a voice for men antifeminism armageddon ghosts I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men patriarchy your time will come

High on a hill was a lonely fem-herd

Over on A Voice for Men, the paramount meeting place for the brave warriors of the Leading Human Rights Movement of the 21st Century, a commenter calling himself Laddition has some uncharacteristically kind words to say about feminists (in this thread). Well, “kind” may not be the right word for it. But Laddition tells us that as awful as the awful feminists are, they’re not quite as bad as are … the rest of the world’s women. Sorry, the “rest of the fem-herd.” He explains:




Naturally, the readers of A Voice for Men greeted these pearls of wisdom with upvotes.

Oh, and while we’re on the topic, can someone explain GirlWritesWhat and TyphonBlue and the rest of AVFM’s little FemMRA, er, herd to me again? What exactly draws women to hang out with, and make 45 minute-long videos on the behalf of, dudes who not only hate women but who offer new proof of this hatred on a daily basis?


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12 years ago

Kitteh’s unpaid help: we always wind up in cooking discussions.

Animals! We’re all animals! We all think of one thing: FOOD!

12 years ago

Now I doubly want profiteroles, with vanilla ice cream. I must remember to make time for lunch…

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

If you put a bit of vanilla extract in a hot chocolate it tastes like drinking cookies. Then you put cream and chocolate sauce on top. 😉

The Stepford Knife
The Stepford Knife
12 years ago

I’ve actually just made some Toblerone ice cream here. I dread to think what Toblerone sex would be like.

12 years ago

Stepford Knife: you HAVE to shell chestnuts!

The Stepford Knife
The Stepford Knife
12 years ago

reymohammed- only if you’re cooking with them! If you’re using them for more kinky purposes maybe you can leave them whole 😉

I bet someone here has a great chestnut chocolate cake recipe…

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

Toblerone sex is a threesome, obviously. 😛

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Oooh, Toblerone ice cream!

If any of you visit Oz, do keep an eye out for San Churro’s chocolate shops. They do Spanish drinking chocolate and It Is To Die For. My buddy from LA was just here and says she can’t get anything like it there.

SC take their chocolate seriously. Their line is that chocolate will save your soul, and they don’t have opening hours, they have hours of worship. 🙂

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago


I had that stuff in Spain and have missed it forever… I require it… *drooling*

The Stepford Knife
The Stepford Knife
12 years ago

CWS- I was thinking Toblerone sex could be a bit unpleasant due to all those points… or maybe it would just involve an Alpine log cabin.or a sauna

Kittehs’- the ice cream is almond-flavoured and rippled with salt caramel into which I had melted a couple of small Toblerones, plus a bit of honey. My ice cream maker was definitely a sound investment…

12 years ago

Not to derail the conversation from various things you can do with vanilla, but…

David, you’d asked for an explanation of female MRAs. Since I was one, I thought I could at least explain what happened with me, although I have no way of knowing about GWW or anyone else. Since I was raised in it, it’s what I believed (still do, to an extent – trying to fix that – I’m in therapy now). I didn’t do a blog or anything, but often, when talking with people from the outside, things slip out. It’s not trying to convert people, necessarily, just stating what I believed at the time were basic, plain (although very unpleasant) facts that I assumed the other person either knew as well, or with a little explanation would see as obvious. It’s as if you were in a conversation with someone (perhaps a child or someone not mentally very bright) who suddenly said how people have a life expectancy of 300 years and you would break it to them that most people die well before that (or you would think that perhaps they were a vampire…) – but the point is, you would explain what you saw as a basic fact that most humans don’t live that long. Not a nice fact, but a fact.

Or someone would say something obviously wrong, like females deserve medical care just like males, and without thinking, I’d correct them. I was taught to be very careful when talking to outside people, but when you don’t know which things you have in common with them and which things not, it’s easy to slip up. Which is one of the reasons my father moved us so frequently.

So, I can’t explain anyone else, but it’s at least a possibility that the female MRAs are just trying to explain to other females what they see as being unalterable, unquestionable facts. Teaching, really.

Lauralot89, you’d asked about how MRAs talk with others, and (again, based only on personal experience) you got it right. My father would be very careful in each new place we lived, because you never knew who was government or connected to government and who wasn’t. But once he was sure he could talk freely with another MRA, then yes, they would talk about anything.

Now, please resume the food discussion! I’m hungry and not sure what to make for dinner. 🙂

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

Toblerones have three points and sides, so that’s why I thought threesome.

I have Toblerone elbows. Three points. Need to be careful in sex with them.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

But if one melted the Toblerone, the problem of points would be eliminated …

Rahu, that’s the most frightening description of your upbringing. 🙁 I’m very glad you’re getting away from all that.

12 years ago

Rahu: outside people? Who was inside? If your father thought this was a universal scheme of nature, why did he have to hide it? And what was *it*?

I don’t want to upset you. In my case, my mother went screwy. I’m trying to understand.

12 years ago

Just out of curiosity, do you think anyone in the MRA has one single thing to say that’s worth paying attention to? Or do you just dismiss them all out of hand because ideology?

12 years ago

Just out of curiosity, do you think anyone in the MRA has one single thing to say that’s worth paying attention to? Or do you just dismiss them all out of hand because ideology?

That’s actually a false dichotomy. One needn’t have dismissed something out of hand to determine that it has no merit; one could carefully and fairly consider every point in turn and, at the end, conclude that it has no merit.

Because it has no merit.

12 years ago

Just out of curiosity, do you think anyone in the MRA has one single thing to say that’s worth paying attention to? Or do you just dismiss them all out of hand because ideology?

When the ideology is built on hate and rectally derived, why should I take them seriously and not dismiss them?

12 years ago

Just out of curiosity, do you think anyone in the MRA has one single thing to say that’s worth paying attention to? Or do you just dismiss them all out of hand because ideology?

Once there was an MRA who yelled “LOOK OUT” to someone who might have been hit by a car.

And that was the last time any of them ever said anything worth paying attention to.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Eeek! I was about to write that very thing, princessbonbon!

Great minds, etc. 😉

Nathan Hevenstone
12 years ago


Just out of curiosity, do you think anyone in the MRA has one single thing to say that’s worth paying attention to? Or do you just dismiss them all out of hand because ideology?

I was introduced to the world of MRAs back when I was first introduced to Bill Hicks. I was an MRA back then…

Sadly, it took me until about last year to realize that MRAs… and myself, as well… are full. Of. Shit.

Yeah, they like to complain about things like how men are treated in divorce court/child custody battles, how men are looked at with suspicion if they like to work with kids, how husbands are portrayed at morons in commercials and such, and more.

But if they actually gave a shit about that and actually wanted to change it, then they’d… um… be feminists.

I was actually once subscribed to A Voice for Men (I was a lurker, though… never commented). I also followed the Men’s Rights Subreddit. I belonged to an MRA group run by some friends from my old Post-High-School, Georgia Perimeter “College”. The fact of the matter is, it was, and is, largely complaining that “wymynz won’t have Teh Sex wif me!!!!!!eleventy!!1!1!!!”

The only “right” the Men’s Rights Movement wants is the right to continue being misogynistic douchecanoes without consequence.

And that’s it.

And I have a serious fucking problem with that, as a man.

You wanna know something about me, judgybitch? I fucking love to cook. Cooking, baking, frying, grilling… it is insanely fun. Making my own recipes, experimenting… I’ve been considering, once I get my Anthropology degree, going to school to become a certified chef, largely for fun (assuming I could actually afford it, which right now would be impossible). One thing I’d love to do is cook for a date; find out what she likes and what she doesn’t like, and create a full, 3-course meal all from scratch. I’d prepare it, cook it, and clean it. Because it would be fun, and it would be amazing.

So what… am I somehow less of a “man” now or something?

So yes… I dismiss MRAs. I dismiss them because of what they are (as opposed to what they claim to be). I dismiss them very simply because they are full of shit.


12 years ago

I was raised by a mother who deliberately alienated us (me and my three brothers) from our father. Following a surprise divorce, she told us he left us to starve and never paid a dime of child support. Demonstrably false. Dad kept copies of his tax returns and eventually came back into our lives, but she literally robbed us children of our father for the most important years of our lives.

The blast radius on that little grenade has been terrible, especially for my brothers.

Of course, she was a feminist.

And there is no punishment for her. She said he beat her (he didn’t) and got a restraining order and kpet us from seeing him for a decade (he worked overseas as a mining engineer). He had to go to court EVERY FUCKING TIME he was back in country, and the decision never came down before he had to leave again.

Women can do this, WITH NO CONSEQUENCE. I connect with the MRA on this basis. My mother was a fucking cunt. Lots of women are fucking cunts. And they get away with it.

That isn’t right. It’s just not. Children have a mother AND a father, and fathers deserve to see and love and care for and be with their children.

12 years ago


Someone was both a feminist and an asshole =/= let’s empathise with scary misogynists.

That isn’t right. It’s just not. Children have a mother AND a father, and fathers deserve to see and love and care for and be with their children.

Where have I seen this before, anyway?

12 years ago

@ Nathan

You wanna know something about me, judgybitch? I fucking love to cook. Cooking, baking, frying, grilling… it is insanely fun. Making my own recipes, experimenting… I’ve been considering, once I get my Anthropology degree, going to school to become a certified chef, largely for fun (assuming I could actually afford it, which right now would be impossible). One thing I’d love to do is cook for a date; find out what she likes and what she doesn’t like, and create a full, 3-course meal all from scratch. I’d prepare it, cook it, and clean it. Because it would be fun, and it would be amazing.

Oh hell ya, Nathan! But you do that because you WANT to. That’s your passion and it’s fucking gorgeous! That’s very different from being ORDERED to get dinner on the table by some fat harridan who thinks you should be the kitchen bitch because feminism.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Guess what, judgybitch: lots of men are scum too, but to you dismiss men as a whole because of the actions of some? And do you actually know anything about feminism? I suspect not, in both cases. You’re a misogynist yourself, it’s painfully obvious from your woman-hating little diatribe and language. And yet you think that’s going to make anyone here suddenly think other misogynists worth listening to? Pfft.

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