a voice for men antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? creepy disgusting women douchebaggery girl germs hypocrisy I'm totally being sarcastic manginas men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA oppressed men penises playing the victim shaming tactics vaginas

A Voice for Men fights the rising tide of loose vaginas

Women: Always trying to kick a man’s pickle

Over on A Voice for Men, headquarters of the Greatest Super Awesome Human Rights Movement of the New Millennium, the regulars are troubled by those who make jokes and other unkind remarks about small penises, noting that this sort of body-shaming can wound the self-esteem of its targets and “has fostered a growing penis enlargement industry praying [sic] on young mens distorted perceptions of normality and worth.”

As a result, the AVFM regulars have vowed to set a higher standard of behavior for themselves, and not resort to easy body-shaming when arguing with, or talking about, women.

Ah, just kidding. They tried to see who could come up with the worst way to tell a woman she has a giant vagina.

Here are a few of the, er, standout comments from the discussion.

All these wonderful contributions inspired Kimski to suggest that AVFMenners should collect them together in a book titled “A 100 Ways To Fuck Their Shit Up.”

Gordius Knot expressed his distress that so many women seem to be ok with having cavernous “man-holes”:

Doc, meanwhile, offered some dating advice for men afraid of big vaginas:

Dr. F, meanwhile, offered these very confusing, er, observations:

If any of that makes sense to you, please let me know exactly what he’s on about here.

But, hey, at least the manly men at AVFM never resort to making disparaging remarks about the masculinity of other men, right? Oh, wait. (Then wait some more.)

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12 years ago

So, Dr. F’s comment…has anyone figured out WTF he’s on about, or at least WTF he was on when he wrote that?

12 years ago

Their lack of knowledge on all things vagina does not surprise me.

12 years ago

Oh sure. He is outraged that he can’t get laid because women are more interested in wealthy wallets expensive rugs a place on the beach and in the mountains partners than they are big dicks.

12 years ago

The other standard MRA rant.

12 years ago

If we had the “there is such a thing as too big” conversation do you think it would blow their minds?

12 years ago

Hmmm, I wonder whether feminists or MRAs are more likely to shame people based on their bodies?

Thought so.

12 years ago

And now, another installment of Shaenon Tries To Explain Manboobz to Her Husband!

Me: So now the MRA sites are very concerned about small penis jokes. Guess how they’re dealing with this issue.

Andrew: Putting pants on?

Me: No.

Andrew: Not sending people any more photos of their–

Me: Look, they’re not showing anyone their penises!

Andrew: Oh. Then they’re probably complaining that vaginas are too big.

Me: Now you’re thinking like an MRA. They’re trading big-vagina insults.

Andrew: For in case they ever get near a vagina?

Me: Don’t virgin-shame, Andrew.

12 years ago

Shaenon Tries To Explain Manboobz to Her Husband!

One of the few reality TV shows I would actually watch. 😀

12 years ago

If we had the “there is such a thing as too big” conversation do you think it would blow their minds?

Almost certainly, seeing as it would entail discussing individual women not only experiencing sexual pleasure but having individual preferences while they do so, and MRAs know perfectly well that all women share a hivemind and do not actually enjoy sex, but merely engage in it as a means to steal men’s money/sperm/souls/precious bodily fluids.

12 years ago

Also, by failing to show the most respect to the largest penis women are going against the law of nature and disrespecting men, or some shit like that.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

And when women have the Mature Orgasm it’s only ever from PiV sex.

If, of course, female orgasms exist at all. There does seem to be some dispute among MRAs on that one, though how they can argue with the all-knowing DoctorGeneralCardinalLawyerPresidentPell on that one I don’t know.

12 years ago

WTF is a flockartie rug?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

No idea – does it refer to Flock Art, the stuff from the 70s?

12 years ago

*going to bed, up far too late trying to comprehend the incomprehensible weirdness of the amazing ladyparts that stay tight with one partner but expand massively with more than one*

Flockartie rug?

*going to bed now. MRAs make tiny brain hurt.*

Flockartie rug?

12 years ago

Very tight vaginas are usually due to people who are not aroused. Anyone who thinks that a woman should be so “tight” that she is in pain during sex (and obviously such people never think of lube or actually arousing their partners), is gravely messed up when it comes to sexual stuff in general.

I’ve had two babies. The vagina is not a “hole”- it is more like a shutter in a camera- the muscles can contract and widen when needed. Kegals certainly can help, but it’s not a for sure thing. But even if you have a vagina that is “loose”, perhaps that is because bodies are all different, and not everything sexual needs to revolve around penis-in-vagina sex. People with a healthy sexual relationship do not necessarily lose the ability to enjoy one another just because they can’t have “traditional” heterosexual sex.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

The vagina is not a “hole”- it is more like a shutter in a camera- the muscles can contract and widen when needed.

I am now never going to be able to look at that holiday-snap-where-the-shutter-didn’t-quite-open the same way again …

12 years ago

<Oh hey! Dave! Did you watch the AVfM video challenging a prominent feminist to a formal debate? Of course you did! Here’s your chance! Show those tiny-penis-bearing, basement-dwelling, MISOGYNIST! cretins how a real man respects women! Go Dave Go!

Yeah and then when no one accepts, MRAs will cry “See, they can’t argue with our logic!” right?

You are nothing but miserable little shits who can;t even bother to hide your desire to kill and rape women. You are filth.

12 years ago

He means a flokarti rug I bet he’s got some Dunning–Kruger effect going on.

Lol at him calling his penis a wee-wee.

And I wonder if it would blow his mind that I would much rather *earn* 45k+ and date an unemployed guy than date a 45k+ guy and have no money of my own.

12 years ago

Dr. F – a translation


See, now I like this, and it begs for other analogies. You know, wallets, dicks, long tall cars and rich expanses of rolling green fields.

This is similar to other weird claims we’re always making, like how women only like wallets, dicks, cars and nature.

Oww yum. It all tumbles down from the bountiful plump heavens that just spill their goodness downwards. Down to you Princess Mam.

Women get given money by the government, which they think they deserve.

Down comes the twit on a white horse to carry you away and prong you on a fluffy white Flockartie rug before a great “roaring fire”. After that, you can have a walk on the beach with your post-coital slitty eyed pasty face and talk about how in five years you are going to live in the mountains.

Standard white-night/beta/mangina rant. How DARE those bitches want to be with men who act like they’re human and share their interests?

Bugger all the other jerks who fly under the 45k a year salary eh? Big wee-wee is ok but “big all the rest” is what I am gunning for really. I’ll sort it out later just like god did with the crusades.

But what women REALLY want is a man with a big wallet, because hypergamy and shit. Also they’re bitches.

Pardon, I went off on a tangent a bit. Everything swirled around and it all went into a splatter-gun and made a strange but compelling pizza. I am good now.

It’s like reading A Clockwork Orange, or Trainspotting. Once you memorise the lingo and break up the paragraphs, it’s a lot easier.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Thanks for that, Kim! I hope freitag comes back online to see what the heck it is. Looks like a nice rug … and wtf is that Dr F twit so upset about the idea of sex on a rug in front of a fire for? ‘Cause that isn’t actually something that’s limited to uber-rich blokes. And isn’t it weird that he describes it as “being pronged” – like MRAs are interested in anything but shoving it in and coming. Perhaps what really frightens him is the idea of a couple making love on a rug. Or anywhere else.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Ninja’d! 😀

12 years ago

@ Kitteh

I thought the “pronged” bit was gibberish, but now I’m left with the image of PIV sex with a pronged penis – like a trident – and I can’t stop laughing.

But on a general note, once again MRAs are their own worst enemy.

12 years ago

I thought the “pronged” bit was gibberish, but now I’m left with the image of PIV sex with a pronged penis – like a trident – and I can’t stop laughing.

If I believed in any deity I’d have to conclude that a trickster god who likes to mess with us is the only way to explain that such a penis actually exists: in the echidna.

12 years ago

The walls of the vagina aren’t made of rubber bands. They’re made of muscle. Saying that lots of sex will loosen them up is as stupid as saying that doing lots of biceps curls would make your biceps go flabby.

But regarding this:

I have a suspicion that MRAs are ignorant of the fact that tiny penis remarks have nothing to do with the body part and everything to do with the behavior of the d00d under discussion. Kinda like that whole city boy with the monster truck dealio.

Sure, people do make small dick jokes based on men’s behaviour rather than how bulgy their pants look. Still, small dick jokes imply that having a small one is BAD and PATHETIC. So I really don’t think these kind of jokes are okay.

There’s a Swedish feminist who’s blog I used to follow who once posted that small-penis-shaming language is exactly as bad as fat-shaming-language; it makes people hate their bodies, think nobody’s ever gonna want to have sex with them etc. (She used to work as a model while being severely bulimic, and writes a lot about body image issues.) The weird thing was that lots of women commented that it’s not the same thing at all, because men are often told that size doesn’t matter, and therefore no man has reason to be ashamed of his small penis regardless of how many small-penis-jokes people make. And that’s such a terribly stupid reply. Yep, lots of people say that size doesn’t matter, just like lots of people say that weight doesn’t matter. These messages don’t magically cancel out the contrary messages of “fat is ugly and unattractive” and “small penises are bad for sex and pathetic” that drowns us from everywhere.

Miss Andrist
12 years ago

“You have a huge vagina”

Aw, isn’t it CUUUUTE? It looks just like a little baby Jesus
