a voice for men antifeminism armageddon ghosts I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men patriarchy your time will come

High on a hill was a lonely fem-herd

Over on A Voice for Men, the paramount meeting place for the brave warriors of the Leading Human Rights Movement of the 21st Century, a commenter calling himself Laddition has some uncharacteristically kind words to say about feminists (in this thread). Well, “kind” may not be the right word for it. But Laddition tells us that as awful as the awful feminists are, they’re not quite as bad as are … the rest of the world’s women. Sorry, the “rest of the fem-herd.” He explains:




Naturally, the readers of A Voice for Men greeted these pearls of wisdom with upvotes.

Oh, and while we’re on the topic, can someone explain GirlWritesWhat and TyphonBlue and the rest of AVFM’s little FemMRA, er, herd to me again? What exactly draws women to hang out with, and make 45 minute-long videos on the behalf of, dudes who not only hate women but who offer new proof of this hatred on a daily basis?


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12 years ago

In terms of the MRA having some valid points they have recognised some issues, like the way family courts and divorce law works and the fact that there is not enough awareness of male victims of domestic violence or rape.

HOWEVER, having noticed these genuine and troubling issues they then head off in strange and batshit crazy directions and blame “TEH FEMINAZIS” or “TEH WYMMINZ” and “MYSANDREEEE” for all their problems rather than looking at the issues rationally.

They also don’t attempt to do anything about these issues, they haven’t tried raising money or lobbying governments to create more shelters for battered husbands and the closest they’ve got (in the UK) certainly to trying to change family law is to dress up as spiderman and climb the houses of parliament. Will someone please tell me what the fuck that is supposed to achieve?

There’s also the issue that they ignore any “mens issues” that aren’t directly relevant to straight, white, middle-class, cis men. They don’t care about the issues gay, queer or trans men face and they sure as hell don’t give two shits about what black or ethnic minority men face. No they’re worrying about the scary black men stealing “their” white women instead.

They aren’t interested in the educational underachievement and gang related violence that blights the lives of so many young men from ethnic minorities in the UK’s inner cities or the physical and verbal abuse and bullying that many young gay men face.


That and middle class white dudes being required by law to help pay for the upkeep of the children they willingly helped create. Cry me a freaking river.

But the black kid who grew up with not enough food on the table so he couldn’t concentrate in school and nowhere quiet at home to sit and do his homework, and the mother who was on drugs and the father who beat so he joined a gang because it felt like a real family?

No he’s a stupid violent thug who deserves everything he gets.

The MRM can take a running jump off a short pier. Fuck them.

12 years ago

Off immediate post’s topic, but for JB and other believers in the validity of MRM’s points:

12 years ago

JB: Your claim that your mother abused you and your siblings (and your father) and was a feminist, therefore feminists are all X has been made here before (ad infinitum), and is one of those nifty fallacies whose names I cannot recall. It’s certainly overgeneralizing from insufficient evidence.

Let’s think about this: was your mother white?

Therefore all white women are abusive.

What political party/philosophy did she adhere to? Therefore everybody who is a member of that party is…

Was your mother a Christian? Therefore, all Christians are…(substitute any religion, or indeed agnostic or atheist).

And, basically, she was a woman, so therefore all women are….

Doesn’t work.

But really, your posts then degenerate into not even GOOD trolling, so I have high doubts about anything you’ve said.

It’s too bad trolls these days cannot take the time to come up with something original instead of repeating the same old, same old……

12 years ago

Typhonblue’s masculism and antifeminism can be explained as the result of a remarkable thing called heterosexuality. She cheers men and boos women because she finds men sexier than women, which blows people’s minds and makes them wonder what color the sky is in her world, which strengthens her resolve to be the lone dissenting voice in a world that screams “penises are yucky” and “girl on girl is hot.”

12 years ago

Scrapemind I am a heterosexual woman.

You know what this doesn’t make me do?

Hate women.

12 years ago

Trolls are boring. Who wants to hear about the Christmas present I’m making my mom instead?

Creative Writing Student


12 years ago

Several months ago on a trip to Solvang, I found a little book of Celtic-style needlework patterns. So I’m cross-stitching one of them onto a hand towel–the kind that has a section of aida fabric built right in. It’s six nonspecific animals all woven together, in shades of blue, green, and brown.

My mom loves Celtic artwork and she loves these sorts of specialized home-decor things, so I know it’s a good choice. I just hope I can finish it in time!

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

“Several months ago on a trip to Solvang, I found a little book of Celtic-style needlework patterns.”

Every now and then I think about doing needlework and this might be the thing that tips me over into finally trying it.

12 years ago

>Typhonblue’s masculism and antifeminism can be explained as the result of a remarkable thing called heterosexuality.

So people are going to claim that she’s not real, she’s just in to get layed?

And talking about arts&crafts – those chinese chopper-style cooking knifes are pretty sweet. Or at least I haven’t found much to complain about, other than that the one I’ve bought has been sorta shoddily welded in some spots. But eh, it’s good enough for me right now.

12 years ago
Reply to  Karalora

Solvang in CA? Weird that they’re selling Celtic stuff there. (though the hand towel you’re making sounds very cool).

12 years ago

Typhonblue’s masculism and antifeminism can be explained as the result of a remarkable thing called heterosexuality patriarchy

Fixed that for you.

12 years ago

@ Rahu

I know you’re probably gone by now, but I have read a few of your posts, and I have to say I’m shocked. Shocked that people actually grew up in those kinds of families. I mean, I know that people like the ones we discuss (and worse) have children, but maybe there’s a part of me that’s still too naive to really ‘get it’. I grew up pretty sheltered, and always told myself that if someone taught their children bad things, the child could eventually grow up and get over it. Obviously you did, but I only now realise how hard it must be for some people, especially if they have the kind of personality that wants to please people all the time. Did your father actually call himself an MRA, and was he affiliated with any of the sites discussed here? Was this a while ago? I understand you likely won’t want to answer, that’s OK.

12 years ago


Yeah, that’s the place. I try to get up that way every few months or so. The town sells itself on the “more Danish than Denmark” thing (and wine tasting), but there are quite a few shops that really have nothing to do with either, including two or three needlework supply shops. I found the book at one of thos.

12 years ago


Damn sticky E key…

12 years ago

Heterosexuality is patriarchy, no? But this site is full of boring old liberal feminists who think that heterosexuality is a valid lifestyle and is just the way some people are, rather than fun radical feminists who entertain me by saying that heterosexuality can and should be abolished.

P.S. I realize that it might seem like bisexual erasure that I’m discussing the heterosexuality of Typhonblue, a bisexual woman, but I’m not going to pretend that the heterosexual desires of bisexuals are somehow “queer” (ugh) just because the subject of desire isn’t exclusively heterosexual. Bisexuals are both heterosexual and homosexual, rather than, as some bisexuals fancy themselves, neither heterosexual nor homosexual: That would be asexuality. Pansexual, omnisexual, polysexual, multisexual, sapiosexual, “queer”, et al., are made-up bullshit.

12 years ago
Reply to  Karalora

@Karalora, I haven’t been up there in years– I should go check it out!

12 years ago

Man, I succumb to the siren song of Skyrim for a few hours last night and I miss the whole “feminism is TEH EBUL because DEBBIE FUCKING PEARL” meltdown.

This just isn’t a good day for me.

12 years ago

Five internet bucks says that she’ll come back accusing this blog of doing that with the MRM. We’ll ask her to name a moderate MRA and the fail will spiral.

The funny thing is that she already did. She came here to chastise us for saying that MRAs hate women just because they hate feminism and a bunch of them hate women. But it’s totally cool to say that feminism is evil because her mom sucked.

12 years ago


Try the lunch buffet at the Red Viking. It’s all you can eat, just $14, and they have a great variety of pickles and meat pastes and things.

12 years ago

Scrapemind: Kindly go fuck yourself. Masturbation is good clean fun and, unlike your scattershot approach to attention seeking, won’t waste anyone else’s time.

Creative Writing Student

I realize that it might seem like bisexual erasure that I’m discussing the heterosexuality of Typhonblue, a bisexual woman,

You say ‘bisexual erasure’, I say, ‘being a douche who severely needs to fall onto a gorse bush’.

12 years ago

Neither heterosexual nor homosexual is so not an apt description of what it means to be asexual that my brain hurts. Scrapemind: Fall in a well and starve there, and don’t talk about my sexuality any more, ‘kay thanks bye.

Out of curiosity, JB, since your mother was an EVIL feminist and your dad was the best ever, did your dad ever give you Hustlers and booze for a hard day’s work?

12 years ago

Wait: heterosexuality is patriarchy?

12 years ago

Heterosexuality is patriarchy, no?


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