a voice for men antifeminism armageddon ghosts I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men patriarchy your time will come

High on a hill was a lonely fem-herd

Over on A Voice for Men, the paramount meeting place for the brave warriors of the Leading Human Rights Movement of the 21st Century, a commenter calling himself Laddition has some uncharacteristically kind words to say about feminists (in this thread). Well, “kind” may not be the right word for it. But Laddition tells us that as awful as the awful feminists are, they’re not quite as bad as are … the rest of the world’s women. Sorry, the “rest of the fem-herd.” He explains:




Naturally, the readers of A Voice for Men greeted these pearls of wisdom with upvotes.

Oh, and while we’re on the topic, can someone explain GirlWritesWhat and TyphonBlue and the rest of AVFM’s little FemMRA, er, herd to me again? What exactly draws women to hang out with, and make 45 minute-long videos on the behalf of, dudes who not only hate women but who offer new proof of this hatred on a daily basis?


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Nathan Hevenstone
12 years ago

@ judgybitch

Actually, do you know how many male murderers have been let off because mental illness?

Look it up. You’d be surprised. Granted, they generally spend their days in a straight jacket and a padded cell, but it’s still not prion and/or a death sentence.

That woman you’re talking about?

That’s not common. Nor is it a popular outcome, even among women. I’ve had long discussions with many people about that case in the past, and I’ve yet to find a single person who actually thinks that the woman was left off is a good thing. Whether or not those people were feminists is not something I ever inquired (although I know some of them are by virtue of having other conversations with them). And I disagree strongly that it was feminism that set up a system like that.

No one would deliberately set things up for justice to miscarriage so damn badly. What paved the way for that abysmal outcome to the case was an idiot judge mangling Canada’s pro-choice society. Abortion has nothing to do with killing a child that’s already been born. Hell… abortion has nothing to do with killing a child, but that’s not a discussion for this thread.

Again, that outcome had nothing to do with feminism. It can’t even be called an “unintended consequence”. There is literally no logical pathway from one to the other. In fact, I’d go so far as to argue that one teeny, tiny part of being a feminist is fighting against shit like that… at least for some.

I can paint you a logical pathway, though… from Patriarchy.

Just think about it… traditional gender roles say that only men can have careers. Women belong in the home, raising the children, cooking the meals, and giving birth to even more children.

So is it any wonder that women generally get custody of the children and the home in a divorce battle? Is it any wonder that husbands are portrayed as idiots in the home in commercials? Is it any wonder that men who want to work with children are looked at with suspicion?

Is it any wonder that a woman who murdered her children gets a lesser punishment than a man who would do the same thing (because women are supposed to be totes perfect with children; it’s totes their natural state; so she’s sick and has to be treated with kindness, because her natural state is totes that of a child-loving wannabe-mom)?

Those traditional gender roles that are actually still depressingly common in modern society are what feed all of that, either directly or indirectly. That woman did not benefit from feminism; she benefited from a combination of an idiot pro-life judge and traditional gender roles. That’s what paved her road to freedom.

You wanna change it?

Tear down the Patriarchy and the larger Kyriarchy and upset gender roles. That’s how you gain equality. Not by railing against feminists, who are the only people actually trying to do that.

12 years ago

@ The Kittehs’ Unpaid Help – thanks! 🙂 I have a super great therapist that I think I freak out about 20 times a session, but he keeps going. 🙂

@ reymohammed – outside people were anyone who didn’t agree with him or anyone who agreed but was too afraid of the government to practice it. The hiding/constant moving were because a lot of what he was doing was illegal according to the “feminazi government”, or in the vain hope that he’d find a place where the local government would agree with him or leave him alone. (He wasn’t just an MRA – he was also violently anti African-Americans, Jewish people, gay people … rather a long list.) Most of the time, “inside” just meant my family. We were supposed to keep to ourselves and have minimal contact with anyone from the outside.

I’m confused about your question about “what was ‘it’?” Are you asking what he needed to hide? There were many things that, while they were regarded as universal truths, couldn’t be known outside our family because they’d have gotten him put in jail, or social services would have come or something like that. So, for example, while he regarded it as ought-to-be universally understood that women shouldn’t vote, we had to keep it hidden that my mother was not allowed to register to vote. If someone asked me who my mother was going to vote for, I had to lie or change the subject or something.

I’m sorry about your mother – what happened? And don’t worry – you’re not upsetting me at all. My parents are dead and I’m trying to figure out living in the outside – it’s nice, but quite confusing. Ask anything you like. If I don’t reply right away it’s probably because I’ve fallen asleep. 🙂

12 years ago

I dismiss the MRM entirely. I dismiss Stormfront entirely.

Any questions?

12 years ago

Following a surprise divorce, she told us he left us to starve and never paid a dime of child support. Demonstrably false. Dad kept copies of his tax returns and eventually came back into our lives, but she literally robbed us children of our father for the most important years of our lives.

Katz called it. Judgy’s story makes no sense. Which was it: xir mom robbed xir dad of the valuable opportunity to see the children, or xir dad didn’t see them because he chose to work overseas?

And what does xir father’s tax return have to do with anything? Child support isn’t deductible.

Of course, none of what Judgy has to say makes any sense. Postpartum depression and (possibly?) bad mothers exist because feminism? The current social and political systems don’t privilege white, rich males?

12 years ago

@Bee: Don’t forget: Feminists are all about child abuse manuals written by fundamentalists! Because fundamentalism and feminism go hand in hand, don’tcha know. Women’s rights? Pfft, what we really want is child beating. Or something. I guess.

12 years ago


You clearly know nothing of mining. The usual tenure for geologists, engineers, super skilled tradespeople is six weeks in and three weeks out. Which means they go in to a site (anywhere in the world) for six weeks and then get three weeks off.

Get it?

When my Dad would come out of a site, he would have to file a request for visitation. It was never granted within the three weeks he had off. Then he would be gone for six weeks again. TO PAY CHILD SUPPORT MY MOTHER CLAIMED HE NEVER PAID.

Of course, now I realize that SOMEONE must have been making the mortgage, but at the time I had no idea. I BELIEVED he left us to starve because that is what my mother told me. And it was all a lie.

Why is it so hard for you to believe that women can be evil? Doesn’t fit your Princess narrative, or what?

12 years ago

Yup, because if feminism’s about anything, it’s the Princess narrative. And you know, once one woman is evil, we all are.

12 years ago

I’m hella confused.

judgyperson seems to say hir mom allegedly beating hir is bad, and then links to child abuse dogma from the religious right to advocate… abusing kids is the right way to do it?

I know, I’m looking for logic in a troll meltdown, a situation not designed to accept logic in the first place.

12 years ago

I feel like judgey and Thermos should hang out. And possibly kiss. Who’s with me?

Thermos H. Christ
Thermos H. Christ
12 years ago

judgybitch, I like your gravatar. Did you make it yourself?

12 years ago


12 years ago

So, like, if missionary is the only valid form of sex, but it’s evil and lazy that women are just lying there, what are the women meant to be doing? I mean obviously the woman can be moving around too but that’s limited by the position. I’d think a lot of MRAs would find woman on top positions to be terribly threatening and upsetting, given their emotional need to be in control at all times. I guess that the only form of sex that’s left is a blow job? Since obviously mutual oral is out of the question from an MRA perspective.

Then again, if they realized that some women enjoy giving oral that might put them off that too. Basically they seem to be looking for a form of sex in which the women does all the work but doesn’t enjoy it in any way.

12 years ago


Luckily, any sex they have will automatically be this!

Thermos H. Christ
Thermos H. Christ
12 years ago

I’d think a lot of MRAs would find woman on top positions to be terribly threatening and upsetting, given their emotional need to be in control at all times. I guess that the only form of sex that’s left is a blow job? Since obviously mutual oral is out of the question from an MRA perspective.

Poster clearly understands nothing about the Men’s Rights Movement. Move along, please.

12 years ago


12 years ago

Still ignoring the returning troll till David gets here with the banhammer.

On judgybitch’s latest tantrum, here’s the funny part. To Train Up A Child is indeed a horrible and very harmful book, but you know what else it is? A Dominionist book. You know, Dominionism, the religious affiliation that’s known for being totally feminist and not at all full of batshit misogyny (and batshittery in general).

12 years ago

Cloudiah: to be fair, milk machine tech was already taken.

12 years ago

RE: CassandraSays

I’m still waiting for Judgey and him to kiss.

12 years ago

I was raised by a mother who deliberately alienated us (me and my three brothers) from our father. Following a surprise divorce, she told us he left us to starve and never paid a dime of child support. Demonstrably false. Dad kept copies of his tax returns and eventually came back into our lives, but she literally robbed us children of our father for the most important years of our lives. […] He had to go to court EVERY FUCKING TIME he was back in country, and the decision never came down before he had to leave again.

Women can do this, WITH NO CONSEQUENCE. I connect with the MRA on this basis. My mother was a fucking cunt. Lots of women are fucking cunts. And they get away with it.

That isn’t right. It’s just not. Children have a mother AND a father, and fathers deserve to see and love and care for and be with their children.

So, I work with a married couple, and according to the wife, the husband’s ex is a lot like this. She lies and lies, and they keep going back to court, and the judge rules in the husband’s favour, and then she’ll move to a different jurisdiction and the whole cycle starts over again.

She’s a selfish, mean person. She’s damaging the relationship between her children and their father. She sucks.

That does not mean feminism is responsible for all the evil in the world, nor does it mean that MRA are responsible for all that is good.

I’m sorry you had a shitty mother and that you missed your father. Projecting your own pain onto millions of other people, while ignoring the evidence of ACTUAL WORDS SAID and ACTUAL ACTIONS DONE by MRAs and feminists, to conclude that MRAs rule and feminists rule is, well, stupid.

Lots of women get away with doing mean, criminal shit. Lots of men get away with doing mean, criminal shit. How you can use this unfortunate fact to conclude that ALL feminists are evil and ALL MRAs are awesome defies logic.

12 years ago

Looks like Mr. Thermos-al is willing to kiss. Judgey? You must address Thermos directly to win the prize.

12 years ago

I was under the impression that people who became judges were known for impartiality and didn’t tend to call the people they judged names, but hey that’s just me.

Oh no, judges do sometimes call the people they judge names but generally they avoid doing that while on the bench. They go into chambers, put a pillow on their face and yell into it because some people just work the last nerve. Then they go back out having regained their composure.

12 years ago


12 years ago

*waits with bated breath*

12 years ago

Fun fact! My dad started his career as a coal miner. JudgyBitch’s tales of how mining works are complete nonsense.

I mean, obviously you all knew that already based on her other comments, I’m just saying.

12 years ago

Holy crap, never mind refreshing before posting, I didn’t even click on the “next page” thingie. Oops.

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