creepy douchebaggery men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles PUA rhymes with roosh

Innovative New “Bread” Metaphor Explains Why Most Women are “Stale” and “Moldy”

Some men are also Bread

On his newish blog Return of Kings, pickup-guru-turned-philosopher Roosh V has come up with yet another way to justify his creepy obsession with women a lot younger than his hairy self: he compares them with loaves of bread.

When a loaf comes out of the oven (puberty), it’s warm and delicious. You can’t help but stuff yourself. (18-24 years old)

When you leave the loaf out, it gets a little hard. You have to heat it up with a toaster first, but it still won’t taste fresh. (25-29 years old)

If you leave the bread out for too long, mold develops. You can cut away the mold, toast the bread, and still be able to eat it, but you won’t enjoy it. You’d have to be starving. (30-34 years old)

If you leave it for even longer, mold takes over and completely destroys the bread. There is no way to excise the toxic portions. You must throw it away before the mold makes you sick. (35 and up)

The lesson in this? Live next to the bakery.

Well, that was creepy as fuck.

Also, he seems a bit confused about when puberty actually happens. Or he just doesn’t want to state outright that he’d really rather be “dating” 15 year olds.



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12 years ago

@Steele – COOL BOYCOTT IDEA!!! So if a man is trying to rape me, all I have to do is say “I’m a feminist” and he’ll run off screaming? I LOVE this idea of yours! Please make it happen!

12 years ago

@Evite –

These ones seem to believe that if a woman is not interested in giving him sex, then she MUST be an evil Fem…rather than (possibly) someone like myself who is/was terrified of the idea of intimacy because of past abuses.

internet hugs from me

Also, to explain the apparent conflicting beliefs of the MRM: when an MRA decides to marry, there should be a suitably pretty, young, submissive, pure, virginal girl for him to marry. They give this advice to females (to stay a virgin), generally for benevolent reasons – they assume that our highest goal is to be married, and so they advise us this way so that a man will be willing to marry us. The fact that he will have had many partners is irrelevant – that is male biology – men have no control over their need to sleep around.

Now, for the ones who complain that girls won’t sleep with them – these are the girls that the man does not wish to marry, and therefore these girls should all be sexually available to him on request (or without requesting). This is a very separate group of girls from the group (extremely limited – i.e. one or two) that he would consider marrying.

And for ones like Roosh who want to sleep with everyone, that is basically doing a “nyah nyah, I got her and you can’t have her” to the betas who would have wanted to marry that particular girl, but won’t now that she is no longer pure and virginal. It is also a way of destroying the girl’s hopes of marriage (since, again, we all have marriage as our highest goal in life).

12 years ago

@jennydevildoll –

I think this guy’s been at the bread with the rye ergot in it.

Especially interesting idea, considering that ergot poisoning is considered to be the reason for the witch hysteria in Salem – and MRAs love pointing to the witch trials as evidence that females live to accuse innocents.

12 years ago

Except there were no female witch hunters, yanno? Just men who went round torturing women into confessing, or condemning, so they could be murdered righteously for the good of all. That shit went on for hundreds of years and the main things that would get you burned was to have a spontaneous abortion, or provide herbs that would induce. Mandatory production of human resources was the driver of the burning times. Funny peeps don’t realize that.

12 years ago

Happy birthday, Amnesia!

12 years ago

But I think that’s because people generally value what they see as “authenticity”. Writing your own lyrics and music. Traditionally, lots of dance music was made by demon producers, the artists merely performed what someone else had created, and was thus not taken seriously as artists.

But the influence can run both ways. Predatory producers grind out shitty pop music because the genre is not taken seriously and everyone assumes it’s for 13-year-old girls who won’t care about quality.

And the “authenticity” measure gets applied so unevenly. For instance, Savage Garden wrote (and, I believe, performed) all their own music, but they didn’t get taken any more seriously as a result. And even the Beatles used a studio drummer once. It seems much more like a stick that gets pulled out when someone bothers to ask “What’s wrong with pop music?” than a real standard.

(Full disclosure: I love rock. But I can also see problems inherent in it.)

12 years ago

Every time I read stuff like this RooshV post I start feeling a bit uncomfortable about my own relationship, which I’m not normally uncomfortable about despite our age difference

I’m with you eline – I’m fourteen years younger than my husband. I take comfort in the fact that though I’m living my life in a way that gets an internet thumbs-up from one part of the MRM, I’m royally pissing off another subset at the same time. If I was in a room of MRA’s, one of them would be patting me on the head for staying at home with kids and keeping house. Another would be eighteen inches from my nose, screaming about how I was leeching off a good man, he doesn’t care if my husband travels almost half the year and my entire salary would go to daycare, I oughta get a job!

As Evito pointed out a few comments ago, in some groups you just can’t win for losing.

12 years ago

I’m reading this thread on an iPad while lying in bed next to a 46-year-old feminist.

There’s a high probability that we might have sex within the next hour.

But I’ll keep an eye out for signs of mold.

12 years ago

Happy birthday, Amnesia.

12 years ago

I experienced a very nice example of why guys like Roosh really don’t speak for all men. I spent most of my day with a cute 25-year-old guy who was flirting very very hard with me, and I’m *gasp* an icky stale 30-year-old. He didn’t seem to mind.

12 years ago

Happy birthday, Amnesia!

Noadi, good luck if you’re inclined to pursue.

12 years ago

@Falconer Thanks, not sure yet if it’s going anywhere other than friendship. My relationship with my boyfriend is complicated, not exactly poly but not exactly monogamous so there might be room for a cute bi guy with submissive tendencies.

12 years ago

Ha! Noadi, I just spent a couple of hours with a cute 24 year old dude, who flirts with me mercilessly, always comes down to spend time with me, and has asked me out more than once. And not only am I 36, but I’m about to turn 37!

12 years ago

When I was 36, I was asked out by an 18 year old who had just done my smog check.

12 years ago

According to Roosh, I was well past my sell-by date when a frat boy tried to pick me up at a ska show (I was 27 and I have no idea how old he was, but he had the X’s on his hands at an 18 and up show, so somewhere under 21). Husband was working the last shift that night, so I was out with a couple of friends and he approached when they hit the bar. The best part was that he opened with what I now realize was a neg.

I wonder what all these gurus would say about Game being badly used to pick up a stale feminist.

12 years ago

Are these guys against the idea of long-term relationships ever? I know they hate the idea of marriage because of how evil women today are or something, but with this standard, even in a ‘perfect’ MRA world, uh, women still age. so by this standard no woman over 30 should ever be touched by a man, right? So…guys are just running through endless cycles of 20-29 year olds and..then what?

12 years ago

BTW “done my smog check” was not a euphemism. I don’t want any PUAs saying that older women emit noxious vapors in addition to being moldy.

12 years ago

Jesus. These guys are really afraid of getting older. I can taste the projection, and it tastes like moldy bread.

I’m not virgin shaming, but I always get the feeling these guys have never been with a women….ever. Or are simply too lazy to educate themselves. Loose vaginas? Puberty in your 20’s? What’s a clitoris? So, they flaunt their lack of sexual knowledge then think boycotting us is an insult? Shit, I hate boring sex. I think it’s worse than no sex at all. By all means, gentlemen, stay away from us.

Older men used to hit on me when I was a teen. I thought it was gross. Did that meme
abou Older men and younger women start in the dark ages, so that old dudes who married 15-year-olds could tell themselves they weren’t perverts?

12 years ago

I don’t think it’s a lack of sex knowledge, necessarily, it’s a lack of concern about their partners’ pleasure combined with a desire to shame women.

12 years ago

Are these guys against the idea of long-term relationships ever? I know they hate the idea of marriage because of how evil women today are or something, but with this standard, even in a ‘perfect’ MRA world, uh, women still age. so by this standard no woman over 30 should ever be touched by a man, right? So…guys are just running through endless cycles of 20-29 year olds and..then what?

This must be why only “Alpha” males (aka any dude who has sex and isn’t the man speaking) get ladies. Because there aren’t enough 20-29 year old women to go around for all the 18-65 year old men.

12 years ago

Why can’t it be both? A man, sufficiently motivated, can both not know something and not care. If you are interested in your partner’s experience, you can figure out how to navigate about the clitoris. If you are interested in not sounding like a pedophile, you can take three seconds to google the average age of puberty in American girls and chose different words to make your point. It’s the true heros who refuse to do either.

12 years ago

Yeah, Katz, I know. But I see these guys as repeating bullshit so they can shield their very frail egos. Why would you turn someone down who is sexually adventureous and really cool unless you were hideously insecure? Ignorance doesn’t last with repeated experiences — usually. They do themselves a disservice.

12 years ago

Wait, a sexually adventureous and all around cool person would never touch these guys, sorry, my bad.

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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Well, I must be nothing but mold, being 49. And as for partner ages, well, depends how you want to look at it. Mr Kitteh was 41 when he passed over, so that makes me older than him. But he passed over centuries ago, which makes him a lot older than me.

12 years ago

It’s a lack of concern about their partners’ pleasure combined with a desire to shame women.

I agree with this, but I think – for a great number of them – lack of knowledge is also a factor.

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