A blast from the past. Elliot is (inadvertently) DHV-ing out the wazoo! That’s Demonstrating Higher Value, for those not hep to Pickup Artist lingo.
This isn’t, strictly speaking, “life before feminism.” It’s life just as the second wave of feminism was getting going. Indeed, the rather forward women in the ad are essentially Madison Avenue’s version of liberated women.
And this seems to be how most MRAs continue to see feminism today — as an elaborate plot designed to allow bossy, manipulative, “hypergamous” “empowered females” to better exploit hard-working beta men.
The ad is of course insulting to both men and women, but I imagine any MRA viewers who stop by will only see the misandry.
But, hey, it is a pretty cool car.
Drink plenty of water before you go to bed. A multivitamin can also help prevent hangovers.
(Does Joe know about camomile tea? It might help him chill out.)
Time to meltdown: 1 hour, 57 minutes
“Yes, having the money to buy thousands of dollars worth of shiny metal is incredibly privileged from a global standpoint, but it’s only moderately privileged in the West, so it doesn;t count.”
Find me one popular MRA writer who has not advocated for more rape, violence, and/or child abuse in society.
Stating that you support a movement of abuser apologists isn’t an ad hominem, it’s an acknowledgement of your stated political position. If you don’t want to talk about your support for abusers, don’t come talk about your support for abusers on a site that mocks people who support abusers.
RE: Joe
What’d I do for men’s day? Well, more importantly, in two days it’s my man’s BIRTHday, but regardless, I know how I’m celebrating! *eyebrow waggle*
Uncle Joe: @Ugh – fuck you! And fuck your BS presumptive question!
So you have no answer, got it.
What I did for Mens’ Day? Nothing. Well, I spent it in bed, amusing myself with playing Puzzle Pirates, napping, catching up on Manboobz.
Then I went shopping, made dinner (for three men and a a woman), we caught up on some telly; then did some more commenting here, read some twitter,and now I’m going to sleep.
All in all I think I did at least as much good as you did; and I didn’t have to abuse anyone to feel good about myself.