“So,” you’re probably thinking to yourself, “I’ve heard a lot of pointless uninformed speculation on the Petraeus affair, but I haven’t yet heard what that PUA douchenozzle who calls himself Heartiste thinks about it all.”
Well, we’re going to rectify this tragic situation right now. Despite not understanding even the most basic facts about the scandal – he refers to “Generals Petraeus and Allen and their Lebanese immigrant, faintly masculine mistresses,” even though the only “mistress” involved in all this seems to be Paula Broadwell, who isn’t of Lebanese descent — Heartiste has produced a 2500-word opus on the subject, with pictures and a graph. So let’s just take a look at the highlights.
Before getting into the details of the story, most of which he just makes up to match his predetermined notions, he sets the scene with some of his typically overheated prose:
Yes, the scent of an attractive, height-weight proportionate woman is strong, stronger still when her surroundings are populated by bloated pustules formerly known as women. Scent of a Womb, you could call it. Men sniff it in the air, like a wolf picking up the odor of prey animals, and they are sprung to action.
I assume that last bit is a reference to boners.
But it is useful to remember that as strong as that fertile pussy odor is to men, equally strong is the alpha male odor to women. Perhaps even stronger in women, since alpha males are so much rarer, and thus more exciting when discovered, than are young fertile women to men, who need only stroll around a SPWL neighborhood for a few minutes to ogle ten or fifty babes who can adequately stiffen the staff.
Well, that’s definitely a boner reference.
A woman in a room with a four star general is as overtaken by powerful urges to FUCK AND FUCK NOW as a man is when in the company of a pretty, young woman with suppleness in all the right places. …
Feminists can screech and shriek, manboobs can pule, white knights can huff and puff, but, like all of us, their knees too will bend to the cosmic prime directive.
I appreciate the plug, as always, but … their “knees will bend?” I mean, sure, knee-bending is involved in quite a few sex acts I can think of off the bat, but, you know, knee-bending is involved in pretty much everything that people with working knees do, from squat-thrusts to walks on the beach to sitting on a couch with a laptop, blogging.
Anyway, after Heartiste’s paean to the alphaness of four-star generals, he informs us that the generals involved here are actually “beta male[s] in alpha clothing.”
Petraeus’s (or was it Allen’s?) self-incriminating email avalanche is some proof that he harbors the soul of a beta. A real alpha male does not do the email equivalent of gushing like a lovestruck schoolgirl, unless he really was lovestruck. …
As for the archetype of Beta Males In Alpha Clothing, these types of men get action from women entranced by their status, but then quickly lose these women’s interest when their betaness reveals itself in manifesting clinginess. The leader of men can be just as blind to the nature of women as the celibate omega male or the cloying beta male.
Never mind that this is all baseless speculation, and that we still don’t know what was in Allen’s alleged “email avalanche” — or even if he was actually having an affair with Jill Kelley. Heartiste is willing to make up whatever details he wants in order to prove his foregone conclusions.
Heartiste then contrasts Petreaus’ wife with his alleged mistress, and seems most interested in … the relative lengths of Paula Broadwell’s various fingers:
Wow, notice that masculine digit ratio she has? That, plus the squared off, clenched jaw and forehead zit are leading indicators that this broad is well on her way to breaking a land speed record for cock gobbling the alpha males in her midst.
Apparently women with extra-long ring fingers are tigers in the sack. (Actually, we’ve discussed this weird theory before.)
How in tarnation is Petraeus’s potato sack poster wife for Puritan living supposed to compete with this fuel-injected sex machine? There isn’t a man alive who would pass up a chance at tapping that harlot if his only alternative was Miss Massachusetts 1687. You may as well dangle a chunk of raw meat in front of a starving lion’s maw and expect it to sit still for twenty years.
But lest anyone think that Heartiste would give a less-than-perfect-ten like Broadwell a second look, he quickly adds:
Look, I’m not claiming Broadwell is any raving beauty. She’s probably around a 7, adjusted for age. And she has that incipient manjaw going on, a classic tell of the late stage America, careerist shrike tankgrrl female with clit dick.
But in Heartiste’s New Math this 7 is also a 10.
But in relation to the wife, she’s a hard 10. Hard enough to cut diamond. If your wife — and I say this with the utmost clinical detachment — is utterly unbangable, then a 7 prancing around your office day in and day out, year after year, in high heels, pencil skirt and a sexpot squint will test the resolve of the most religiously indoctrinated or divorce theft-averse man. Every day you don’t expel yourself in the tramp’s come hither wicker …
Her what!?
Sorry, back to the quote:
Every day you don’t expel yourself in the tramp’s come hither wicker is one more day you drag yourself home to suffer in stark contrast the sad, depressing sight of the Michelin Ma’am dutifully holding down the home post. …
Petraeus had the equivalent of a thousand attractive men’s temptations thrown in his face every day. A choir of heavenly saints would have trouble keeping the Boner of Light in their pants under such circumstances. …
[O]nce the other woman crosses that threshold from “kind of prettier” to “yup, she makes my wife look like a duffel bag of laundry”, the infidelity is set in stone. And only those who loathe male desire will see fit to condemn such a man for his actions.
So it’s wrong to expect men in such situations to not, er, expel themselves in some conveniently placed woman’s “come hither wicker.”(Women who follow their supposed biological urges = evil. Men who do the same = they cant’ help it!)
The solution to workplace affairs, Heartiste explains, isn’t for men and women to keep it in their pants, but to segregate men and women in different jobs or, perhaps, to keep women out of the workforce entirely:
Tossing men and women together in the workplace is a recipe for dissolving marriages, sexually dispossessing beta males, and corraling women under the banner of a few industry captain alpha males. … The gender neutral workplace experiment has brought alpha males and fertile females together like no other arrangement yet devised by man.
Wouldn’t everything be easier if men and women were somehow magically kept apart from everyone but their spouses?
There is a reason why newly minted wives rush their husbands out to the suburbs, and it’s not just to get their kids into good white schools: it’s to sequester their men from the sea of luscious young pussy that swims the streets of the cities. Similarly, most husbands are much happier when their wives either stay at home or work in jobs where they are mostly surrounded by other women or beta males, like teaching or accounting.
This seems a strange solution to be proffered by someone whose entire blog is devoted to putatively helping dudes get it on with young urban women – sorry, with the “luscious young pussy that swims the streets of the cities.” But apparently Heartiste and his male readers are immune to his moralizing.
This is not the case with Holly Petraeus:
She did nothing “wrong”, in the Biblical or PC sense, but the fact that she obviously felt it reasonable to so fully let herself go is evidence that she cared not a whit for her husband’s animal desires, and was probably up to her ears in feminist ideology about the uselessness and evil of appealing to the visceral demands of men for physically attractive, slender lovers. Had she stayed thin (something which is entirely possible, barring very rare physiological ailments), she would have enjoyed more loving sexual attention from her husband.
After some ponderous reflections on love and lust, Heartiste ends the piece with a weird, disengenuous plea for the poor neglected betas of the world:
I predict that the cuckolded beta male hubbies, both of whom are “conventionally alpha” doctors, of Broadwell and Kelley will be the least examined aspect of this story by the media. Remeber, folks, men are expendable! And that goes triply for beta males. They are the forgotten lepers in the wilderness of unspoken tabulations of human worth.
Wait, so the seemingly alpha generals are really betas, and the seemingly alpha husbands are also really betas? So betas are cuckolding other betas?
Is Heartiste the only real alpha in the world? Stay tuned.
Is he on drugs? I’d have to be intoxicated on something stronger than alcohol to type all that shit out
What, no paragraph analyzing the shape of Broadwell’s earlobes? Clearly, this was a rushed job.
melty: certain fungal infections do that. Seriously.
I think “luscious young pussy that swims the streets of the cities” has to be one of the grossest things I’ve ever read. I just imagine blue, dispossessed reproductive systems floating in the streets.
I suspect that the only thing Heartiste is on is a cocktail of his own inflated, insecure ego and a lifelong hate-boner. Also booze.
Has this person ever spoken with another human in his life?
Seriously, this reads like someone who basically has been living in a cave and only emerging to gather TV sitcom videos to subsist on.
You may as well dangle a chunk of raw meat in front of a starving lion’s maw and expect it to sit still for twenty years.
God, what is it WITH creepy assholes and the “starving lion” metaphors? My rapist used that one. …unless Heartiste is him, which just seems really unlikely.
I’m not sure which he hates more – women or the English language. My eyes glazed over after about the first wall of text.
And what’s all this codswallop about “scenting” men, alpha or otherwise? Got news for you, mate: the only time I notice a man’s odour is when it’s of the “Ewwwww, when did he last bathe?” or “Why the hell don’t you brush your teeth after you ate whatever that was?” varieties. I do not find random men’s odours appealing. I don’t find random men appealing. And they seriously do not have any effect on my knees.
Roissy’s got hatecrush, aw. He’s way too obsessed with manjaws, and I still wish his typing fingers would rot off.
However this was comedy fucking gold as someone who met her spouse at work:
Can’t wait to try and explain to Mr. HK just how alpha he is. He’s going to look at me like the cats do when I do talk to them (i.e., like i have lost my tiny mind).
Most of the men I know from work are lawyers or judges. Not sure if that makes them alpha or not.
None of the blokes I’ve worked with has been of interest to me, nor me to them. Which works out just fine all round!
Dammit, we’ve been rumbled. Our grand feminist overladies’ plan to make men’s affairs punishable by castration and enforce the right of ‘potato sacks’ to sleep with men is sunk. We might not even be able to forbid intimacy with beta males!!!!!!!!!!
/late night halfwitted sarcasm
*hugs LBT*
It’s a bad excuse. They want to pretend men can’t help themselves, and that everything is women’s fault. The inconsistency of MRAs’ position is real and exists because their ultimate aim is to justify unfair privilege.
I think my brain just imploded. This is one of the most poorly written, poorly organized, and poorly thought-out things I have ever read, and I grade freshman essays regularly.
Not unless she hasn’t bathed in a week or so.
I’m guessing Fartiste has a serious personal hygiene issue.
And a serious personal relationship with reality issue.
This is the part where I can feel all the brain juice starting to drain out of my ears.
Yes. Being a loving wife and helping him advance in his career, giving birth to their children, loving him and sticking with him for decades counts for nothing unless she remains Victoria’s Secret model thin. Fartiste has got to be the most shallow, superficial, egocentric creature on the planet not named Trump or Hilton.
tl:dr: Freitag fears that he has lost at least half of his IQ, and is now referring to himself in the third person as proof that this is indeed so.
But what about shirtless FBI bloke? Is he alpha, beta, wicker lion, or what? 🙂
Paris Hilton does charity work though so she has that over him.
…I’m still stuck at “clit dick.”
Wicker lions. I’ve now got an image of Morticia Addams in her basket chair, with Kitty Cat the lion at her feet.
Poor ol’ Roissy, even getting the difference between wicker and whicker is too much for him.
I gotta laugh every time Fatiste mentions “SWPL girls” as if he and his followers aren’t the whitest whites who ever whited. There’s not a lot of soul coming from him.
I’m pretty sure that whenever a wicker lion gets near a hot chick, it goes up in flames.
This has gotta be some kind of performance art.
Everything in this is fucking bizarre, but somehow my favorite bit is the new piece of PUA wisdom that any woman who happens to have a mole on her face must be a giant slut. Why? BECAUSE REASONS.
It isn’t fair. I have enough trouble writing a measly 4-page essay with just as many pages worth of citations, while this guy blows his wad onto a keyboard. Grumble, grumble, grumble.
What is a “clit dick”, exactly?
Roissy’s odd stylistic combination of angry MRA and Penthouse forum letter is painful to read. What did the English language ever do to him?
Was it a mole? I thought he meant a zit, and that the new theory was going to be something about fucking lots of men = being exposed to lots of testosterone = altered hormonal balance, resulting in zits. I’ve seen misogynists float that theory about sex workers before.
Wonder how they account for the pimples that can go with rosacea? Probably better not to know, I guess.