$MONEY$ antifeminism beta males evil women hypergamy life before feminism misandry misogyny PUA straw feminists

Life Before Feminism: Elliot and His Charge Dodger, er, Dodge Charger


A blast from the past. Elliot is (inadvertently) DHV-ing out the wazoo! That’s Demonstrating Higher Value, for those not hep to Pickup Artist lingo.

This isn’t, strictly speaking, “life before feminism.” It’s life just as the second wave of feminism was getting going. Indeed, the rather forward women in the ad are essentially Madison Avenue’s version of liberated women.

And this  seems to be how most MRAs continue to see feminism today — as an elaborate plot designed to allow bossy, manipulative, “hypergamous” “empowered females” to better exploit hard-working beta men.

The ad is of course insulting to both men and women, but I imagine any MRA viewers who stop by will only see the misandry.

But, hey, it is a pretty cool car.

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12 years ago

Really, Joe? I look like a stereotype? What do I look like?

12 years ago

Isn’t every day men’s day?

It’s only one day, but it’s traditionally celebrated with 365 subsequent days of festivities.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@hellkell – Darling! You’ve done it again!

(Hat tip in memory of Noel Coward)

12 years ago

How does it feel to be a seamless part of a hive mind that just repeats the same meaningless knee-jerk phrases over and over again? Is it comforting? Does it give you the warm fuzzies?

I have no idea, you tell me since you belong to the MRA and you guys tend to group think to a degree only matched by US Republicans.

What was your Truman quote?

A politician is a man who understands government. A statesman is a politician who’s been dead for 15 years.

12 years ago

I don’t think things have changed so much… Does anybody find the Subway advertisements (where the heartless bimbo(s) trick the poor schlub out of his lunch) as unfunny as I do?

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Princessbonbon – your delusions about me, and indeed MRAs in general aside – the second half of that quote is spot on*! I’ll remember that, thanks.

(*the first half is verrrry much debatable)

12 years ago

I certainly find them irritating, especially since I have a soft spot for all nerdy guys.

12 years ago

@Princessbonbon – your delusions about me, and indeed MRAs in general aside – the second half of that quote is spot on*! I’ll remember that, thanks.

You quack, walk, and act like a MRA. Ergo you are an MRA.

And even among Republicans there are some subsets. The MRA is exactly the same.

12 years ago

your delusions about me, and indeed MRAs in general aside

Apparently, the First Joe has decided to celebrate International Men’s Day by coming here again to argue that all those bad things we say about abuser apologists are just “delusions.”

12 years ago

Hey, Joe, did you ever end up going over to avfm to tell them they shouldn’t praise child abusers and advocate for the legalization of rape?

Oh, wait, you didn’t have the “social capital” to say something as controversial as “child abuse is wrong,” right?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Poor Schumacher is having a terrible last season, though; he didn’t finish 8 of the races 🙁 I wish he would get to leave F1 on a better note.

I know! I really wish he hadn’t come back, though he obviously enjoyed racing F1 again and felt he’d quit too early, despite the burnout after his last season. I always regretted that he didn’t retire after ’04. Blaze of glory and all that.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Argh! My post was assimilated by Borgquotes!

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Ugh – you obviously missed my lengthy argument with Tom “Whores!” (of the-ohNoes-the-hardchairs!!!) on this VERY blog, where I did exactly that.

I am Jack’s Utter Lack of Surprise.

What did you do for International Men’s Day Ugh?

12 years ago

I guess I did! Have you tried doing it on an MRA site?

Does it bother you that the mainstream of your chosen “movement” is about removing the consequences for abusers?

I worked on child abuse claims. It’s what I do every weekday.

12 years ago

Also LOL at another Fight Club reference!

Oh, whiny white dudes, when will they stop be oppressed by wealth and opportunity.

12 years ago

Well, the important thing is that Schumacher’s doing what he loves.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Ugh – Oh, smug asshole Ugh! When will he stop making racist, classist assumptions!

Pretty much never I’m guessing.

Clues: I’m neither white, nor wealthy.

12 years ago

You’re still an asshole.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Katz – yes, and this time it seems he’s ready to go. At least, I hope he is, and it’s not just because his Mercedes contract is up.

12 years ago

lol @Joe

Well, let’s see, you constantly complain about immigrants in Britain, you have bragged multiple times about how you used to make a massive salary, own a house debt-free, and have invested heavily in gold, and that you only have a lower-mid income because you choose to work in SEO.

12 years ago

Oh, and you apparently have a Ph D! Sounds like you’re struggling there, champ.

Now that you’ve tried for the derail, here’s the Question again:

Does it bother you that all major MRA writers have advocated for more rape, violence, and child abuse in society? Why or why not?

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Ugh – What a crock of Bullshit! Lies! And Distortions! That you obviously, pathetically, believe because you’ve only ever read anything I’ve written through the biased filter of your preconceptions. *slowhandclap*

Point 1) – LIE. I won’t even dignify that racist BS. You racist shit, Ugh.
Point 2) – LIE. I used to make a lot only compared to any other time in my life. Compared to the average wage in the Western world it was very ordinary, never “massive”. And I’ve never described it as such.
Point 3) – LIE. I’ve never, ever owned a house, debt-free or otherwise. You might be confusing house with “home”. Here’s a clue: not just houses are “homes”.
Point 4) – DISTORTION. I’ve never, ever had enough money to invest “heavily” in anything, by the standard of the West.

By the way, don’t think I haven’t noticed that all you ever do is make ad hominem attacks, you utter wanker.

12 years ago

Joe, it’s past your bedtime, pumpkin. You’re getting cranky.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Ugh – fuck you! And fuck your BS presumptive question!

Given that I KNOW you misrepresent and OUTRIGHT LIE about ME – how could you possibly imagine that I’d take you or your word seriously about alltheMRAwritingevAR!??

You have as much credibility with me as a 419 fraudster.

Hey Ugh, here’s a question for you:
Have you stopped fucking dogs yet? Well, have you? ANSWER THE QUESTION UGH!!
