$MONEY$ antifeminism beta males evil women hypergamy life before feminism misandry misogyny PUA straw feminists

Life Before Feminism: Elliot and His Charge Dodger, er, Dodge Charger


A blast from the past. Elliot is (inadvertently) DHV-ing out the wazoo! That’s Demonstrating Higher Value, for those not hep to Pickup Artist lingo.

This isn’t, strictly speaking, “life before feminism.” It’s life just as the second wave of feminism was getting going. Indeed, the rather forward women in the ad are essentially Madison Avenue’s version of liberated women.

And this  seems to be how most MRAs continue to see feminism today — as an elaborate plot designed to allow bossy, manipulative, “hypergamous” “empowered females” to better exploit hard-working beta men.

The ad is of course insulting to both men and women, but I imagine any MRA viewers who stop by will only see the misandry.

But, hey, it is a pretty cool car.

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12 years ago

“You could be dodgy as fuck!”

12 years ago

I finally was able to watch that ad and a) wow the proiduction values were bad back then, b) that guy is a terrible actor and c) what’s with the woman changing clothes in the process of getting into the car?

Is the fact that she’s wearing pants (eventually) rather than a dress meant to say something about how liberated she is?

12 years ago

I’m not crazy about that Charger, but at least it’s far better than the new ones. The cops here replaced all their Crown Vics with new Chargers a couple years ago, and I can’t stand the things. They’re such aggressive, angry looking cars.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

First time I ever heard of the Cube or saw one, I thought it was just a nickname my friend had given her car. It was quite a surprise that it really was the car’s name. I’ve usually no idea about cars in general (well, I’ll recognise a Mini or a VW Beetle) – I never learned to drive and haven’t the money to run, let alone buy, one, so they’re in the bracket of “things to be avoided by pedestrians” mostly.

Though I did enjoy Formula One when Schumacher drove for Ferrari. 🙂

12 years ago

The “Thing” has a weird place in my heart due to a bizarre conversation I had.

The phrase “Douchewaffle” was used.

The image that came to my mind was a group of Belgian Nazi fratboys: hot-pink short-sleved uniforms with aviator sunglasses, popped collars, and caps askew, driving around in a out low-riding Volkswagen 181 with neon undercarriage lights, and a horn that plays Wagner.

My mind is a very odd place.

12 years ago

The Edsel., actually, was a case of name (not great) and awful marketing. Apparently it was actually a good car. I’ve known people who had one, and they loved them.

My first car was a 5-speed 1981 Corolla hatchback. Thing was almost indesructable. Almost…. got the thermostat replaced and they disolodged the low-pressure sensor on the oil. I threw a rod. :/

12 years ago

I also put something like 18,000 miles a year on it for five years before that. I got it in 1989.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

Today is the 19th November:

Happy International Men’s Day!

What did you do to celebrate good blokes you like or admire, today?
What did you do to help a man, or men in general, today?

12 years ago

Isn’t every day men’s day?

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

Ha! Just watched the advert – it’d be a good setup for a comedy-horror…

Either Eliot gets eaten by the vampire / werewolf women in the next scene… Gf finds car with a few half-eaten body parts and one blood filled shoe in scene 4… Or if they are succubi, his dessicated corpse, still with a dehydrated stiffy and a rictus grin (comedy-horror-porn)…

Or if they are just plain old cannibals, in which case gf-wearing-A-line-dress rescues him in Act 3…

Or if they are body snatching aliens he comes back to pick up his girlfriend at the start of Act 2, but although he looks the same, he is uttterly changed… “WooooOOOOooooo” :p

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@hellkell – congratulations – you win the “True Life Stereotype” Prize!
It’s a mustache waxing kit. I’m sure you’ll get a lot of use out of it.

You know what was cool today? I plugged International Men’s Day on my FB:
I suggested that peeps might want to donate to a Movember fundraiser (re. prostate and testicular cancer)
or to the Samaritans (what with men being 75% of suicides)
or to (what with men being 40% of DV vics)
and, guess what? not ONE person commented with the typical snark that Hellkell did. In fact, one woman not only “liked” but posted a link to her best beloved’s Movember page.

Positivity – it is out there. Yay. 🙂

12 years ago

Wow, Joe, you must be exhausted after that tough day of internet activism and trying to insult me. Oh, no, I’m a hairy feminist! THE HORROR.

Are you drunk posting again? Seems to be a thing with our asshole troll Brits.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@hellkell – if you’re gonna be a stereotype, sweety, you might as well go the whole hog.
Why just restrict it to your behaviour and speech?

I think you should go for the curly handlebars ‘tache style, myself. And a monocle. Those work well together.

12 years ago

I celebrated by not telling the male who cut me off during a meeting that he was being an asshole.

I also quoted Harry S. Truman on politics.

Otherwise, I agree with Hellkell, every day is men’s day.

12 years ago

Joe, you really shouldn’t post when you’re drunk. It makes you even more incomprehensible.

If you’re calling me manly as an insult, wouldn’t that be misandric to you MRA jerkoffs?

12 years ago

Surely any good MRA should be telling hellkell to repent her evil feminist ways and become a real woman by braiding her mustache and tying the ends with little pink ribbons.

(It’s what, not quite 1am in the UK? Way too early for Joe to be this incoherent. Get it together, dude.))

12 years ago

Cassandra, I was planning on braiding the leg and pit hair and adding ribbons, don’t you think ‘stache ribbons would be overkill?

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

I’m sorry Princessbobon, but Hellkell beat you to the “True Life Stereotype” prize. Well done on being runner-up tho’!

How does it feel to be a seamless part of a hive mind that just repeats the same meaningless knee-jerk phrases over and over again? Is it comforting? Does it give you the warm fuzzies?

What was your Truman quote?
I know I’m asking you to stand out from the herd now, but be brave, you can do it!

12 years ago

Hmm, you have a point. Maybe a bit of subtle glitter on the stache for extra femininity instead.

12 years ago

How does it feel to be a seamless part of a hive mind that just repeats the same meaningless knee-jerk phrases over and over again? Is it comforting? Does it give you the warm fuzzies?

We could ask you the same thing about being an MRA and a tin-foil hat wearing woo humper, but we really don’t care.

12 years ago

Cassandra, I know! I’ll get some of that colored mascara for the mustache. Eleganza!

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@hellkell – I’m not insulting you by suggesting you’re “manly”. There’s nothing at all wrong with being a manly woman (I know a few), nor with being a womanish man (ditto).

It’s not that I’m incomprehensible, it’s that you’re wilfully obtuse, or thick. Or both.

Here’s a clue: look up the word “stereotype”. Then take a look in the mirror, and own it.

You might also want to read up some Oscar Wilde or Dorothy Parker and try to get in the swing of the whole wordplay / riff-on-a-theme thing. Then maybe you won’t be such a lame duck in bright conversation.

12 years ago

Behold, my contribution to your ‘stache beautification program.

12 years ago

Joe, you giving conversation pointers is beyond ironic. This isn’t a bright conversation if you’re in it.

12 years ago

Though I did enjoy Formula One when Schumacher drove for Ferrari. 🙂

Poor Schumacher is having a terrible last season, though; he didn’t finish 8 of the races 🙁 I wish he would get to leave F1 on a better note.