antifeminism creepy douchebaggery hypocrisy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men PUA rhymes with roosh twitter

“Wherever i turn there is a pair of titties mocking me, looking at me with it’s poking eyes,” and other actual PUA.txts

Old School PUA.txt

There’s a new blog out there that I think a lot of you will appreciate. I would say “enjoy,” but your enjoyment of it will no doubt alternate with despair over the future of the human race. Which makes it sort of like this blog!

Anyway, the blog is called PUA.txt, and, as the name suggests, it features horrible quotes taken from forums and other websites where would-be pickup artists like to congregate.

My favorite quote, of all those featured there, is probably this exceedingly whiny one from The Venusian Arts forum, in which a PUA by the name of Rick Tiero defends another commenter who refers to women as sluts. While other PUAs there are annoyed by the slut basher – because calling women “sluts” makes them defensive and less likely to want to have sex with PUAs — Rick has a different take. Addressing himself to one of the forum’s few female members, he writes:

Don’t try to judge him, you don’t know what the fuck he’s been through. Stuff like that can come from fucked up parents or even kindergardens that forcefeed small boys with religion and evil feminist propaganda, totaly destroying someones sexlife in the later years.

Of all the guys in here, very few are here by choice. You feminists have created spank for your own ass by compromising genderoles for ages now, don’t bitch about it. You women ruined our fun first by being a somewhat moral police yourselves! It is called bad karma.

No man wants to do whats wrong with women, they have been taught wrong by a society in genderless chaos created by the feminist movement, a movement so selfish and evil that I like to compare it to the new age nazis. In this society women are expected to not show body because a man is supposed to like her for her personality, like a woman likes a man.

It is doomed to fail, because people are not built that way. I bet OP has seen alot of porn and wouldn’t mind fucking all of the women in that room, even the fattie, bacause it’s nice for a change. Deep inside of him there is a good PUA just waiting to surface anytime soon.

And you women should really be more understanding to prude men! Put your self in my shoes! I can search for vegetables on the internet and find “Gorgeous teen playing with a cuecumber” And for me being a guy, that is something I’d like to watch!

Man! I can’t even go to the store and buy myself some bread without walking by the magazines with naked women all over it. It’s like wherever i turn there is a pair of titties mocking me, looking at me with it’s poking eyes. In the local park they have made this figure of a naked woman, but it’s made of stone. You women don’t have to go through any of that.

Yep, that’s right, it’s that old argument: Sexy women oppress men with their sexiness!

The most horrifying comment I’ve found on PUA.txt so far is probably this one from RooshV’s forum about the pros and cons of having sex with disabled women:

Yeah, I’m not even going to touch that one.

There’s also a PUA.txt twitter account, which features still more horrible quotes. (I only wish it provided links to the sources of the quotes like the blog does.) Here are some of its greatest hits so far.

PS: Do any of you ladies know where the nearest bank is? I need to drop off some gold.


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12 years ago

RE: Thermos H. Christ

…*cocks head* That’s a bit of a generalization, ain’t it? And I say this as someone who avoids the vast majority of tumblr.

I mean, I found art reference for water balloon physics on there, plus body types of various major league athletes! That’s tough to find!

2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago

A cuecumber is a difficult-to-deliver line that immediately precedes “[CHARACTER] ENTERS STAGE LEFT”

With regard to Movember, I’m looking forward to Decembeard and subsequently, Januhairy.

12 years ago

Dude, as much as I abhor a certain segment of the social justice crowd of tumblr who take things WAY too far, I like a lot of fandom blogs. Also, I thought the English Bishounen du jour was currently Tom Hiddleston.

12 years ago

Actually I’ve been thinking that Thermos the Dour might be a returning troll who’s been asked to go away many times. Has some of his tells.

12 years ago

@2-D Man

I’d seen “Manuary” in that joke before, but Januhairy’s good. Less gender-essentialist. Feb-you’re-hairy and Moustarch came after, of course.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I saw shelves full of Spam this very day. Woolworths (aka Safeway) supermarkets. It must be pretty mainstream here if that lot stock it. 😛

Gah, now I have the Spam sketch going through my head. Lovely Spam, wonderful Spam …

LBT, happy anniversary and happy birthday!

Kitty derail: just got Fribbie’s blood test results back. She’s got hyperthyroidism, but it’s not too bad. Tablets twice a day for her from now on! I’m very relieved that it’s something treatable. Weight loss and the rest are worrying at her age.

12 years ago

RE; CassandraSays

…I really hope this isn’t who I thought.

Thermos H. Christ
Thermos H. Christ
12 years ago

The point is that the shitheap known as Tumblr doesn’t fill any particular niche except for, apparently, vacuous dumbasses and self-righteous cretins to pontificate on their particular hobbyhorses, whatever those may be. It’s sort of like the iTampon that way.

12 years ago

Cassandra, I was thinking that the other day.

12 years ago

Thermos, you’re not fooling anyone.

12 years ago

RE: Kittehs’ Unpaid Help

I’ll relay the well wishes! And thanks, I’m glad. It’s been a very rough year, so I’m happy to have something to celebrate.

12 years ago

Imma let you finish, but neither Hiddleston nor Cumberbatch, sexy as they are, are pretty enough to qualify as bishounen. If you want “pretty boy” and “British” I’d vote for Andrew Garfield or James McAvoy.

12 years ago

Twinkies will still be manufactured and sold. They vulture capitalists are parting out Hostess and selling off the bits. They may not be able to run a business but they sure do know how to cook ande eat up every bite and boil down the bones for soup.

12 years ago

Do we mean the person who was fond of a certain heavyish US hipster novelist and a particular fantasy series?

12 years ago

RE: Thermos H. Christ

We get it. You don’t like tumblr. Don’t worry, there’s a whole wide expanse of Internet Elsewhere you can play on. How about you enjoy your part of the Internet, and we enjoy ours, and everybody’s happy?

12 years ago

Also, Spam exists in stores here, it just isn’t very popular. The only time I’ve eaten it since childhood was as Spam musubi in Hawaii.

12 years ago

Which troll is thermos again? Or is he one of the ones from before I started commenting?

12 years ago

RE: lowquacks

The guy who couldn’t let go and had been coming and going during like, my whole first six months here? And took a bajillion socks and couldn’t understand why we kept banning him?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

::raises imaginary glass of champagne in genuine toast to LBT & husband::

Cassandra, exactly! It kind of comes as a surprise to me to think of people going straight to “I’d bed that person” without any thought of what they’re like – not in fantasy, but in real life, actually seeing a stranger that way. It’s so different from my perspective I can’t quite get my head around it – and when I first read about it felt decidely squicky: “Geez I hope nobody ever thought about me that way! Ewwww!” 😀

Thermos H. Christ
Thermos H. Christ
12 years ago

@katz, my mockery of Tumblr is hard truth, not mockery. Truth equals respect for the person you’re talking to. Tumblr is literally the scourge of the Internet, and the more people here the message, the better.

12 years ago

Sow night at BU, Thermos?

12 years ago


12 years ago

My (from Hawaii) coworker makes Spam sushi!

Hey, it’s LBT. [waves]

12 years ago

RE: Thermos

The LITERAL scourge?

Aw, come on! You act like you’ve never seen 4chan or or something…

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