antifeminism creepy douchebaggery hypocrisy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men PUA rhymes with roosh twitter

“Wherever i turn there is a pair of titties mocking me, looking at me with it’s poking eyes,” and other actual PUA.txts

Old School PUA.txt

There’s a new blog out there that I think a lot of you will appreciate. I would say “enjoy,” but your enjoyment of it will no doubt alternate with despair over the future of the human race. Which makes it sort of like this blog!

Anyway, the blog is called PUA.txt, and, as the name suggests, it features horrible quotes taken from forums and other websites where would-be pickup artists like to congregate.

My favorite quote, of all those featured there, is probably this exceedingly whiny one from The Venusian Arts forum, in which a PUA by the name of Rick Tiero defends another commenter who refers to women as sluts. While other PUAs there are annoyed by the slut basher – because calling women “sluts” makes them defensive and less likely to want to have sex with PUAs — Rick has a different take. Addressing himself to one of the forum’s few female members, he writes:

Don’t try to judge him, you don’t know what the fuck he’s been through. Stuff like that can come from fucked up parents or even kindergardens that forcefeed small boys with religion and evil feminist propaganda, totaly destroying someones sexlife in the later years.

Of all the guys in here, very few are here by choice. You feminists have created spank for your own ass by compromising genderoles for ages now, don’t bitch about it. You women ruined our fun first by being a somewhat moral police yourselves! It is called bad karma.

No man wants to do whats wrong with women, they have been taught wrong by a society in genderless chaos created by the feminist movement, a movement so selfish and evil that I like to compare it to the new age nazis. In this society women are expected to not show body because a man is supposed to like her for her personality, like a woman likes a man.

It is doomed to fail, because people are not built that way. I bet OP has seen alot of porn and wouldn’t mind fucking all of the women in that room, even the fattie, bacause it’s nice for a change. Deep inside of him there is a good PUA just waiting to surface anytime soon.

And you women should really be more understanding to prude men! Put your self in my shoes! I can search for vegetables on the internet and find “Gorgeous teen playing with a cuecumber” And for me being a guy, that is something I’d like to watch!

Man! I can’t even go to the store and buy myself some bread without walking by the magazines with naked women all over it. It’s like wherever i turn there is a pair of titties mocking me, looking at me with it’s poking eyes. In the local park they have made this figure of a naked woman, but it’s made of stone. You women don’t have to go through any of that.

Yep, that’s right, it’s that old argument: Sexy women oppress men with their sexiness!

The most horrifying comment I’ve found on PUA.txt so far is probably this one from RooshV’s forum about the pros and cons of having sex with disabled women:

Yeah, I’m not even going to touch that one.

There’s also a PUA.txt twitter account, which features still more horrible quotes. (I only wish it provided links to the sources of the quotes like the blog does.) Here are some of its greatest hits so far.

PS: Do any of you ladies know where the nearest bank is? I need to drop off some gold.


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12 years ago

Also ew @ the ad suggesting that bustiness or tallness or prettiness or dark-hairedness are somehow important personality indicators.

12 years ago

Speaking of unions:

I am hoping the workers can strike and force those fuckers to their knees. Especially after I read about their “compensation plan” that fucks over everyone who works there.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

November? Pah, I remember the days of 3XY and Rocktober!

::slams walking stick on floor::

12 years ago

RE: hellkell

HEY! *wave* Long time no text!

RE: Creative Writing Student


12 years ago


At least one radio station down here does that. There’s also Truckary:

12 years ago

Funny about the unions; I’ve been reading a lot of labor/anarchist/student protest history lately.

12 years ago

I won’t miss Twinkies, but I may grieve for Hostess Fruit Pies. At least, for the hilariously awful ads they ran in comic books.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Truckary? OMG I don’t want to know! 😀

12 years ago

So here’s my beef: Making fun of assholes is awesome, obviously, but the whole Tumblr cottage industry of online mockery slips very quickly from making fun of people because they need to get taken down a notch to making fun of people because I’m cool and awesome and not like them.

Mocking people for being douchebags is fine. Mocking people for being stupid? Waaaay sketchier. And it quickly moves on to mocking people for being part of subcultures or online communities I’m not part of, liking things I don’t like, and generally not being me because I’m better than them.

I’ve found this a lot, for having the reputation of being the more progressive meme factory on the internet, you get a lot of mean-spiritedness. I’ve actually seen people on tumblr openly and unironically claim that you can’t be a true feminist unless you’re a misandrist. I get kind of sad when I see things like that, because it tells me that either that person legitimately believes that two wrongs make a right, or that they’re using social justice as a vent for anguish in some other area of their life. This is also why I love SRS, for their reputation, the mods do a very good job of rooting out plainly mean spirited posts and comments and just let the mockery and jerking continue untainted by bigotry in any form.

12 years ago

Although “Rocktober” just means “rather than exclusively playing The Eagles and anything non-offensive to Gen X people that scrapes into the top 40, we’ll play an Aerosmith or Jet track once an hour.”

12 years ago

I’ve actually seen people on tumblr openly and unironically claim that you can’t be a true feminist unless you’re a misandrist.

Sounds a bit joke-y though… wouldn’t anyone trying to tell people how to be a real feminist know that “misandry” isn’t really a thing? I thought stuff like that was part of the same tradition of the hilarious joke that atheists eat babies or the spermjacking/foreskin thing from SRS>

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Gen Xers were still at primary school when 3XY’s Roctober got going. (I’m an absolute tail-end boomer m’self.) Ah, the days of AM radio. Which, come to think of it, was about the last time I listened to it. 😛

12 years ago

That’s not to say that tumblr does not have it’s fair share of overenthusiastic baby-feminists and paedopologists and transracial otherkin victims of demisexual oppression (it’s a useful category; being demisexual just isn’t really something that’s looked down on to the level of most of things it’s compared to), though.

12 years ago


The ones who say that tend to be teenagers who are just reading about feminism for the first time. I could have been reading too much into it though.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago


I don’t either… all I know is that the truth shall make ye fret. Good thing most of the words in that list were completely meaningless.

When I was younger I used to think the orange filling in Jaffa Cakes was called the ‘Jaffa’…

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I’d have thought most people (if they’d heard of demisexual at all) would think “becoming sexually attracted to someone only after forming a relationship” was pretty much part of the basic sexual spectrum, be it homosexual, heterosexual or anything else. I was sort of surprised to see it referred to as something separate.

The feminist/misandrist thing reminds me of the old joke about if you’re not a misanthrope when you go into customer service, you soon will be. (True, totally true!) /snark

12 years ago


Hey, I’ll call myself misandrist if it annoys the sort of people who think misandry’s a thing and don’t seem likely to be disavowed of that notion anytime soon. It’s great fun 🙂


That’s surprising. I don’t know why, but I thought of you as being in your early-to-mid-40’s.

12 years ago

Urgh, tumblr. There’s a reason I generally make a rule to only use it for art, history trivia, and shiny things. Politics will only slightly graze me, usually when I use it as an excuse to link to old union music or something.

12 years ago

The NaNoWriMo thing is out of line. People are allowed to be terrible at their hobbies, it’s part of what hobbies are for. Go ahead and mock pro writers who get shitty books published, they have put themselves out there for that but hobbiests get to write shitty stuff because they are still learning the craft and doing it for fun not profit.

Now if your hobby is being a PUA which is not harmless like writing a novel or playing puzzle games (one of my hobbies) then you deserve mocking.

12 years ago
12 years ago

I find that a good chunk of the social justice segment of tumblr is just kind of doing it wrong. For example, quite a few of the autism awareness blogs I follow actually defend self-diagnosis as being just as legitimate as a professional diagnosis. I understand not having access to professionals if you suspect that you might have a disorder, but I highly doubt that this will be the case for your entire life, until you have a diagnosis, please just stay an ally.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

@lowquacks – it’s mah kitties, they keep me young! 😀 Nah, I’ll be 50 next birthday.

I have a wonderful image now of creeping up on an MRA and yelling “BOO! I’M A MISANDRIST!” in his ear, and running away.

12 years ago

The Kittehs’ Unpaid Help

I ID demi, and mostly I use it because I’m a fairly intense sort. I’m like that one kinda vulture that mates for life. People think when I say I’m mono, they mean serially mono, and I’m like, no, you don’t understand. When I say mono, I mean MONO, in the most literal translation of the word.

For a long time, I felt like this meant I was repressed or somehow missing out. Discovering the name demi was actually a nice relief, because it gave me an easy out from the “ace, except for this one very specific person” explanation.

12 years ago

Also with regards to hostess, I never cared much for twinkies, and I never tried zingers. I won’t be too devastated if they do liquidate as long as I can still get McVities Jaffa Cakes.

12 years ago

If the twinkie’s a thing of the past now, is gay slang going to have to evolve?