In an interview a few years back with The Sun magazine, atheist bigwig Sam Harris had this to say about the comparable (de)merits of religion and rape:
If I could wave a magic wand and get rid of either rape or religion, I would not hesitate to get rid of religion.
You can read the whole interview starting here.
And some people wonder why so many atheists have broken with Harris and the rest of the Old School New Atheist Boys Club to start Atheism Plus.
EDITED TO ADD: Hadn’t noticed that the interview was from 2006, so maybe this is old news to a lot of atheists. Still horrible.
In case there was any doubt that you’re a sexist douchebag.
Do I get a prize for making the troll pop?
But yes! Here’s a kitty:
Yay kitty! This makes it all worthwhile.
I’m loving how you’ll all scoff at Hitch and yet sit, slack-jawed, at videos of fucking KITTENS on Youtube. This is hilarious, or would be if it weren’t so sad. Our literary culture really is in the toilet. I’ll continue to appreciate good stuff, thanks.
Best. Flounce. EVER.
Now, can he stick it?
He’s already failed, as we all predicted, and is now back with bonus petulance.
I liked the part where you said that the people disagreeing with you hadn’t read Hitchens, and were over-emotional and slack-jawed when you spent a week having an extended hissy-fit over a hero you hadn’t even heard of until less than a year ago while ignoring those people having a discussion about literature.
Now tell me again how preferring to read the mental masturbation of someone I find to be morally repugnant means that the world is going to end.
In Cassandra’s stupid fartworld, I guess petulance refers to appreciation for sublimity, even if it deviates from your little politically correct femosphere shi. I’m still LOLing at the person who favorably compared PZ Myers to Hitch. Yes, Myers is a feminist, circlejerk over that if you must, but it says nothing about his writing, which is mediocre and banal.
Come on Nat, we all know it’s not “literature” if it’s written by women.
Oh you just keep reading “the good stuff” Skytroll!!
*wipes tears from eyes*
Yes, it is actually impossible to read quality literature and also like cute animals. These things cannot coexist together.
There is certainly no pictures that exist of great literary figures with small children or animals. Obviously great literature requires shunning any forms of cuteness.
….okay, this is silly. I have been just a tad strident with Skyrimjob, I admit, but as I said before, a lot of that is because, um, I used to be him. But at this point I’m just plain baffled… the best way to defend the ‘literary genius’ is to cry ’emotional’ ‘too much cute kitten’ ‘you’re just too dumb to appreciate him!’
Hm. If he really is that great, could you maybe try to live up to that greatness? Think of something original to say that totally addresses what we’ve said and undermines it? I mean, that would be quite a feat, all things considered.
Claims not to be petulant while saying someone lives in a ‘stupid fartworld’. You could not make this shit up. Please tell us more about how our culture is in the toilet, oh wise one.
“Stupid fartworld”…. Oh, son.
You know, fuck you. Fuck you. I know this place is an echo chamber, but I didn’t realize it had gone so far as to dictate an official Man Boobz Entertainment Taste. A taste that is, of course, informed by feminism. And whatever, feminist crap is fine as a political position, but I’ve started reading Harold Bloom too, and it’s like he says- to experience the sublime, you have to suspend your political beliefs.
“Stupid fartworld”
Watch out, we got an intellectual giant over here!
SkyRAL appears to be having a hard time restraining his innate tendency to throw tantrums. It really is the Radiohead conversation all over again.
“You lack intellectual rigor because you look at cute cats! And you live a FARTWORLD!!”
Skytroll, try reading Faust as written by Goethe if your looking for some particularly cutting insults and curses.
Or you know, Shakespears curses are on the interwebs, and you can get one randomly generated. Or you could read Hamlet, and lift something from there.
Um, yeah, there is a Taste Test that you have to take when you join.
And I failed. But I’ve been studying up for the test, and I think I can pass on the re-test.
“In fact, the cats are the reason that you live in the fartworld. WTF is the feminist cabal brainwashing you into feeding them?
Also fuck you, FUCK YOU…fartworld.”
How are we supposed to take seriously your claims to Hitch’s objective writing genius when you repeatedly demonstrate such poor reading comprehension? You’re not exactly demonstrating that yours in an opinion we can trust…
Yeah, saying we don’t like the exact same things you like is JUST LIKE an echo chamber. No one even has a problem with you liking Hitchens, it’s your insistence that if we don’t we’re big stupid doo-doo heads that’s the problem. As you have now been told repeatedly. For fucks sake, you utter child.
It’s fine to have differing tastes. I know that Hitch is not for everyone. But you need a legitimate reason to dislike him, not “I disagreed with him sometimes”.
Some people place the most weight on the quality of the writing, while others place more weight on the content. I see nothing wrong with this.
But good job reducing the oppression of women and Hitch’s gleeful participation in it to petty disagreements. It’s not like sexism has a direct effect on our lives, or anything.