Happy Thanksgiving, US-ians!
No misogyny today, just videos of cute kitties eating and falling asleep. I am going to spend the day eating and playing with kitties and finishing up season one of Doomsday Preppers. I don’t know why I’m so fascinated by people with delusional beliefs, but I am. And I guess most of you reading this are as well, huh?
Now the videos:
This one doesn’t involve eating or sleeping but, come on, it’s adorable!
MRAs are terrible graphic designers, but if I may pretend to be a woman, I’d like to say that, as a woman, I wouldn’t mind being a honeybadger. As a honeybadger, the honeybadger is really pretty badass.
We picked up Terry Pratchett and Steven Baxter’s The Long Earth and it’s a lot more Baxter than Pratchett.
Amazon says Pratchett’s Dodger was released Sept. 25. First I’d heard of it. I am a bad fan ;__;
I have spent the day with a horrible tension headache. Stupid head.
I liked The Long Earth although it made me sad.
Scrapemind, you may not pretend to be a woman, thank you very much.
Thanksgiving in Texas also means fajitas. And mashed potatoes.
@Princess. I get clinically strong headaches and the tension headaches (which lead to migraines) get their asses kicked by klonopin. It calms the nerves in your brain and help de-stress the muscles in your face.
I’ve just been given antidepressants to try. 🙁
Boo headaches! I had a migraine today myself, only partially handled by my migraine meds. I have no good suggestions on how best to deal with headaches other than to try a lot of stuff until you find something that works, more or less. They’re tough.
Kitteh, I know that antidepressants aren’t for everyone, but in my case antidepressants really and truly transformed my life and made it much, much better. Not perfect, by any means, but notably better. I was skeptical when I first started taking them, but when they kicked in it was a though a thick fog of gloom had lifted. (Though you might have to try several before you find one that works for you.)
I’ve been on Zoloft-alike for nearly a month now and no real effect : . They’re odd drugs. Good luck!
@everyone else
Happy Thanksgiving to the USians here, I guess, though it’s a pretty racist holiday. The day it’d be on was yesterday here, and the American turkeys at the lovely wildlife park I went to seemed very happy and affectionate. What’s the bet they knew what’d be happening to them back in their motherland?
Also, emu chicks are THE BEST THING EVER. THE BEST. They’re cute and fluffy and nip you when you feed them but they’re so cute you don’t mind and they get jumpy and hyper and cute and they’re just fantastic. And the ones at the wildlife park remembered my friend and me when we came to the aviary a second time, and were there at the airlock doors excited to see us! These birds probably actually beat kittens in the best-baby-animal stakes.
/animal gushing (actually, probably not, but / for this post)
@Kittehs: It’s a NON Discworld novel (DODGER): set in Victorian London.
I did get THE LONG EARTH as well–and I have to say I like DODGER better.
@Falconer: I hadn’t heard of DODGER either–saw a reference somewhere online, and went BIZZUH?
THen snaffled it on my Kindle.
Am now addicted to Kindle.
Thirding the anti-depressants–I was lucky enough to have the first one take (way back when), and then, later, when it hit again, the latest version of the original one worked beautifully. BUt I’ve had friends who’ve had miserable luck with a number of them before finding one that worked.
Zoloft helped me when I needed it. As for my chronic paroxysmal headaches (say that five times fast), Verapamil seems to head them off. Good thing too, because the Indomethacin was raising my blood pressure.
lowquacks: YMMV, but Zoloft seems to take about 6 weeks to kick in. Those weeks can be… interesting until they do.
I think this is my favorite AVfM poster, just because IT MAKES NO SENSE. “Free recipes for Life” — I mean, WTF? I am seriously tempted to put these up in L.A. and then film peoples’ reactions to them.
Good luck to everyone with headaches and all the other stuff.
So I had an interesting Thanksgiving experience.
I forgot to add the sugar to the pumpkin pie.
It was still totally edible! Noticeably different, obvy, but not unpleasant. Doad didn’t even realize there was anything wrong with it.
@Cloudiah – the “free recipes” one is good, but my personal fave is the “broken record” one. Because, if I didn’t know AVFM, I would assume the poster was in favor of feminism, putting an end to the “broken record” of AVFM, since their web address is printed over and over and over and over, just like a …
Pumpkin is pretty sweet anyway! We were making roast delicata squash with toasted pumpkin seeds, pomegranate seeds, and honey drizzled on at the end — only when we took it out of the oven, there was no honey. Oops. So we drizzled pomegranate molasses, and it was delicious.
@Rahu, it’s hard to pick just one favorite. So many of their posters don’t make sense unless you at least know the file name, and most are totally unclear unless you actually go to the web site and read multiple articles. I am not an expert, but this does not seem like good graphic design…
Pomegranate molasses sounds great. Must be super strongly flavored, though.
@katz It is strongly flavored, hence the very light drizzling. You can get it at any number of Persian markets in my neighborhood, which also sell delicious honey-sweetened pastries… Basically my walk home every day is a minefield of sweet & savory temptations. You can also make your own pomegranate molasses, but I am way too lazy. I’m still figuring out good ways to use it.
Did you serve your unsweetened pumpkin pie with anything else sweet, like ice cream or whipped cream?
David, I drink a strong cup of coffee when I get a bad enough headache. Its either caffeine withdrawal, or dehydration that gives me a headache. Its a crapshoot if you’re dehydrated, or just off of the java, but hey, coffee does have antioxidants.
Everyone else had whipped cream; I think that’s why they didn’t notice!
I’ve seen pomegranate syrup at Super King; is that similar? I’m never sure if those are delicious concentrated fruit goodness or corn syrup with fruit flavoring.
@Falconer & ithiliana
I just read The Long Earth too, I really enjoyed it. I’m getting Dodger (and allll the other Discworld books I’ve read but don’t own, plus A Blink Of The Screen) for Christmas.
It’s the most I’ve looked forward to Christmas since I was about TinyFantastic’s age XD
Big thank you hugs to everyone for your support! I’m trying one called Pristiq. (Funny name, makes me think of pristine.) It can take a couple of weeks to kick in, apparently. I just hope I don’t get hit by the side effects. Nausea I have already from this tension, flippin’ headaches I do not need! And I’ve a referral to a psychologist who sounds (from a phone call tonight) like a nice bloke.
My BFF who just went home from visiting has tension headaches – horrible things. As soon as she feels one developing she hits it with migraine pills and really strong coffee. One thing that helped a few years back was a reiki treatment. Not for everyone, obviouslly, but whether one sees it as a sort of mental placebo or genuinely channelling energy, it worked.
Lowquacks – I saw a couple of turkeys down at Phillip Island the other week, and reminded them they should be very grateful they’re there and not in the US! And emu chicks are cute indeed. Pity about the adults … who was it said recently “nothing that stupid should be that big” (or “nothing that big should be that stupid”)? 😉
Kitteh – I’m on something similar (venlafaxine). The main thing I find with mine is withdrawals if I don’t take a pill on time. Might be something to be aware of with yours, too? Good luck anyway. The right medicine can make a huge difference to your life 🙂