kitties off topic open thread YouTube

Thanksgiving Break (With Kittens)


Happy Thanksgiving, US-ians!

No misogyny today, just videos of cute kitties eating and falling asleep. I am going to spend the day eating and playing with kitties and finishing up season one of Doomsday Preppers. I don’t know why I’m so fascinated by people with delusional beliefs, but I am. And I guess most of you reading this are as well, huh?

Now the videos:

This one doesn’t involve eating or sleeping but, come on, it’s adorable!

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12 years ago

Have a great TG Day, David!

12 years ago

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! *sending out hugs to those who want them* 😀

12 years ago

Cute videos! Happy Thanksgiving, all! Here’s my present to you of more terrible AVfM posters:

12 years ago

Happy Turkey Day!

12 years ago

Lolcats at Thanksgiving

Happy thankful day!

(I’m actually feasting on corned beef and cabbage, YUM) and am about to take the doggies on a walk!)

12 years ago

Food coma….that’s something I’m hoping to avoid this year. I’ve got more writing to do after the food binge. 🙂

12 years ago

It says in the link Cloudiah provided that GirlsWritesWhat (or however you spell her name’s) work has been picked up by ‘a number of university professors’ for discussion in the classroom, to which I have to say, I hope the discussion centres around how terrible (many of) her ideas are.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone who is celebrating it!

12 years ago

David only eats unicorns? Is he a unitarian?

12 years ago

Happy thanksgiving americanos! I think I’ll celebrate by throwing out the last of the leftovers from Canadian Thanksgiving. That frozen split pea soup is probably VERY VERY bad, if the last batch was any indication.

12 years ago

Happy Thanksgiving to all the Yanks out there! And I hope everyone else gets to eat something they like, too.

12 years ago

Oh god, those posters. Quick poll: If I decided to nickname the Women’s Auxiliary of a group I belonged to “Honeybadgers,” how many women would actually feel like they were valued?

12 years ago

I’m in the UK, but I managed to finish work early and I’m waiting for BoyFantastic to come home and cook me thai green curry. I’ve just finished chopping all the veg and I’m basically going to eat like the cats in those videos.

12 years ago

Oh man, I would dig a Thai curry for dinner!

12 years ago

Well I just fucking cursed myself. We haven’t had a working oven for six weeks due to shitty landlords, our hob gave up the ghost just as we turned it on to cook. Bloody thing.

Dinner is now chinese take-away. Fried beancurd with ginger and spring onion, more fried bean curd with black bean sauce, chips and rice.

I’m going to embrace this food coma for all it’s worth.

12 years ago

Natfantastic, sorry about your oven. We’re going to visit a Chinese restaurant here in Austin that came highly recommended this weekend (good ethnic food except Mexican being thin on the ground in TX), and if it’s decent, we’ll keep our Christmas tradition of Chinese food alive.

12 years ago

Nat, that is terrible! If I were there I would bug your landlord for you.

12 years ago

Thanks Hellkell, I hope you find a good place for Christmas dinner 🙂

Don’t worry Katz, there was a very. pointed. phonecall. about tenant’s rights and the electrician should be visiting tomorrow morning.

12 years ago

How is Christmas dinner in Austin not tacos? That way you could drink tequila too in an attempt to dull the pain of having had to listen to Christmas music for the previous month.

12 years ago

We started the Chinese xmas dinner in Seattle. Tacos you can get any old time.

12 years ago

Happy thanksgiving, everyone. I made a porcetta turkey that rocked the shit and a lovely side dish of pasta with broccoli rabe. Um, yes, I’m an Italian-American.

Hope everyone else has/had a good day.

12 years ago

My partner is in Fl with her mum, and I’m at home gorging for several days on a corned beef and cabbage feast (cooked in slow cooker, SO easy), because she loathes cbc, and I love it, so voila!

And giving doggies extra walks, and sleeping in, and playing around on the internet in between writing a proposal for faculty development leave (Texas HAZ no sabbaticals) for SPring 2014.

Good times, good times.

Also read latest Pratchett, and have latest Priest for reading a bit later.

But admit am pouting at lack of Colbert and Stewart.

12 years ago

Posted too soon…heck, I’d be happy with reruns because work has been so miserable this fall we’ve missed a bunch.

12 years ago

X-mas dinner in Texas is homemade tamales! Om nom nom!

T-giving is smoked ham.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Ithiliana – which Pratchett is that? Snuff?

12 years ago

That “old boot” poster is stupid(er than they are by default). When I saw the title I thought it would be a pic of an actual worn out boot, but instead they have a very stylish boot of the kind I have seen in stores fairly recently.

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