creepy douchebaggery men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles PUA rhymes with roosh

Innovative New “Bread” Metaphor Explains Why Most Women are “Stale” and “Moldy”

Some men are also Bread

On his newish blog Return of Kings, pickup-guru-turned-philosopher Roosh V has come up with yet another way to justify his creepy obsession with women a lot younger than his hairy self: he compares them with loaves of bread.

When a loaf comes out of the oven (puberty), it’s warm and delicious. You can’t help but stuff yourself. (18-24 years old)

When you leave the loaf out, it gets a little hard. You have to heat it up with a toaster first, but it still won’t taste fresh. (25-29 years old)

If you leave the bread out for too long, mold develops. You can cut away the mold, toast the bread, and still be able to eat it, but you won’t enjoy it. You’d have to be starving. (30-34 years old)

If you leave it for even longer, mold takes over and completely destroys the bread. There is no way to excise the toxic portions. You must throw it away before the mold makes you sick. (35 and up)

The lesson in this? Live next to the bakery.

Well, that was creepy as fuck.

Also, he seems a bit confused about when puberty actually happens. Or he just doesn’t want to state outright that he’d really rather be “dating” 15 year olds.



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12 years ago

Also, maybe someone here can answer this for me. It’s one of the more confusing ideas I’ve seen on the “manosphere”…

So, there are plenty of MRAs who get very upset by the fact that women are able (just like they are) to have numerous sexual partners. It seems to be a common theme that we women should NOT be having casual sex, as it makes our vaginas “loose” and we should all save ourselves for marriage. (Even women like myself who wish to stay single in this life?) In other words, we should remain sexually frustrated/unavailable til some “nice, protective beta” slips a ring on our finger…despite the fact that this man has most likely had numerous partners himself.

But then there are MRAs who say that we are all cock teases and frigid harpies for NOT giving out casual sex. These ones seem to believe that if a woman is not interested in giving him sex, then she MUST be an evil Fem…rather than (possibly) someone like myself who is/was terrified of the idea of intimacy because of past abuses. And of course there are the PUAs like Roosh who believe it is their goal in life to sex every female they encounter.

Why the huge discrepancy? And what do these groups actually think of each other?

12 years ago


I’ve noticed that the regular Manboobz trolls have been pretty notable by their absence for the last couple of weeks. I suspect they may have been in hiding, nursing the most profound case of butthurt in history since the nig – sorry, the ‘terrible terrible socialist alpha mangina oh is he black I hadn’t even noticed’ got re-elected.

12 years ago

They’re the same group, mostly. They just go with “women are bad” in whichever form happens to fit the particular argument they’re making today.

12 years ago

I’d recommend applying this principle to even one-night stands and other casual encounters, because I’m frankly of the opinion that feminists should be denied sex and other forms of intimacy – until they change their views. A boycott, if you will.

Unfortunately for you and men of your ilk, Steele, you’re in a very distinct minority, so finding men who are nothing like you isn’t hard at all. Sucks to be you.

12 years ago

Steele is by far my favorite Manboobz troll.

Most of them (driversuz, Tom Martin, NWOSlave, etc.) I just skip over, but every time I see Steele’s name pop up I go, “VILE DISGUSTING VILE” and collapse into a giggle fit. I really do adore him in a weird adopt-a-troll way.

I can’t say much for his politics, specifically, but I have wondered why so many regulars dropped off after the election.

12 years ago

I think steele has a great idea. MRA’s must punish all of us feminists by staying far away from us. That’s a win win situation.

12 years ago

Evito, as with a lot of other stereotypes there is always an inherant self refutation of the persons being stereotyped. Its because the stereotype endevours to explain all the behaviour within the group, and no group of humans act consistantly as a hive mind. Also, the other part where two conflicting models of good behaviour conflict with each other is how you ensure a no win situation for the stereotyped and discriminated against group. Thus, those discriminated against must continually guess which behaviour will win them cookies with every person they meet AND as a result are forced to worry and second guess themselves constantly. This situation allows the dominate group to relax, because the oppressed group is doing all the work of pyschologically grinding themselves down.

Nice set up eh?

12 years ago

I can’t say much for his politics

I’m going to take a wild guess at ‘bog-standard ultra-conservative fuckhead who calls himself a libertarian’.

12 years ago

“Why the huge discrepancy?”

Unlike women, men are not a hivemind…

“And what do these groups actually think of each other”

All men are brothers, bro’s before ho’s, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, but… in the End, there can be only One!

12 years ago

Wow, I have clearly been reading too much Steeltroll. I hang my head in shame at the awkwardness of the wording in my last post.

12 years ago

As an avid bread baker, Roosh offends me greatly. Bread is for enjoying with butter or as a sandwich, not for sticking your penis into.

Though if we DO go with this metaphor, apparently really crabby and sour women keep their beauty for much longer, since sourdough bread lasts longer than non-sourdough bread. Hmmm…

(Oh, and folks? I think Roosh specifically mentioned (18-24) as the age of puberty because he didn’t want to come across as a pedophile… Therefore 18 is the minimum age at which a woman could be considered fresh “after puberty.” Don’t know why he’d be concerned about that… And I was right in predicting that he’d drop the act in the comment section. Literally the first comment calls him out as being a pedophile, and his response is a joke, not a clarification. 🙁 )

12 years ago

Heh, I actually agree with Steele’s first paragraph-thingy. I’d love to know if my partners were feminists, cause they’d have their priorities right and be more likely to handle sex maturely.

(continues reading)

… Oh. K then. Maybe this is why Steele keeps showing up here to say “vile” a bunch of times, or why MGTOWs never actually leave. They think they are dealing out punishment by withholding their intimacy, but have to keep showing up to remind people that they’re being punished. For some reason people keep forgetting.

12 years ago

I’ve noticed that the regular Manboobz trolls have been pretty notable by their absence for the last couple of weeks. I suspect they may have been in hiding, nursing the most profound case of butthurt in history since the nig – sorry, the ‘terrible terrible socialist alpha mangina oh is he black I hadn’t even noticed’ got re-elected.

Oh, shit, are Manboobzers allowed to use racial slurs to put them in the mouths of their political opponents?

12 years ago

Those young, “fresh” girls aren’t going to be turned on by receding hairlines and expanding guts. Sorry guys, but you get, “moldy” too. We all have to deal with aging.

12 years ago

Varpole: I’d recommend applying this principle to even one-night stands and other casual encounters, because I’m frankly of the opinion that feminists should be denied sex and other forms of intimacy – until they change their views. A boycott, if you will.

Have I heard this somewhere..

Right… Lysistrata: no nookie ’til you stop the war: Because women think men are disposable.

12 years ago

Ruby “we all have to deal with aging so let’s say the very thing that will shame people for a biological tick no one has control over”

Tell me Ruby, how’s does what you just said differ in any way from Rooshs’ bullshit?

And why am I so often the first person to read Rubys crap?

12 years ago

scrapemind: As a characterisation of the MRM… it doesn’t seem all that far off to me. Of our trolls (the specific subset of your movement… the one with the complaints about “thug-boys, who spend time here); it’s not off at all.

NWO, and Meller, and even the overnotes of Brandon, not to mention some of the more drive-by sorts, have been anything from mild, to overt to outright blatant racists.

So calling them out isn’t out of bounds. Since some of them have actually finished the word which was started, I’ve got no problem with it.

You may now commence the specific accusations of hypocrisy, since you’ve already shot your wad on the sideswipes.

12 years ago

pillowinhell: I don’t read her anymore. I see the name/icon and let my eyes glaze. Life has been better since I shunned her.

12 years ago

I just. Have to wonder at how she can so consistently miss the point…

12 years ago

For those wondering about my politics, I am an Objectivist; as such, I voted for Ron Paul.

12 years ago

Oh no, how will I cope with the fact that sexist assholes don’t want to date me.

Wait. Stop. Come back.

12 years ago

I thought that was an allusion to Rick Santorum.

12 years ago

I love Steele’s boycott idea. Seriously, I love it.

He talks as though there’s any chance in hell that a feminist would want to fuck a misogynist. He says it like there are enough dudes who will jump on this pussy embargo, to make a lick of difference. Those feminists are already crying into their manifestos, I’m sure.

You just can’t make this shit up.

12 years ago

There once was a troll man named Butthorn
(I want this line to end with “my butt scorn”)
He said “no such luck,
So I’ll just make shit up!”
And the manboobzers lunged for their popcorn.

12 years ago

I made a troll mocking limerick, am I a part of the club now? Does my jacket come in the mail? 😀