabic coffee, but again, too complicated to attempt at home since I have a not-nearly-as-good-but-much-easier alternative.
My Turkish mate has an electric kettle thingy for making turkish coffee, there might be a gadget for you. Send a letter to santa 😉
I completely agree. When I was 25, I replaced a 21-year-old girlfriend with a 42-year-old one. I haven’t had sex with anyone under 35 since – not as some kind of bizarre upfront stipulation, but that’s how it turned out and I have no regrets at all.
People like Roosh quite literally have no idea what they’re missing – though I daresay the fact that all my various partners were extremely articulate about exactly what they wanted might be a little scary to the likes of him.
I know I’m way late to the party, but:
This is what we watch for entertainment in Germany, folks.
*sigh* I should’ve known better than to expect this to work. Here’s the direct link.
You have a point… it’s probably a pretty complicated circle of causation.
I came to think of Swedish, er, we would call it eurodisco but I guess you’d call it pop, singer E-type. He’s a straight white dude and does everything himself, and judging from interviews he’s even put some thought into his lyrics… and NO ONE takes him seriously as an artist. The reason that spontaneously popped up into my head to justify this was that his music and lyrics are “too simple”. But on the other hand… lots of music performed with guitars is super simple both music-wise and lyric-wise. I personally don’t like eurodisco, but that’s irrelevant when we consider whether it should be taken seriously or not. So it’s gotta be simply because a) he’s working within an “unmanly” genre b) his music is mainly popular with girls and queers, or c) he’s working within a genre where the norm (even if this doesn’t apply to him in particular) is “demon producer makes music for lots of singers”, or even, “demon producer makes the music and some ugly girl sings it and some model pretends to sing it on stage”, or d) a and b and c at once.
To butt in the music debate… I think it also comes down to certain musical snobs only accepting music that is depressive, negative or aggressive (or cynical/ironic nowadays) as real art, and anything that has a happier theme to it gets shunned, because it isn’t worth appreciating if there’s no suffering involved. They’re stuck in a postmodern rut, combined with some weird existential romantic suffering artist fantasies. Plus of course doing music as a job is a bad thing, though everybody knows their biggest musical rock heroes get lotsa dough from their records. You just can’t mention it because it would spoil the fantasy.
I’ve been there done that, but I’ve learned my lesson and learned to embrace pop, including eurodisco. Nothing better than Army of Lovers to brighten the day!
Cookie if you can spot the king of Sweden and reference to Hugo Simberg’s ‘Wounded Angel’! Gotta push Finnish art when I can, especially when the artist was a relative, lol. 😀
To continue on the previous (I got distracted by more Army of Lovers and Alexander Bard’s [the funny looking little guy in the video, who btw is one of the top producers in Scandinavia and lots of other things] NEXT Berlin 2012 speech about the Internet), I also think there’s two categories of music snobs. There’s those who are really closed-minded about music and they really seem to gravitate towards generally negative themed music, whilst actively hating the rest. And then there’s folks who might shun some music for various arbitrary reasons but recognise their behaviour as what it is, settling for a “live and let live” attitude when it comes to the stuff they dislike.
It’s often an age thing, the younger you are the more you hate the stuff you don’t like. But then there’s these rock fans that are pushing forty and still hating, which tend to fall in the first group of picking only negative music. I can’t help but see a pattern in how they quite often spend a lot of time hating in general, too…
You’d think that if these morons were going to quote someone they’d at least Google it.
The quote is Neil Young, the song is “Out Of The Blue, Into The Black” and it’s from “Rust Never Sleeps”. Apparently Cobain quoted it in his suicide note.
Oh, and you know what kind of mould grows on moldy bread? Pennicillin. Among the most important discoveries in modern medicine, so yeah, if I’m growing a life-saving antibiotic then that is a delight to me, not something to be ashamed of.