a voice for men antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? creepy disgusting women douchebaggery girl germs hypocrisy I'm totally being sarcastic manginas men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA oppressed men penises playing the victim shaming tactics vaginas

A Voice for Men fights the rising tide of loose vaginas

Women: Always trying to kick a man’s pickle

Over on A Voice for Men, headquarters of the Greatest Super Awesome Human Rights Movement of the New Millennium, the regulars are troubled by those who make jokes and other unkind remarks about small penises, noting that this sort of body-shaming can wound the self-esteem of its targets and “has fostered a growing penis enlargement industry praying [sic] on young mens distorted perceptions of normality and worth.”

As a result, the AVFM regulars have vowed to set a higher standard of behavior for themselves, and not resort to easy body-shaming when arguing with, or talking about, women.

Ah, just kidding. They tried to see who could come up with the worst way to tell a woman she has a giant vagina.

Here are a few of the, er, standout comments from the discussion.

All these wonderful contributions inspired Kimski to suggest that AVFMenners should collect them together in a book titled “A 100 Ways To Fuck Their Shit Up.”

Gordius Knot expressed his distress that so many women seem to be ok with having cavernous “man-holes”:

Doc, meanwhile, offered some dating advice for men afraid of big vaginas:

Dr. F, meanwhile, offered these very confusing, er, observations:

If any of that makes sense to you, please let me know exactly what he’s on about here.

But, hey, at least the manly men at AVFM never resort to making disparaging remarks about the masculinity of other men, right? Oh, wait. (Then wait some more.)

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12 years ago

Oh hey! Dave! Did you watch the AVfM video challenging a prominent feminist to a formal debate? Of course you did! Here’s your chance! Show those tiny-penis-bearing, basement-dwelling, MISOGYNIST! cretins how a real man respects women! Go Dave Go!

12 years ago

And who else finds all comments about tight vaginas to be totally pedophiley?

*raises hand*

So now I expect that everyone from A Voice for Men who comes here will not insult Dave by saying he has a tiny penis.*

*just kidding, they totally will

12 years ago

Show those tiny-penis-bearing


12 years ago

@driversuz – what is it with you folks being unable to try to dictate to David what he writes about here? That message couldn’t have gone into an email? Do you really think anyone here loses sleep at night over any of us not talking about what you want us to be talking about?

On topic, nobody should be shamed for how their body looks. Bodies come in all shapes and sizes and everything else you can think of. Seems simple, right? It’s deeply sad that so many people can have that thought, but their need to feel superior is so strong, they can’t just stop there, where they should. They keep coming up with an exception. “Nobody should be shamed for how they look, but… doesn’t she know about Kegels/hasn’t he ever heard of testosterone/why does she need to eat that hamburger/he really shouldn’t be wearing that belt/and on and on and fucking on.


12 years ago

I love the guy who only wants to have sex with women 25 and under when “everything is new to them.” He can’t possibly mean he’s terrible in bed and doesn’t want to have sex with a woman who has enough experience to notice, could he? Nah.

12 years ago

I have a suspicion that MRAs are ignorant of the fact that tiny penis remarks have nothing to do with the body part and everything to do with the behavior of the d00d under discussion. Kinda like that whole city boy with the monster truck dealio.

12 years ago

That’s weird, I had this friend from China who used the term “cow vagina” whenever he encountered anything he liked.
“I don’t get it,” I said, “Why cow vagina?”
“Because,” he said dreamily, “It’s soooooooo big.”
So see, different strokes. *awkward cough*

12 years ago

>.< Don't these idiots know how vaginas work?

12 years ago

Go watch the video! Dave could travel to Feminist Mecca (Canada) and say everything he could possibly want to say, on a stage, with cameras and everything! And exactly HALF of the audience would be sympathetic to his viewpoint!

Besides, Dave links AVfM all the time. He WANTS you to read that site. Every word. To think otherwise would be to assume that he prefers an uninformed grovelling audience. Don’t disappoint Dave!

12 years ago

Kinda like that whole city boy with the monster truck dealio.

thebewilderness, I was going to say something similar. I was trying to remember the times I’ve heard small penis jokes, and the only ones I remember have been made by a guy holding his finger and thumb two inches apart because he saw a monster truck. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a woman make a small penis joke.

12 years ago

Oh, and sex doesn’t make vaginas loose. They’re sort of outting themselves with this shit, as either lacking sexual experience (no, nothing wrong with that — but don’t front) or being so disinterested in the female body (and unwilling to crack a book) that their performance would be meh at best. I mean, you can look this shit up anywhere.

12 years ago

Dave links AVfM all the time. He WANTS you to read that site. Every word.

That’s weird, I was under the impression that Dave wanted to mock misogyny in public and he linked to AVfM so that anyone who felt he was quote-mining or lying about the stupid shit people had to say could see it for themselves, on the internet, in real time.

12 years ago

How do you know he’s not quote-mining, if you only read what he “quotes?”

Noah Brand
12 years ago

Defining quality of MRAs: when given a choice between making things better for men and making things worse for women, they will always and invariably choose the latter. It’s reliably diagnostic.

12 years ago

driversuz, is someone handing out gold stars for making dumb posts?

12 years ago

Why the quotes around “quotes?” Are we doubting that he is, in fact, quoting? Or is the word quote a quote?

I have oodles of questions about quotes!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

First it’s “Dave wants you to read every word of AVfM” then it’s implications that he’s quote-mining.

Which makes no sense at all.

Which is no surprise.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

::squints at Katz::

Are those imperial oodles or metric ones?

12 years ago

Call me crazy, but I like to assume that *most* people on the internet are not insufferable tools.

12 years ago

The idea that lots of sex makes vaginas loose is so weird. Dear pathologically sexist dudes – vaginas don’t work that way. If they did work that way then Kegels would be useless, so when women see a man going “sex makes vaginas loose” and then “do more Kegels” at the same time this tells us that your interactions with vaginas have been rather limited.

On the tight/youth thing, my interpretation of that was possibly even worse than the general consensus seems to be. My first thought was, you know when a vagina will be really really tight? When the woman is scared and not aroused at all, and then sex happens. So when you add that together with their obsession with youth it gets extra creepy.

12 years ago

Metric oodles are what we always use in the quote lab. It’s easier to do equations with them.

12 years ago

Dave could travel to Feminist Mecca (Canada) and say everything he could possibly want to say, on a stage, with cameras and everything! And exactly HALF of the audience would be sympathetic to his viewpoint!

Yeah, the same site that can’t get half a dozen people to get together for a protest is going to set up a debate on a stage with cameras and an audience, that’s totally going to happen.

12 years ago

What a peculiar fellow, that driversuz. Thinking we’ll just truck up to Canada BECAUSE. (Admittedly, I might be going, but that’s for a Comics and Medicine conference.)

I’m no big fan of small dick jokes either. But the concept of BIG BUSHY VAGINAS just makes me cock my head and blink.

They realize that some tightness is due to muscle tension from nerves or pain, right?

12 years ago

I’m in this kind of mood, if it weren’t already obvious.

12 years ago

@ Myoo

Hey, it could happen. If Dave took a couple of friends with him they would end up being half the audience, and someone would be bound to have a cheap little camera that can take video.