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Thanksgiving Break (With Kittens)


Happy Thanksgiving, US-ians!

No misogyny today, just videos of cute kitties eating and falling asleep. I am going to spend the day eating and playing with kitties and finishing up season one of Doomsday Preppers. I don’t know why I’m so fascinated by people with delusional beliefs, but I am. And I guess most of you reading this are as well, huh?

Now the videos:

This one doesn’t involve eating or sleeping but, come on, it’s adorable!

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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Thanks, Magpie! It seems Pristiq is fairly flexible. The doc was talking about taking it once a day, or every other day if it seems too much. He said to take it in the morning, but if it can cause nausea, dizziness and so on, I’m reallly thinking last thing at night might be a better bet. Dizzy spells and puking on the train are not the most appealing prospect!

12 years ago

“nothing that stupid should be that big” (or “nothing that big should be that stupid”)

And yet MRAs exist.

Hope you’re OK Kittehhelp, I’ve never had medication myself but it sounds like there’s a lot of people you can talk to on here if you need it.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

“And yet MRAs exist” – ROFL!

::high fives thenatfantastic::

Thanks for those good wishes. It’s a crappy old issue rearing its head again (damn you to hell, menopause) but I hope that between the pills and a good talkfest with this psychologist I’ll get better. And yeah – I’m kinda between “blinking back tears” and “bouncing around really happy” at all the support here. 🙂

12 years ago

People are a lot nicer than you give them credit for, I’ve found. I’ve been overwhelmed by support from people on the internet when I’ve had trouble in the past. I’ve seen psychologists in the past and probably had points where I could have done with medication but not been to see the doctors (because I, you know, couldn’t drag myself out of bed) but I’ve been alright for nearly a year now. Fingers crossed it’s for good!

In other news, the monkey sanctuary I have an adopted monkey at was hit really badly by floods last night 🙁 The monkeys are OK but their enclosures need urgent repair and the education centre is almost destroyed so I’m trying to think of how to quickly raise some money for them. I usually put on gigs to fundraise but I need at least two months notice, dammit.

12 years ago


Don’t say mean things about ratites! Emus are pretty safe to be around, really, if taken to eating weird things like keys. Think of them like cows – they could be dangerous, but probably won’t be.

It’s cassowaries you gotta look out for.

12 years ago


12 years ago

Well, if you see one of those, that’d certainly be interesting.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Seeing a moa would be very interesting! Scary, but interesting, considrin’ …

Yeah, I wouldn’t want to cross a cassowary’s path. Seriously dangerous birds.

Okay, niters folks, I’m off to watch New Tricks! 🙂

12 years ago

Why’s that, Happy?

12 years ago

Isn’t it a bit nippy to be sitting on statues in the buff? If our friend Tom is correct about men and their lack of weight-bearing buttock pads then chillblains are unlikely to improve the situation.

12 years ago

MRA MO… Tiny crowd (1), lack of preparation, attention seeking. Also some (3) MRAs have been active in England, they put a banner on a statue of a Suffragette some time in the past few months.

12 years ago

Happy are you thinking he’s F4J? I doubt it, they mainly stick to keyboard warrioring nowadays, after the schism when some of them got arrested during the Blair years.

They’re still despicable arseholes on the internet, (and when they’re trying to sue charities who point out that domestic abuse is bad) but at least there they’re not hurting any real children as they were planning to.

Plus, no superhero outfit.

12 years ago

Or 4) he’s a guy with mental issues that have nothing to do with being an MRA. You know, the simpler, more likely scenario.

12 years ago

Or a student, Hellkell.

12 years ago

That too.

12 years ago

I’m still trying to figure out where the cops thought the knife was.

12 years ago

Oh no! about the monkey sanctuary. I hope you figure something out — maybe just getting a sympathetic journalist to write about it with an address for donations would help.

@katz, I think technically the molasses and the syrup should be similar, with the molasses being slightly more concentrated. If what you find is dark red and thick in consistency, it should work.

12 years ago

They’ve gotten quite big in the past year (Stephen Fry has one of their monkeys) so hopefully they’ll be OK. I’ve sent them a small donation and told BoyFantastic he has to renew my adoption as my Christmas present 😉

12 years ago

Poor monkeys! Nat, do they have any online donation campaigns going on, like one on indiegogo? I don’t know how quickly they need the money, but something like that would be quick to set up and easy to publicize with Twitter and Facebook and the like.

12 years ago

I’m trying to figure out that princess cupcake poster. I don’t get it, and I read manboobz regularly. Free recipes for life? What the hell does that even mean?

I was happy yesterday when my mother in law asked me to give her my recipe for Watergate salad, though. I made sure and told her to remember the coconut, because some on the online recipes don’t call for it, and I think it is a crucial ingredient. I also fixed green bean casserole and stuffing for the get together, and we all had a great meal.

I think we discussed Watergate salad last year here at mbz, and since then I did find out that it was actually named after Nixon’s scandal. For some reason, I find that really amusing.

12 years ago

Yeah, Fitzy there’s some stuff on their website and Facebook, and they’ve been tweeting about it too. What that post doesn’t mention is that all of the volunteers and workers who live there also live in the flooded building 🙁

12 years ago


I just looked up Watergate salad and I’m fine with it being named after the Watergate scandal, but where on earth do they get off calling that salad?!

12 years ago

Poor monkeys and poor monkey-keepers! Glad they have social media working for them. I hope they get everything funded and back into order soon. I can’t imagine how awful it must be to have your own home damaged while you’re simultaneously trying to soothe all of those poor, stressed animals. 🙁

Re: Watergate salad – we ate that at every family gathering during my grandmothers’ lifetimes (my paternal grandmother originally made it, and my maternal one loved it and got the recipe). We always called it Martian Salad, though, since it was green.

As best I can tell, nat, salads that contain very few actual vegetables tend to be a Southern thing here in the U.S.* If you go to a church potluck down here, there will usually be a least one bowl full of Jell-O mixed with canned fruit, celery, and pecans sitting on the salad table. I think it’s pretty good, but my raised-in-Illinois husband wouldn’t touch that stuff with a ten-foot pole, unless he could use it to knock the bowl off the table.

I know gelatin is not vegan-friendly, though.

*Anyone who knows differently, please correct me. I hate making sweeping generalizations and then coming out wrong.

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! This was the first year my cousins hosted, so I did not have to help my mother clean the house and set up for company for the first time in about 8 years, which was a blessing 🙂

Re: jello-based salads, I don’t think I have ever had one. Does anyone know what the etymology is of calling them a salad? They don’t seem to fit in with the other foods that fall under the definition…