a voice for men antifeminism armageddon ghosts I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men patriarchy your time will come

High on a hill was a lonely fem-herd

Over on A Voice for Men, the paramount meeting place for the brave warriors of the Leading Human Rights Movement of the 21st Century, a commenter calling himself Laddition has some uncharacteristically kind words to say about feminists (in this thread). Well, “kind” may not be the right word for it. But Laddition tells us that as awful as the awful feminists are, they’re not quite as bad as are … the rest of the world’s women. Sorry, the “rest of the fem-herd.” He explains:




Naturally, the readers of A Voice for Men greeted these pearls of wisdom with upvotes.

Oh, and while we’re on the topic, can someone explain GirlWritesWhat and TyphonBlue and the rest of AVFM’s little FemMRA, er, herd to me again? What exactly draws women to hang out with, and make 45 minute-long videos on the behalf of, dudes who not only hate women but who offer new proof of this hatred on a daily basis?


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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Cloudiah: to be fair, milk machine tech was already taken.

Hellkell, all I can say to that is, thank goodness I’d swallowed that mouthful of tea before I read it! 😀

12 years ago

Fun fact! My dad started his career as a coal miner. JudgyBitch’s tales of how mining works are complete nonsense.

I’ll second this. My dad worked in petroleum.

12 years ago

My dad has done both. You’d think she could at least do a bit of research if she’s going to make stuff up.

12 years ago

Yeah, I third this:

“Fun fact! My dad started his career as a coal miner. JudgyBitch’s tales of how mining works are complete nonsense.”

My dad was in the steel industry. Lots of bullshit in judgy’s post.

12 years ago

Reading the Amazon reviews does make me feel a bit better about the reception that the Pearl’s book is getting, in the sense that I see plenty of Christians having a WTF is this horrible shit response. The fact that JudgyBitch attempted to use a book written by people who’re explicitly anti-feminist to prove that feminists are horrible and MRAs are right remains hilarious.

12 years ago

LBT, you nailed it!

Thermos H. Christ
Thermos H. Christ
12 years ago

Still ignoring the returning troll till David gets here with the banhammer.

I don’t know who pissed in your cornflakes, but I’d suggest you get a new bowl instead of taking it out on everyone else. I don’t who the fuck you’re accusing me of.

12 years ago

Judgybitch is Katniss. Expecting my arrow any second.

12 years ago

Cloudiah, now I’m remembering that all Thermos’ lines are supposed to be read in a gruff movie military commander voice.

12 years ago

It is true that Thermos has been here before.

Oh lord…I forgot that he’s into Tucker Max. Why did I ever try to help this kid?

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

I would just like to note that Thermos is just one of many examples that supports my “MRAs say ‘grrrl more than the 90s did'” hypothesis.

Grrrl is a very nice word, these days. It is an elegant solution to the eternal question of “Do I need to continue reading what this chucklefuck has written?”

Leeloo Dallas Multipass

Question: are the 95-ish percent of people who complain about “feminism” when they’re clearing talking about something else (like “Princess narrative”s) just ignorant of what it actually is, or is it that they realize if they start attacking ideas like “people of all genders should receive equal treatment” the veil of mystery will fall and lay bare their naked assholitude?

It’s kind of the same thing one wonders about Ray Comfort when he starts talking about how evolution is ridiculous because the first bird wouldn’t have had eyes or a mouth or internal organs until it evolved them. It’s like, okay, you may be have missed something there, buddy.

12 years ago

Judgeys logic is weird. She claims her mother is a c*nt and got away with stuff and therefore many women are c*nts and get away with stuff. PEOPLE, not necessarily women, get away with stuff you wouldn’t believe.
The logic seems wrong.
My birth parents were shitty people, but that doesn’t mean everybody else is a shitty person. Anecdotal evidence doesn’t work like that.

Random question…..And you don’t have to answer (obviously):
But how old is everybody?

12 years ago

My mum’s a feminist and she’s fucking awesome. Therefore JudgyBitch’s theory is proven conclusively to be rubbish.

12 years ago


Of course some women are bad, just like some men are. I don’t see a single person here denying that. That, however, has nothing to do with feminism. Men have some very real and pressing issues that need to be addressed in an educated and systematic way but I don’t see the MRAs dealing with them. They wail and moan about how unfair the world is but they do nothing constructive and accept no responsibility for their own lives.

So no, they have nothing of value to say and couldn’t organize if their lives depended on it. All the MRA is good for is light entertainment and mockery.

12 years ago

>Judgeys logic is weird.

I think the basic logic of online political argumentation goes like this:

“Some people are terrible, therefore political movement X wields socio-political influence as total as that of the German Nazi Party and has created the society in which those terrible people can exist in the first place.”

There, that’s how it goes.

12 years ago

Holy shit you guys are idiots. Mining = coal? What century do you live in? Do you have any idea how much mining is involved in producing your laptop or smartphone?

FIFO (Fly in Fly out) jobs are extrememly common.,-What-To-Expect.aspx

You also entirely missed the point: The MRA has some valid points to make but I suppose you’re all too busy shovelling coal into your furnances to pay attention.

Coal. Seriously?

12 years ago

“Well, I meant a different kind of mining, therefore the MRM is actually right about some things!”

If Judgy was any dumber she wouldn’t be able to tie her own shoes.

12 years ago

Wait, is Judgy like 11 or something? Because even I’m too old to have a dad who mined stuff for laptops and smartphones, and I’m one of the youngest people here.

Also, I don’t have a furnace therefore feminism is right about everything.

12 years ago


The MRA has some valid points

Which MRA would that be, exactly? Oh, you mean the MRM, which is not actually the same thing as “The MRA”?


12 years ago

In the United States, engineers from Bell Labs began work on a system to allow mobile users to place and receive telephone calls from automobiles, leading to the inauguration of mobile service on June 17, 1946 in St. Louis, Missouri.


You must be really old.

12 years ago

I’m not the one getting carphones and smartphones mixed up and thinking everyone has a coal-burning furnace. Some of us have radiators – or as you might call them, ‘magic hot walls’ 😉

The Stepford Knife
The Stepford Knife
12 years ago

“some Canadian chick in the UK strangled her two children because post-partum depression. She gets a fucking pass.”

judgybitch, the “Canadian chick” you refer to here is Felicia Boots, and far from “getting a pass”, she was arrested, charged with murder and found guilty. She was sectioned under the Mental Health Act and is now in a secure psychiatric unit having been detained indefinitely, not walking free. By contrast, Briton John Hogan threw his two children (and himself) from a balcony, killing one of them, and was found not guilty of murder. He spent some time in a psychiatric hospital too and is now free. It’s normal for a judge to recommend sectioning in such cases as a prison sentence would be pointless, and that goes for both fathers and mothers. Boots has a criminal record while Hogan doesn’t, are you still going to try and claim women “get a pass” here?

As for why men don’t get the privilege of citing post-partum depression as an excuse, it’s for the same reason why women don’t get the privilege of using testicular cancer as an excuse to take months off work. If anything, men certainly do abuse privileges related to their biological differences- for example, they’re allowed to claim their hormones make them do bad things such as rape and assault, yet a woman is scorned for “allowing” PMT to even make her lose her temper a bit. Then there’s the whole thing of alcohol making a man less responsible for rape (“he was drunk and horny, the poor guy couldn’t help it) while making a woman *more* responsible (“she shouldn’t have let herself get into that state”) even though men can generally drink more than women and should perhaps be expected to be more in control of themselves- we *never* see women claiming a greater susceptibility to drunkenness as an excuse for a crime.

It’s interesting to see MRAs claim men and women are emotionally and physically different and should be treated differently, then try and ignore biology when it suits them. You can’t bang on about how women are an alien species with almost nothing in common with men then expect to be able to treat them as if they’re exactly the same as men. The post-partum depression “excuse” is just another example of confused MRA logic- make your minds up.

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