antifeminism creepy douchebaggery hypocrisy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men PUA rhymes with roosh twitter

“Wherever i turn there is a pair of titties mocking me, looking at me with it’s poking eyes,” and other actual PUA.txts

Old School PUA.txt

There’s a new blog out there that I think a lot of you will appreciate. I would say “enjoy,” but your enjoyment of it will no doubt alternate with despair over the future of the human race. Which makes it sort of like this blog!

Anyway, the blog is called PUA.txt, and, as the name suggests, it features horrible quotes taken from forums and other websites where would-be pickup artists like to congregate.

My favorite quote, of all those featured there, is probably this exceedingly whiny one from The Venusian Arts forum, in which a PUA by the name of Rick Tiero defends another commenter who refers to women as sluts. While other PUAs there are annoyed by the slut basher – because calling women “sluts” makes them defensive and less likely to want to have sex with PUAs — Rick has a different take. Addressing himself to one of the forum’s few female members, he writes:

Don’t try to judge him, you don’t know what the fuck he’s been through. Stuff like that can come from fucked up parents or even kindergardens that forcefeed small boys with religion and evil feminist propaganda, totaly destroying someones sexlife in the later years.

Of all the guys in here, very few are here by choice. You feminists have created spank for your own ass by compromising genderoles for ages now, don’t bitch about it. You women ruined our fun first by being a somewhat moral police yourselves! It is called bad karma.

No man wants to do whats wrong with women, they have been taught wrong by a society in genderless chaos created by the feminist movement, a movement so selfish and evil that I like to compare it to the new age nazis. In this society women are expected to not show body because a man is supposed to like her for her personality, like a woman likes a man.

It is doomed to fail, because people are not built that way. I bet OP has seen alot of porn and wouldn’t mind fucking all of the women in that room, even the fattie, bacause it’s nice for a change. Deep inside of him there is a good PUA just waiting to surface anytime soon.

And you women should really be more understanding to prude men! Put your self in my shoes! I can search for vegetables on the internet and find “Gorgeous teen playing with a cuecumber” And for me being a guy, that is something I’d like to watch!

Man! I can’t even go to the store and buy myself some bread without walking by the magazines with naked women all over it. It’s like wherever i turn there is a pair of titties mocking me, looking at me with it’s poking eyes. In the local park they have made this figure of a naked woman, but it’s made of stone. You women don’t have to go through any of that.

Yep, that’s right, it’s that old argument: Sexy women oppress men with their sexiness!

The most horrifying comment I’ve found on PUA.txt so far is probably this one from RooshV’s forum about the pros and cons of having sex with disabled women:

Yeah, I’m not even going to touch that one.

There’s also a PUA.txt twitter account, which features still more horrible quotes. (I only wish it provided links to the sources of the quotes like the blog does.) Here are some of its greatest hits so far.

PS: Do any of you ladies know where the nearest bank is? I need to drop off some gold.


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Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago


My mother, who likes to think of herself as ‘progressive’ and ‘liberal’, told me not to do this around my ex. Apparently he looked ‘shocked’, like “my angel has bodily functions?!”

OTOH, if I’d done everything the way he wanted it, I’d have turned into a neurotic clone of him instead of my usual neurotic self. So *shrug*.

My current boyfriend is very accepting of the notion of pooping women, possibly because he’s seen the toilet at my flat. It’s basically a chemical wasteland because of continued blockages.

12 years ago

I have taken part in a boob volume measuring exercise (for science!) And you can get a pretty good approximation of breast volume by getting a container which you know the volume of, filling it to the brim with water, kneeling over it and dipping the breast in, then measuring the remaining water to discover the volume displaced. Dry off and repeat for other side.

We called it the ‘brachemidies test.’

12 years ago

I knew immersion was going to be involved.

12 years ago

Just going to point out these comments in quick succession:

My current boyfriend is very accepting of the notion of pooping women, possibly because he’s seen the toilet at my flat. It’s basically a chemical wasteland because of continued blockages.

I knew immersion was going to be involved.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

I wish there was a good, short and succinct way to describe those expectations and explain how they’re not realistic that doesn’t marginalize anyone.

I read the original comment as “normal ways bodies of any type behave” not “normal women” or anything exclusive. Just “bodies have floppy bits and please don’t take porn as either a standard or a guideline to the great variety of human shapes”.

Backtracking a bit –

Having some type of label is moderately comforting, in part because I know now that other people have similar experiences. I’m not broken, there isn’t something wrong with me, I don’t need medicine, or the right man or the right sexual orientation or whatever. And I did spend some of my youth thinking that something was very wrong with me.

Which is of course the best reason for a variety of labels! 🙂 Like, I was so pleased to read LBT’s comments on this subject, ’cause it gave me a bit of a cyber-high-five moment to read someone else describing a form of sexual attraction and feelings about the matter so very like my own. That doesn’t happen often, I tell ya.

12 years ago

I once read an interview with a British porn actress who went to California to try her luck, and was told to onto the roof of the production company’s building to get an all-over tan, a process that involved sunbathing alongside her potential future colleagues.

She couldn’t help but notice that her breasts were the only ones that behaved normally when their owner was lying on her back – all the others were rigidly pointing skywards.

12 years ago

Tiny A-cups here that, as I said, remain “firm and pert” when I’m standing up without a bra, but they DO travel towards my armpits if I’m lying down on my back. I think that’s just how humans are made. There’s sinew and stuff that manages to keep at least tiny boobs up without a bra when you’re standing or sitting, but when you’re lying on your back there’s no built-in support system to keep them from falling to the sides. That would require some sinew attached to the chest bone and around the boobs, and to my knowledge there just isn’t some.

But I know at least some plastic surgeons put boob implants behind the breast muscles, wich would mean actual muscle tissue is stretched out into the boobs (while natural boobs contain no muscle tissue at all, just fat and mammary glands)… I can see how that would make the boobs so firm that they stay put even if you lie down.

Re labelling, maybe it would be good in a way if the label “demi” for people who only wanna bonk their LTR partner became wide spread, since that would imply that women who get horny over strangers or simply horny outside of LTR are perfectly normal. As a teenage girl you get the message over and over again that you’re not supposed to be interested in sex unless you’ve met you’re one true love, so it would be easy for a super-horny teenage girl to conclude that she was abnormal. I remember both me and my most trusted girl-friend at the time spending our entire teenage years in a state of more or less perpetual horniness and drooling over hot people (and eventually slutting around too). But suppose you had no trusted girl-friends, or the one you had were either a real demi or pretending to be one – then you might totally end up feeling like a freak.

12 years ago

Further thoughts regarding asexual/sexual… There’s this common trope in pop culture about the woman who’s completely uninterested in sex until she meets her one true love and suddenly explodes in orgasms all over the place, which must also be harmful to asexual women. When it comes to men on the other hand, they’re basically always sexual from the start.
And that’s one of the things I like with British comic Judge Dredd. The judges have a celibacy rule, and over the years we’ve seen that some judges have a hard time dealing with that. It’s never been an issue for Dredd himself though. Since time passes in the comic at the same pace it does in real life, Dredd was pretty young in his first stories and is now way past sixty. And in all these years, he’s never been romantically or sexually interested in anyone. He’s had long-term female partners in the job; most notably Judge Hershey, who eventually rose to the post of being Chief Judge (that’s also pretty cool btw; a tough and competent woman as the executive power in their society). They’ve worked together for years, been saving each others lives etc, and it’s been completely platonic all along.
It’s not that I MIND reading or viewing stories where a man and a woman are partners/colleagues/friends and end up falling in love… that happens quite a lot in real life too, people often pair up at work. It’s just cool to see something different for a change.

12 years ago

I can’t help wondering how hard all this stuff must be for men who’re either asexual or not comfortable with the idea of sex with people they don’t know very well. There’s such a strong expectation that they’ll be up for anything right from “hello” that is must be very uncomfortable for those who really aren’t.

On the trope Dvarg is talking about, the basic idea seems to be that the female libido works like an on/off switch, and only your magic penis can switch a woman on if she’s a “nice” woman. Which is bad for pretty much all women, since the underlying idea is that the women’s sexuality should exist only in ways that are convenient for whatever man wants to fuck her, or not, at any given moment. The whole idea is just so weird and controlling.

12 years ago

Yeah, it must be really hard for asexual/demisexual men. But also hard for asexual women who fall deeply in love with someone… if that someone then thinks that if it’s true love, she’s gonna stop being asexual from now on and be super-sexual with HIM.

12 years ago

Basically a textbook example of how patriarchal ideas about sexuality mess things up for everyone.

12 years ago

The way Pillowinhell describes herself is the way all “real women” were supposed to be when I was young, which meant I hid and lied a lot. My mother (since I brought her up before) was a terrible inquisitor about whether I might be feeling any sensations in my panties other than the occasional urge to urinate. All the same, the psychobabble insisted that when a woman “gave herself” for “love” (women were always supposed to sappily “fall in love” with their sexual “possessors”), she would feel some deep, mystical “thrill of surrender”, where her identity would be lost in that of the superior being. A woman who felt either nothing or pleasure was, in the first case, “frigid”, and in the second case, “immature” and “clitoroidal”, implying she was a castrating bitch who was secretly Lesbian. Mumsie, who had raised me rather cloisteredly but in any case with the expectation tat I was an intelligent human being who could accomplish things in the world, suddenly turned on me with this stuff and with garbage about how if I didn’t get married and pop out vicious children right away, I would be “unfulfilled” and”not a real woman”. She’d chase me with a drunken smirk and keep hammering me with this stuff until I lost it, and then she’d say, “Well, I can’t help it if you’re so neurotic!” And let us not forget the, “Every woman has a horseshoe magnet in her panties and every man has a steel bar in his Jockeys, and that’s why the Double Standard is Good and NATURAL! And if every man isn’t trying to get into your panties all the time, the way they have always done with MEEE, that’s because you’re Not A Real Woman and maybe I should take you to the doctor for monkey gland shots!”

Why didn’t I leave? I did four years of college in three so I could, and then, because the age of majority was then twenty-one, she prevented me even as I was packing.

12 years ago

All this stuff about other people’s parents is making me really appreciate mine. My Dad is a great guy, and my Mum never made me feel the slightest bit guilty about having sexual feelings, or like there would be something wrong with me if I didn’t.

On of my funniest teenage memories of my Mum was when my friend and I were watching this big music festival on TV and she wandered in while a particular band was performing, and the camera zoomed in on their leather pants-clad bass player. My Mom’s response? “Damn, that guy has a great ass!”

Thanks, parents, for not putting me through any unnecessary mental anguish about sex.

12 years ago

Strangely for me, my not even knowing asexuality existed led to some rather promiscuous behavior. I was convinced I just hadn’t met my type. But no, that’s not how it works for me.

12 years ago

I can’t help wondering how hard all this stuff must be for men who’re either asexual or not comfortable with the idea of sex with people they don’t know very well. There’s such a strong expectation that they’ll be up for anything right from “hello” that is must be very uncomfortable for those who really aren’t.

I had a college boyfriend who spent most of his adolescence/young adult years fighting off unwanted advances. He was shy, thoughtful, and he liked to get to know people before he let them get close. He was also crazy hot (think Abercrombie model), so some girls seemed to assume that he wanted all the sex, all the time. He described a couple of dates that ended in him being invited in for coffee and then having his shirt ripped off the moment he walked in the door; the worst part was that when he managed to get his clothes back on and explain that, no, he really didn’t want to have sex with someone he’d just met, he then had to either soothe hurt feelings or endure snarky comments about his sexuality until he made it to safety.

So basically, he got prude-shamed. I remember being shocked by those stories. I guess I thought that girls would be more sensitive to the whole idea of consent (I’ve since learned differently, but cut me some slack – I was a very sheltered twenty year old). It still makes me sad to think about it.

12 years ago

I have a friend who’s Abercrombie model hot, and he’s on the abstinence until marriage train. It confuses some people.

12 years ago

So basically, he got prude-shamed. I remember being shocked by those stories. I guess I thought that girls would be more sensitive to the whole idea of consent (I’ve since learned differently, but cut me some slack – I was a very sheltered twenty year old). It still makes me sad to think about it.

I usually assume the same thing, which is probably silly, since all of us have been swimming in the cultural Koolaid that ignores consent being a thing almost all the time, so it’s not like women have an immunity. I’m sorry that happened to your friend, though. I’ve wondered about how many men have ended up having sex not because they really wanted to but because they’ve been conditioned to think they *should* always want to. And in some ways, the male role in a patriarchal system is even more rigidly defined than the female role, and deviating from it in any way can result in a really nasty backlash from other men.

(Which, if the MRM actually gave a shit about something other than whinging about not being allowed to have sex with hot models at will, is a “men’s issue” I wholeheartedly support exploring and fighting against. Patriarchy hurts everyone, men included. Not that the MRM cares.)

12 years ago

I guess I thought that girls would be more sensitive to the whole idea of consent (I’ve since learned differently, but cut me some slack – I was a very sheltered twenty year old).

My best friend’s girlfriend told him that she would not get back with him if he did not agree that eventually he would have sex with her despite his wishing to wait until marriage. I said that was disgusting and I cannot believe he would get back with someone who would be so manipulative and disrespectful of his wishes in the matter. Especially since this is a vow he has kept for nearly 20 years because it is that important to him. *sigh*

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Re labelling, maybe it would be good in a way if the label “demi” for people who only wanna bonk their LTR partner became wide spread, since that would imply that women who get horny over strangers or simply horny outside of LTR are perfectly normal.

I agree entirely that it should be seen as normal for women to be attracted/active outside LTRs, but I really dislike the idea of being exclusive/unattracted as getting a label which automatically implies that’s not normal. I’ve had a lifetime of being told I’m a freak because I’m not interested in other men, and wasn’t even when Mr Kitteh wasn’t available. Demi in that sense would definitely get used as “half” and “lacking”. It’s not entirely that women are expected to be Good Girls; at least here in Australia, there’s plenty of pressure to “put out” (thank the gods I’m past that age) and prude-shaming too.

I like Extreme Monogamy for myself even more. 😉

12 years ago

I’ve wondered about how many men have ended up having sex not because they really wanted to but because they’ve been conditioned to think they *should* always want to.

I think that’s probably happens to hetero guys more than anyone would like to think, at least while they’re young. I remember that even though they segregated us by gender for sex ed (this was the early 90’s), we all watched the boys’ film and the girls’ ones in our separate groups. The female sex video was mostly about waiting until some unspecified date in the distant future to have sex, and how to make a guy respect your boundaries. They male one was about distracting yourself from your urges, and respecting the girl’s boundaries.

As a woman and the mother of a girl, I am all about having female boundaries respected. That still leaves the guys short, though. If that was all the sex ed you got, you’d be left with the idea that hetero men didn’t have boundaries, and that hetero women didn’t have to worry about respecting them. Once again, getting sad…

And now I’m even sadder that I’ve done a google search. The first three pages of hits on “men’s sexual boundaries in dating” were mostly religious websites that explained how women needed to set the boundaries in relationships and make men follow them. A couple of variations on that theme gave the exact same results. The only time I was able to easily find anything about respecting a man’s boundaries in a hetero relationship was when I went directly to Scarleteen and typed “boundaries” into their search box (this is one of many reasons I plan to send my kids directly to that site when they’re a little older).

Which, if the MRM actually gave a shit about something other than whinging about not being allowed to have sex with hot models at will, is a “men’s issue” I wholeheartedly support exploring and fighting against. Patriarchy hurts everyone, men included.

Agreed, 110%. If being implicitly told men’s boundaries aren’t important isn’t misandry, I don’t know what is.

12 years ago

princessbonbon, your best friend’s situation is awful. I hope things get better for him.

12 years ago

I know the bra conversation has passed, but I just have to add this — I don’t wear a bra (uncomfortable and I’m the type to simply stop doing stuff that is even remotely physically uncomfortable *shrugs*), and my boobs are… were… in the mid-to-small category (they were B cup back in the day? I think… but gravity is doing its thing, they’re probably bigger). The number of guys who think it’s their right to tell me I should… wear another shirt, wear a bra (because, I don’t know, I might’ve forgotten its existence?), wear a sports bra (it’s much more comfortable, and of course a dude would know that one better than I), wear a jacket/coat (that one was precious, as it was in the middle of August and we both worked in a factory that processed milk and the temperatures ranged from 30-50°C and we were all soaked but I was supposed to wear a jacket on top of my shirt because boobies), stop WALKING (because poor snowflake was studying and it was hard to focus with me walking around the hallway because he could see my nipples and they looked like they were pierced and just, jesus, eww, too much info) DO SOMETHING because my boobs were there and NOT BEHAVING IN A WAY THAT NORMAL BOOBS AREN’T SUPPOSED TO BEHAVE AND OMG THE HORROR. Note the irony.

12 years ago

I hate to be rude like this, but I think you all should know that LBT’s husband isn’t a separate human being. LBT is a “multiple system” (which I think he’s disclosed to you all before) and his husband is one of the members of his system, i.e. he exists within LBT’s head.

LBT usually posts as “Rogan” and his husband is “Mac”.

Also, any time he mentions his children he is again talking about the other identities in his system (“Gigi” and “Sneak”).

12 years ago

kladle: …and your point is?

Because if you’re trying to say that LBT shouldn’t get congratulated because, in your opinion, his happything doesn’t count, then you can sod off.

12 years ago

Kladle, so? If LBT is excited about an anniversary or other life event as decent human beings we should acknowdlege that happiness and share our good wishes and pleasure.